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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. J'smom


    I applied for Medicaid a few years ago. I was divorced, single mom of a 4-year-old, living with my parents, and had to quit my full-time job when I was accepted to nursing school. I was working 2 days a week at a restaurant and was told that I made too much money (my son was approved for Wellcare though). I appealed and tried to reapply just because I wanted medical coverage in case of an emergency during the one year I'd be out of work, I told them I wasn't trying to get food stamps or TANF or daycare assistance, just Medicaid; I was denied again, but the lady asked if I was pregnant and w
  2. Careful Pubby, some folks on here will likely call you racist for not spelling his name right. Heck, you can get called racist because you didn't vote for him.
  3. My son's daycare is very close to there--let me know if you hear anything!!!
  4. No Ho-Ho-Ho until after Gobble-Gobble-Gobble, so no decorations until after Thanksgiving. I'm having a hard time getting hubby to mind this year. His mom is spending 2 1/2 weeks with us this Christmas so he's buying new decorations and lights so it'll be festive (my FIL passed last month so it'll be MIL's first holiday as a widow).
  5. If Arthur Blank wants a new stadium for the Falcons (and the Dome's not that old--I was there opening weekend!) then why doesn't he write a Blank check for it? He only wants a new one because the NFL commissioner told him that Atlanta would never host another Superbowl unless we got a new stadium like the Cowboys have. The Braves move surprised me and I'm shocked that it was that quiet until the day of the announcement. True, Turner Field was built for the Olympics and is a great facility. Maybe they'll keep it for concerts and other big events. My only hope is they name the new stad
  6. Not old, just great taste. If you'd bought it on 8-track, then maybe you'd be on the old side. LOL. My 12-year-old came home and was singing a Tim McGraw song, "Don't Take The Girl" and when I corrected one of the lyrics, he told me I didn't know what I was talking about. When I told him that song came out my sophomore year of high school, he stared at me like music didn't exist before his lifetime. It's funny how they "discover" music we grew up with!
  7. Yay for your MIL! I've got a strange story. Hubby had moved from Michigan to Tennessee and was then moving from Tennessee to North Carolina. When he was selling his Tennessee house, he got to talking to the new buyers of his TN house. Come to find out, the agent that sold their house in Michigan was my MIL! What are the odds of selling your house through a real estate agent only to buy a house several states away that is being sold directly by the agent's son? (Did that make sense?)
  8. Saw this on the news this morning. Two underage girls were killed in a car wreck, both had been drinking, so their families sued Gillette Stadium for not patrolling the parking lots for underage drinking. The passenger was 20 and the driver was 19, both drunk. They were tailgating in the parking lot of the stadium, drinking alcohol they had brought in from offsite, for a concert to which they did not have tickets and did not attend. The lawsuit is claiming that the venue and parking lot company didn't do their job to prevent drinking while tailgating. Okay, it's a horrible tragedy th
  9. Matt Ryan isn't living up to his nickname this year. He's no longer Matty Ice, cool under pressure, he's starting to get frustrated. Yes, the OL sucks and he's spent more time on his back than a prostitute, but those interceptions in the past two games were avoidable if he'd thrown them right. One thrown directly to a Panther with no Falcon around? One throw could have been caught by Gonzalez (the man is amazing) but it wasn't thrown to Gonzalez, so the receiver couldn't make the catch. I hate that Gonzalez is retiring after this season on such a low note, but I am glad that he came back.
  10. I worked in an asthma clinic and several patients are sensitive to perfumes to the point that it will trigger an asthma attack. We have posted signs all over the place stating this and for our patients to NOT wear perfume/cologne for that reason. A patient wore a heavy fragrance and another patient complained about it to the other nurse. She reminded the offending patient that perfumes aren't allowed because of the asthma patients, and she complained to the manager about the nurse and the nurse was reprimanded by the manager. A friend of mine worked at a department store and a customer w
  11. My work won't let us really dress up, but we're all wearing black pants and a sports jersey or T-shirt. Oldest son is going to be a zombie, baby is going to be Scooby-Doo (couldn't find Cookie Monster anywhere!). So, what's the costume selection in your house?
