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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. call the local DEFAC office-they kep a list. There are several locally-Warehouse of Hope-not sure where they are located, and Helping Hands is behind the "Little Bear" convenience store in Dallas across the street from the elementary school downtown. I have bread and snacks on Thursdays-if you are in the New Georgia area, or can get here, call me 770-577-2409. Angel Food ministries works out of several churces locally, where you can purchase a box of food for about $25.oo that has a wide variety of breakfast, lunch, and dinner foods-about $50 to $75 worth in each box-well worth it. You can ge
  2. what the heck is a flat sack? ( I have a visual on something with out testes? ) And who has those pattie pans-never heard of them till the other day and want to check it out! I believe in learning something new every day, and at my age it takes a lttle work to do that. Besides, I have to keep up with all this new southern info so that I fit in with all my new friends.
  3. Hope you like lemon merangue and cherry pies!
  4. I got U-verse 4 months ago-love it- Cons are-1) they tried to get away with a high install fee-get a promise for free install up front and make them stick to it-no matter how many times you have to call and complain. 2)they will give you free HBO and Cinamax for 3 months-remember to cancel at the end of your 3 months or you will be billed
  5. Where will I find it? And thanks!
  6. HHMMM-I am a bit surprised. I am a Native American/polish/Irish, born in NYC, and tried several religions ( many not christian) Yes, I have had my run ins with the Baptists ( funny folk, you have to laugh ) maybe it's just my way of handeling things that makes it easier to take. Still, I have to say that I've met more nice people here than not, and love the country side, enjoyed the small venues for theater, good resturants ( ok, you have to look for them, but that's half the fun!), interesting museums and history, great parks and clubs( not bars, clubs that do something ), and other opportuni
  7. OK, just a bit ago, someone posted recipies for crunchy pickles. Never thought I'd have the chance to try them out-I am not a good gardener-, but NC17 has turned me on to some beauties and I can't wait to try. I'd like to make garlic kosher dills-my grandson's favorite! