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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Just wanted to add that the flu mist has a very weak strain of the live virus so it's NOT to be administered in asthma patients. When I had the flu (over Christmas break in high school) I could barely get from the bed to the couch, so I agree with Low about people running around with "the flu" and being normal. Same thing with migraines; if you've ever had a true migraine you know there is no going to work or running to the store--you're in a dark room, cold cloth on your face, no noise, and praying you either fall asleep or die.
  2. The pneumonia shot is typically recommended by your MD and only for pts that truly need it. My dad gets it every 5 years, and annual flu shot, due to a low immune system (spleen removed after car wreck). Most people don't need the pneumonia vaccine so talk to your doc and voice your concerns. Regarding the flu shot, the flu shot will NOT give you the flu. It has a DEAD virus in it. When people say "the flu shot gave me the flu" they were either a) exposed to the flu before the two-week effectiveness period, or their immune system was already fighting off an upper respiratory virus and th
  3. J'smom

    Sad Story

    Prayers for the family and her friends. I lost a friend that way and it's too horrible to comprehend. I'm with y'all, hoping it's an accident.
  4. Soft diet for at least two weeks and make sure the doc puts a refill or two on the liquid Lortab prescription. Oh, and we have some earplugs if you'd like them. . .
  5. Next weekend Harley Davidson Atlanta is doing the Operation Sandbox ride to benefit our military--may be doing a ride this weekend and next weekend! Thanks for the info!
  6. At least he was pleasantly surprised and not screaming in horror!
  7. My childhood neighbor was in a wreck that killed his best friend (who was driving) and critically injured him; the car that hit them head-on was driven by a drunk driver. My neighbor still has massive issues from it and it's been 20 years. It was the summer before his senior year of high school. I have ZERO tolerance for drunk driving. Hubby works with a guy who has 7 DUIs on his record and just got the last two this summer--a week apart! He had one in Polk and one in Paulding, 8 days apart from each other, and one was thrown out in court while the second one was given just a fine! TH
  8. J'smom

    Leash Law

    I wish everyone obeyed the leash laws. I see so many running loose and it bugs me.
  9. I know elementary school counts check out before 11:00 as an absence, regardless of whether they return to school or not. When my oldest was in 1st grade he got the flu and missed 5 days (I kept him home until he was fever-free for 24 hours PER SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICY, then he had a series of dental appointments (cavities; dentist would only fill one at a time and he even had one pulled) so I got the letter sent home stating he had too many absences. I had a note for every single one, they were all excused, but it was 10 for the year. If he'd missed any more days, the school would get involv
  10. The @$$hole's attorney is crying about not getting a fair trial because the baby's daddy's ex-wife didn't get to testify. What difference would she make? Also, was anybody else mad that the defense was grilling the baby's mom about her mental health issues? What does that have to do with the scumbags killing her child?
  11. I have an 18-month-old son and would never point a gun, loaded or not, BB or regular, at him. You can scare a toddler just by yelling Boo! behind him. What was he trying to scare him about--the dangers of playing with guns? I don't get that at all.
  12. And fava beans! Only slightly creepier than the scene in Fatal Attraction when Michael Douglas opens the lid when the daughter can't find the pet bunny.
  13. We bought combo season passes for Six Flags and White Water (and parking passes) for a family of 4--that's a chunk of change down the drain.
  14. Managers do more and should be paid more than the regular employees. The people wanting nearly double their current wage are the ones that do the least. Most of us have worked retail/food service and we know there is a lot that goes into it, but for most it's a temporary job that's used as a stepping stone for better jobs. If they make $15/hour as a teenager working the cash register then they're in for disappointment at their next job, working a ful 40-hour week for $13/hour and payroll deductions for insurance.
  15. How can the judge blame the victim? She was older than her chronological age--in what way? Her appearance? Her actions? Her thoughts? Her words? What the h#$l does that have to do with a grown MAN raping her? She was 14 and he was the adult who knew better than to lay a finger on that child. Statutory rape charges should have been the least of his concerns, but for that to not even be mentioned? That judge needs to be strung up by his genitals alongside the bastard who took advantage of her. Makes me sick. My friend took her own life at 16, largely due to bullying, and I couldn't st
  16. But he wasn't the only senator not invited to speak, right? So it wasn't exclusively him that was left off the speaking list?
  17. I'm sorry, but my first job as a nurse 5 years ago paid less than what the McDonald's workers want, and they have no post-high school education or special training/skill set. They're working entry-level jobs that are not going to be permanent. My retail and restaurant jobs were all barely above minimum wage and I gained people skills and customer service experience from them, and moved on to better jobs.
  18. Going old school here, but I love the Coke commercial--I'd like to teach the world to sing. Repost this topic around Christmas because there's some great ones that come on then!
  19. I worked with an audiologist years back. An older couple came in, had been married 62 years. He was telling how they met as teenagers and eloped before he went off to WWII and they were still together. We asked how the hearing aid was working for his wife, she was pleased with it. He started crying and said "thank you" to us. We said you're welcome, and he stated that every night he tells her I love you and she hadn't been able to hear that, but with the hearing aid she could hear him say it again and that made him so happy. It made me get misty-eyed too.
  20. My biggest gripe is when they can't bag groceries correctly. I worked in a grocery store as a teenager and we were trained on proper bagging technique (even the cashiers and stock personnel had this training) and basic customer service skills. We'd greet the customer with eye contact, no chewing gum at the register, and speak to the customer not our buddy at the next register. For the love of mankind, don't bag deli meat with raw meat, don't put the bread under the eggs, don't put freezer stuff in the bag with pantry stuff, etc. Hubby gets a kick out of it when I get home from the store an
  21. Put together a slide show of their pictures over the years and set it to their favorite song (or their wedding song!). PowerPoint makes this process very easy and all you need is pictures and a computer and burn it onto a disc for them.
  22. I've been doing the foil, toilet seat covers, and Coke tabs right all along! I"m good! I saw the Tic Tac thing a few months back but haven't been able to make it work right! I'd be afraid the "spoon" wouldn't support the applesauce. Also, with the peanut butter, wouldn't the bottom (now top?) dry out with all the oils going to the top (now bottom)?
  23. I had the opposite gas station incident. I had pulled to the front pump and was waiting to fill up. A car pulled in at a horrible angle behind me and sat there. I got out when my pump was done and the driver behind me asked "Are you done yet?" and I said yes. She said "Good. I've been waiting for you to finish" and pulled up to my pump as I was pulling away. The rude thing couldn't use the pump behind me, that she had been sitting next to this whole time, and yelled at me for taking so long? I also the dirty looks I get when I'm buckling my baby into the car seat and don't vacate t
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