  12. You think cops would realize that wherever Jessica Fletcher goes, someone ends up murdered. I'd be looking a little closer at Ms. Fletcher if I were a detective. . .
  13. October 31 according to my calendar.
  14. We were there this weekend, and if the place had been that busy more frequently they'd stay in business. We got some Christmas shopping done for the baby, but they didn't have too many deals that jumped out at us--yet. Now, what does Hiram need to put in that location? Hmmm. . .
  15. I've used America's Best since I first got contacts 17 years ago. There is one in Kennesaw but there's also on in Douglasville in the Target shopping center on Chapel Hill Rd. As mentioned, $99 for the silver care club and that includes free eye exams and discounts on contacts and 10% off frames for glasses. Have never been disappointed. Last year, however, in an effort to use up hubby's flex spending, I used a different optometrist--the Sear's at the mall in Douglasville. The doc told me that my prescription was too strong and that just because it makes things sharper and darker doesn't
  16. Tater Tot Casserole One pound of ground beef or ground turkey One package frozen tater tots Two cans cream of mushroom soup Milk Shredded cheese Preheat oven to temp on package of tater tots Brown one pound ground beef/ground turkey. Season to taste (garlic powder, seasoned salt, salt/pepper) When cooked and drained, add two cans of soup and one can of milk. Stir until well blended. Put tater tots in glass casserole dish, top with beef/soup mixture. Top with shredded cheese and cover tightly with foil. Bake according to tater tot package directions, adding about 10 mor
  17. If you order from another country there is no guarantee of safety. Yes, some meds are made outside the US, but the FDA has quality control over those made and sold in the US. Anything ordered from "Canada" has zero accountability. The bottle may be labeled with your cholesterol medication but may be something completely different. Yes, a lot of daily medications have OTC versions available but usually in lower dosages than the rx. Most insurance companies will not pay for the script when you can buy the OTC but some will, and some will let your doc write the script and you can submit if f
  18. It was a closer game than I thought it would be. I wonder what the outcome would have been if they had all their key players in the game. I'll still yell Rise Up and wear my #88 jersey!
  19. Prayers for the driver and his family. It's situations like this that give bikers a bad name when most are just regular people.
  20. Good for them. It was bad enough they had to wait so long to get a memorial and most of them wouldn't be able to make this trip again. They deserve to see it and deserve our thanks for their service.
  21. Hubby has insurance through his employer and they've already been told that their premiums will increase. I haven't heard about mine yet. I'm wondering how many doctors will accept the new health plan. Not all docs, especially in private offices, accept all insurance plans, so I wonder if they'll have the option to not take this. What is the ACA plan called anyway? Is it like Medicaid or Aetna or what is it?
  22. Oh, just wait. When people find out she's engaged, they'll come out of the woodwork forcing, er, offering, their advice and opinions and expertise. Ten people will have 15 different ideas. I didn't use a wedding planner for either one of my weddings and they were both beautiful. My second one was less expensive than my first. Both weddings took place in the church I attend so there was no booking fee. Keep in mind that most of the fancy venues that do the ceremony and reception have the decorations and their own caterer, so there's two huge things knocked off the list.
  23. I can't stand text lingo used in non-text settings (heck, even in a text message). When I was in school and a friend passed a note to me, I'd answer it then correct their spelling and grammar and return the note to them. Needless to say, they'd ask me to proofread their English papers before they were turned in! And yes, spell check is the downfall of spelling in society.
  24. Love Grey's but was never a PP fan. There was an online petition to get Kate Walsh off the show because she deserved better material. I watched PP once in a while but never got fully hooked. The deal with what's-her-name's baby being born without a brain is real and rare, and a friend-of-a-friend on Facebook was going through that a month before that storyline aired, so that was sad.
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