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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. If you take a look at the size of the springs, and the weight of the wire, you can just imagine how difficult it is to do. It is a dangerous job as well-if they snap back on you, they will slice you badly, and have sent even experienced people to the hospital. Hope you'll give us a try-we're members here on Pcom, and located right here in Paulding county.
  2. We do lots of work with garage doors-both replacements and repairs. Ed is a wiz with them, and lots less expensive than Metro doors or the other places.. Call 770-577-2409. He"ll come over and take a look. The estimate is free, and he can get to it right away He can take a look at the gas line as well-again, less expensive than the big companies, and you're gauranteed a great job.
  3. i've been through some anxiety issues in the past, and St. John's Wort has helped. Ed takes it to, especially lately, and he thinks it helps to. Have you tried Black Cohosh (maybe the wrong spelling) it's and herb that works for menapausal issues. There are a few others that I used during that time, and the names escape me right now. I will pull out my herb books and look it up for you and post back. One that I still use ffom time to time, but not named in the older books I have, is found in the herb type stores, in the "Bach Remedies". There are a number of "flower types, and one that is a co
  4. I am interested-will call this evenig whe my husband gets home. Will you PM me the price so that I know if it's in my range-thanks
  5. Plan to be very busy that day. Spend some time with family or friends, they will know what to do to ease the pain. Maybe even stay overnight. Remember together, it will make it easier to deal with. Then, if it becomes to difficult, they will be able to help you get through it and re direct your attention to the happier things-pleasant memories, holidays together, family times. Remember that eventually you will be together again-this separation is only temporary. Close your eyes and you will feel him there again, loving you and making you strong. He would not want you to to hurt this way. Do so
  6. I use the Child Dental Ctr in douglasville-I'm right at the paulding/douglasville line, so the drive isn't far, about 15 to 20 minutes depending on traffic. They are on 5 and the # is770-445-1238
  7. Have fun, take a lot of pictures, make memories. Wether you go around or stay at home is up to you. Dress up or not-enjoy the day! PS-I took my 1st out just 2 weeks after she was born. We didn't have the money for a costume, but she had a pumpkin colored dress, and although those pictures were lost in a move, i still remember them, and her. We met our neighbors, and got some candy for ourselves, and had fun. Life is meant to be lived-go out and do that
  8. You have friends here-listen to them. Many of us are going through something similar-maybe not for the same reasons, but with that same feeling of helplessness. Could medications you are on have these side effects? Ask your doctor. Many do cause depression. Have you considered trying an herbal supplement. some people I know have been helped by St. John's Wort-others not so much. It's certainly worth a try! You can get it at Kroger with a BOGO (buy one, get one), so it won't cost much .Sleep walking, huh? My best friend has complained of this all her life. Her husband doesn't understand and
  9. I use Harry Fowler-he's over by Bobo-his phone # is770-445-1466. he's avery ice older man, very capable and his prices are reasonable.
  10. Red Top Mountain has a nice hotel with a resturant that gives a really nice Sunday breakfast/brunch. Nice views outside, you can even catch a glimpse of the deer. The park is nice to ride around, and the lake is beautiful.
  11. Mine went up with State Farm, even though the value of my house went down. I switched all my policies to American Family-the Kevin Head agency in Hiram right next to Cheeseburger Bobbies. All my policies went down signifcantly, and I get much better service from him and the girls in the office. Why don't you give them a call and compare rates. You may be pleasantly surprised, and personally, I have made a commitment this year to deal locally and keep our neighbors working. PM for contact info.
  12. WE usually use Tanner, and the Veterans campground off 101 in Breman looks good too
  13. This was a great event! Wouldn't miss it. It's a MUST SEE for every scout troop or pack, and any kid (or kid at heart) would love it. Last year the had FREE tetnus shots-yea, FREE. Got mine, and thank God, cause I've been cut a few times at camp outs and work. Blowing up stuff was pretty cool too. The grandson loved it and also enjoyed the chance to shoot with a cross bow and bow and arrow with the Sheriffs youth group-can't remember their name right now. Lots of freebees, including $5. Stars and Strikes cards, t-shirts, and misc stuff. Oh, and did I mention that the kids got to handle (unload
  14. 9/11 changed how we as Americans view our world and our lives in our country. If it didn't change you, something is wrong. That change doesn't have to be a negative thing, and it doesn't have to affect our liberty, but it should have made us more aware of the dangers we might face. We need to report suspicous activity, and from there, we should leave it to the authorities to handle.In hind sight we know that if things had been reported or handled differently on that September day, a lot would have been different. We also know that since then our heightened awareness has prevented more tragedy,
  15. You can call us-Professional Contractors Service-we're a lot cheaper than those other companies, and the estimates are free. 770-577-2409
  16. Wish I could have seen that-it would have been memorable to say the least!
  17. Ok-so the rain gave me time to reflect on "being blue", but it has been the past three years of getting kicked in the butt repeatedly that has me down to begin with. Started with Ed having a head on accident that the responding officer-a friend of the woman who went through the red light making a left hand turn to go over the railroad tracks in front of oncoming traffic-decided to ticket him! Ok , his boss shows up, gives him hell and makes him take the ticket back, but forgets to not list him as the #1 driver (always the at fault driver), so no lawyer would take or case for the 2 years we ha
  18. Thanks everyone! Nice words from friends helps me to get through the blues. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll keep on trying-I know there are a lot of us out there struggling, and I have t remember to count my blessings-Life 1,Family 2, Friends 3, Pcomers 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...etc
  19. I've been looking for a good reason not to run up the energy bills!
  20. It seems rainy days are a good time to be blue. It's just that work has been so hard to come by. Wharever happened to the good ol' days when hard work and sticking to it paid off? Sigh, I long for the days when all I had to do was to get up and "keep my nose to the grindstone" and things would work out. I just want to know who opened up the black hole in the universe?
  21. There are a lot of feathers around! maybe that's the problem? Now that you mention it, it's probably just "scratch" and not laying mash. I will go to get some tomorrow. I did not have anything on to roost, so I'll have to add that too. I found out in this hard rain that I'll have to extend the roof some more for protection from the rain. I'm going to add some fence sections to the back of the scratch area for added protection from the rain and wind. The box we built does not have a large area for walking around-Soo-guess. I'll have to have Ed extend it a bit. Hmmm-lots to learn! Thanks for all
  22. I got some chickens last week, the owner said they were about 6 months old, and leghornes-usually good layers. They had been producing about 6 eggs a day. At first they were doing ok-not full production, but about 3 to 4 eggs a day. I figured they would need to settle in. Then, we made a new box big enough for all of them, and enclosed enough to keep them warm this winter. After the 1st night the egg laying slowed down. Now it has stopped. Do you think they feel to closed in? I'm going to have to open up one whole side, but I fear the possums getting at them at night. I've already lost one to
  23. They do eventually-LOL-but the burn is intense! Thanks so much for the input-I am difinately going to try the turds and relish ASAP!
  24. So, here it is, the end of the season, and a neighbor gives me oodles of jalepenoes. I love them, but I'm limited in what I know to do with them. I do put them in my food, but at a few at a time, it will take all year to eat them. We've already had a stuffed jalepeno party and ate them till out butts were on fire! Yummy, but I'm not ready to do it again any time soon. Anyone got a good pickled jalepeno recipe, or maybe something diferent to do to put them up? I'm not into jalepeno jelly, but would be interested in a relish recipe, or a sauce. Give me a shout out with your most unusual (and hop
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