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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. Well, you have found someone who went through the same thing with my older daughter. First of all -god bless you cause you're going to need it!!. You are doing all the right things, but when I did them it didn't work.I don't mean to sound so negative, but honey- I HAVE BEEN THERE Eventually, the state took her away as incorigable, but not until I lost my sanity, peace of mind, husband, self esteem-the list goes on. It took me years to find myself again. I still have little nerosis like i can't seem to go out and get my mail from the mailbox (years of DEFAC letters ordering me to court, cou
  2. My computer is on the fritz-AGAIN. I would like to have it fixed, and in the meantime, I need a new hard drive so I can keep working. I would consider getting a whole new (used) computer, so that Ed could have his own to mess up!!!! Any suggestions, anyone selling an older unit?
  3. I was with State farm forever, and then the rates went rhrough the roof. We have since changed all our policies to American Family, and dropped our rates by 1/2. We insure several homes, and our auto, and have an umbrella policy with them. I should add, that I also added to my coverage amounts and the umbrella policy is a 1st for me, and it still was 1/2 the cost. It did go up a little this year, but it was minimal. I am using a local agent, and I like that he or one of his staff are always available, and have even come by the house to drop off paperwork or other materials. They also gave
  4. I've been dizzzy on and off for the last few weeks-it's the pollen! My sinuses are so blocked up, my teeth and jaws hurt. Went to the doctor, and got antibiotics, but they do nothing. I've been told by a friend to try a sinus rinse, that he's had no problems since using them. I'm going to try that. As fro the dizzies, the inner ear backs up with fluid and the pressure causes you to be off balance and dizzy-it messes wth your equalibrium. Good luck-it looks like it's going to be a long allergy season.
  5. They've helped me out a few times-very selfless folks. the kind you hope to get to know better! This world is filled with all kinds of people-the good and the bad, and the down right ugly!! Dealing with them is part of life's lessons-how would you know an a$$ if you never met one? It makes you appreciate the good people in the world. My 1st experience here was on the school vent-someone going on about how the schools and teachers are always asking for help and donations. I posted my views, haveing been very active for many years in many school systems. I fully support local schools, a
  6. It's my understanding that they will only drill for food-they actualy hear the insects inside! I would agree that letting them have at it is the best thing, or the insects inside will destroy your deck anyway, and probably a lot faster. It could be termites also. Have you considered having a pest company come out and check? i'm sure their are ones who will inspect for free. I own a repair and remodeling company, and if you want an inspection from the standpoint of the safety of the structure, we would be happy to come out and take a look-call 770-577-2409 Oh-by the way, we had the most an
  7. I've had extra drop offs of good bread-even got some cake-call me if you need it-I'll find a way to get it to you, or you can pick up
  8. Don't buy bread, I'm loaded-about 300 loaves, etc-call 770-577-2409
  9. I've got a lot of bread, will that help?
  10. Give Ed a call at 770-577-2409. Profesional contractors Service are members here and local. They are experienced in working with insurance companies, and have worked for a lot of pcommers. TAKE PICTURES !!! The insurance companies will need them.
  11. Thank God there were no deaths-this was so close. i hope you are all OK. Call us if you need us. I checked on a couple I met yesterday (chasing their loose chicken!) They live on Water Tower rd-said it skipped over their house and landed at the bottom of the road and damaged some houses there-then skipped over the cemetary and hit Confederate!!
  12. She is in Miami Beach-or at least, very close. She says she can see I-95 from her apartment. I also have friends clost to the Turnpike and I-95 in West Palm Beach and other close towns to that. Right now, I have been given some cases of a nutrition shake drink-each one is about 20 or so lbs and I have 4 cases., but i will check the weight of each can and get back with you. I also would like to pack a box of anything i have in my pantry, and send it to her. I would appreciate any help to get her some food. It's just ironic, that I have so much food, and feed so many, and there is noone the
  13. I appreciate that-thank you!! I did find a circular saw, a brad nailer, and a corded dril at one of those yard sale sites. It will suffice for now-at least we can do some work. They don't seem to have taken many of our hand tools. They were looking for the big stuff. The police think they pulled up a trailer and worked fast. I am pretty sure it happened during the day. I live off Ridge Rd and Friendship Church Rd. Seems we have had a lot of thefts here lately. I have gone all around to notify the neighbors of what happened-hope it wasn't one of them laughing at me as I left!!! LKet me
  14. I really appreciate that-you guys are always right there for someone. I am buying what I can find on line, and a friend has lent us some tools he does not use often ( he is also in the construction trade, but he is a finish carpenter). Construction is hard on tools and (people !) I hestiate to borrow anything-grew up believing "neither a borrower nor a lender be" (mom was big into sayings and she used them all on us!!!) Just seems that lately,maybe it's better that we all stick together. Life has never been easy-wasn't meant to be, but lately it's crazy how bad things are!!!
  15. After a month, i gave in and went to my doctors. Sinus infection and bronchail crap. I've finished my 3rd round of antibiotics, and I still have it. Gonna try a sinus rinse that a friend of mine suggested-Ayers-or something like that. He has worse sinus problems than me, and has had no complaints since he started the rinse thig. I have to find something!! This is miserable.
  16. I am in South Paulding-just south of Ridge Rd. It happened on Sunday, somewhere between 11 and 5, when I left to go to a proposal. It seems that someone was watching, and knew we were gone. There are many abandoned houses around me, and we can no longer count on a neighbor watching out for us. The houses that are occupied are mainly rentals, and the people there are here and gone again quickly-you barely get to know anyone. The house closest to me is rented section 8, and we have had one scary bunch after the other since Katrina. I'm not be preducial, just stating the facts. I am h
  17. Have you tried honey-new studies indicate that it is better than most cough medicines. Mix in a little fresh lemon juice. The only thing you need to be sure of is that the child is old enough to take honey-they used to tell you that raw honey was not good for a young child-might cause botulism. This may be old outdated info-I'm sor tof old and outdated myself!!! Years ago, our grandparents used to add a few drops of Old Grandad to the mixture-I'm sure that's a really old remedy, and I'll have people posting that I'm trying to get a baby drunk and calling me a child abuser, but i thought I'
  18. I have a repair and remodeling business-we advertise here on Pcom. Look for us at " Procontractor". Our name is Professional Contractors Service. They took almost everything, so we're scrambling to buy some new tools so we can go back to work.
  19. Well, when I say we were robbed, I do mean that the trailer was broken into. Our tools are our life line, and they are what make us our money so that we can pay our bills. It's almost worse than the house being robbed, except there are no emotional attachments to anything (of coarse, if you asked Ed, he would say different-those tools are like an extension to his arms. He is used to them and comfortable with them. He's like a lost puppy right now, and madder then Hades) We think it was during the day-took us a while to come up with a time line to determine when it happened, but we left on Sun
  20. I'm thinking the same thing, so I've been checking out al the facebook yard sale sites. They took all of our work tools from the trailer, and now we can't work till we get the insurance company to cut a check for the tools-that will take forever!!! I would apreciate it if anyone saw power tols for sale, if they would post us and let us know-mostly DeWalt,Bosch, and some Craftsman.TIA
  21. To friends and those who I was supposed to meet today-we were robbbed this weekend, and I'm still running around dealing with the insurance companies. I will call tomorrow and make arrangements to get together to do the things I've promised to. Life has been just a little crazy lately!! No excuse though, just have to get back into the rat race and plod on. Thanks for all your understanding.
  22. No, they are in a new location. Just call and they will give you the info-definately the best price on flooring and the best installers around-honest and reliable. I wouldn't use anyone else.
  23. We are in the remodeling business and always use Dalto Catpet Connection-Jeanette Moon and family. Since Moon's death, the boys have taken over the business, and they are the best installers. I am really fussy, as I was in the flooring business in Florida for 20 years before my divorce, and know a tryly good installation when I see one. Call 770-941-1090. And, by the way-I would NEVER use Empire-they are the most costly and give the worst service, as well as the worst installations-please think twice before you call them. I've never heard a good word about them, and have had to go in after th
  24. My daughter is a crack addict-left a beautiful grand-daughter behind in florida to move here, and had my grandson. When the "Baby daddy" didn't want them around anymore, she left him here for 3 months. On Sunday we will be celebrating his 10th birthday.. I never expected to be raising a child at this point in my life, but here I am. Ed and I sat and discussed the situation completely before taking on the responsibility-after all, it isn't fair to assume that he would be as willing as I was to raise a baby. We liked taking off on the Harley and doing what we pleased any time of the day. 1st
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