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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. I know exactly how you feel. Time and time again I have to go in after another renter messes up my houses and clean up after them so that I can present a decent home to the new renter. I'm doing that right now with my house in New Georgia. It makes me so mad, and disgusted at the same time. At lest you will have the opportunity of enjoying all your hard work. I pray that this time I find decent renters, and that they take care of my place. I did finally find good people for my other 2places, and I thank God for them. good luck to you, and have faith-it will get done and I am sure that you will
  2. I've never had much luck with room fogers, and the clean up afterwards is the pits-it gets on everything! It always seemed much more expensive also- you had to buy several of the cans and they weren't cheap.
  3. The stuff I got kills the adults, doesn't allow them to reproduce, and kills the eggs.
  4. It's called Precor, but you also have to buy a mixing product to go with it that boosts it's effectiveness. They used to sell it at the do-it yourself pest control places in single application bottles-to make one gallon at a time. I finally found it on line, but had to buy a bottle of each, which will treat about 2,500 to 3,000 sq. ft.. Cost a small fortune, but I know that it will work and I can't rent a house full of fleas!
  5. WOOOO HOOOO-I'd like an invite to that-my life is boring (getting old ya know)
  6. I have rental houses, and the flea problem is incredible this year! I use to be able to get a product from a do-it-yourself pest control service that was great, but they changed to a new aresol type, and it just doesn't work! I researched it on the net, and found the other stuff, but had to buy the industrial size container-jeeez!! Anyone one in need of a flea spray that really works-kills the adults and eggs. I've used this for years in unbelievable infestations, and never had a problem. Like anything else, you and your pets have to leave the home for a few of hours. Post me if you are intere
  7. It took a couple of weeks, but Ed is doing terrific now on the E-cig. At 1st, I think he would just forget to use the E-cig! Now, only 3 weeks into it, he is down to about a 1/2 a pack a day ( from 3+ packs a day-WOW ) He doesn't smoke in the car anymore, or when he's around me. I'm feeling better and so is our grandson. For the 1st time, he can really believe he will quit the habit. He's been smoking since he was 9- that's a long time. Gotta thank you again Pubby.
  8. It looks like you've got it now! People like the funnier side of life-anything to deep requires to much thinking. Wish I could see the video-can't install flash player on this computer. I'll have to go upstairs to see it there. "SHAKE WHAT YOUR MOMMA GAVE YA !!"- SHE'S GOT THAT ONE DOWN
  9. OK- I'll rephrase that - the one who responds doesn't have to think much!!!
  10. Trying a new approach? Humor always works well - it's non threatening - you don't have to think much.
  11. LOL-not the crayons, stuffers for anyone (boys and girls), and yes, stock up now when they are really cheap!!!
  12. Unisex-crayons, mini playdo containters, glow stick bracelets, any kind of candy,fancy pencils,marbles,rings (bugs for boys and princess for girls) Just check out the dollar store and you'll find plenty.
  13. I appreciate your caring response! I am so concerned about the other family members. They didn't see it coming like I did. I came to terms with this over and over again over the years. It probably kept me from being to close with him. I am close with the rest of the family.I was given a chance to raise him when he was 10, but declined based on my knowledge of his problems. I raised his 16 year old brother instead. My ex feels that if we had raised him, this might not have happened. I guess we will all face guilt of some kind as we deal with our feelings. His brother grew up to have a career an
  14. Don't forget to check for damp places in you basement or crawl space and the attic too! Check around the house for exterior leaks-the roof, foundation, and siding. Mold is an airborne allergen and can travel through the house easily. Serve Pro is good, but very, very expensive. Eliminate all the other possibilities 1st. Call in a good contractor to do a house inspection-we do these for a minimum charge. It's not like an inspection for a resale-more of a once over to determine if any problems exist with the structure. An A/C tech is also a good resource. Often the drip relief hose gets cloged w
  15. The death of a child, no matter how old, has to be one of the most tragic things for a family to face. Tomorrow, my step son Luke will be laid to rest in NY. He was only 25, and although his time was to short, in his case, we could see it coming all to clearly. He led his life on a path hell bent for destruction and no one could stop him. Now, all that is left is his grieving family, their guilt over the "what if's" and "I shoulda's". When Luke was 2, I told my husband that he was " most likely" to become a mass murderer. At 4, I said he'd have a police record before he was 10 (he had one befo
  16. It's true that servers get the lowest wages of anyone. If for no other reason, they should not have to pay for any mistake in the food. But, what about convenience stores? The clerks there are also paid poorly, and they have one of the most dangerous jobs in the minimum wage category. When someone pumps gas and takes off without paying, the owner of the store takes it out of their pay that week. Ed was at the store over on 61 by the Georgian, and one of the clerks was very upset. Someone had just taken off after pumping almost $80. worth of gas, and it would have to come out of her $190. paych
  17. My grandson has wellcare, and I have been through a bunch of bad doctors. I finally found a great doctor just across the street from the hospital in Villa Rica on 61. Her name is Dr. Josephine Ediele and the practice is called Westcare Pediatric. She is an intelligent caring human being, besides being a really good doctor. She listens to you as the parent (after all, who knows the child better?) The office is clean, although old, and well maintained. There are things for the kids to do. All of the staff are patient and helpful. They always fit me in if I have an emergency, and never make me wa
  18. Baked chicken-yellow rice, salad, and rolls-biggest chicken breasts I've ever seen!!! Had to be from a mutant chicken.
  19. I use "America's Best"-in Dougasville just down from the Target on Chappel Hill Rd. The eye test is free with the purchase of glasses. We always get two pair for a very fair price-with kids, you have to be prepared for them to misplace, break, or loose them. The spare pair helps you to get through the time they are missing or broken. They fix or replace them for free if it's within a year.Actually, they will fix them almost indefinetly. Good luck
  20. I hate to be the stupid one, but when I get to the link, there no place to vote. Am i doing something wrong?
  21. just last week-appreciated the veggies!! Do you have any tomatoes yet? I shared what you gave me with another friend. Hope to see you again
  22. Hey-welcome back! Just wanted to say that I shared some of the produce yuou gave me with a neighbor-she was very appreciative! She's has 3 adopted kids-little ones-and the extra food was a welcome addition. You gonna be around this Friday?
  23. I mix mine with a vitimin A and E cream-great to get the burn out. I also make a batch with baby lotion and the vitamin creams for bad sunburns-you can't make a big batch, only about enogh for a week-otherwise it starts to smell funny. i guess it would need preservatives for a longer shelf life! Just wanted to add that i grow my own plants-they are very prolific, and multiply quickly- I have about a dozen or so. I just take off a few leaves and puree them in a small mixer, add the vitimin creams and lotion-the very best burn or sunburn cream that you can get!
  24. Call me and let me know where you are. I will get food to you! I've been out of work for a couple years now, and raising a grandson, I understand the need for a little help. Publix has given me a 1 day a week for their breads and cake. I serve about 20 to 30 families a week. Some I have to deliver to as they are homebound. I have to be careful though, because gas is expensive and like I said, I am out of work. I am hoping to find a resource for some of the gas money, because I hate to turn anyone down who needs the food. Still, a minimum of 42 miles a week for the deliveries adds up!
  25. PCS will do the job for $250.00 if you supply the unit of coarse-call 770-577-2409. check our "Procontractor" site
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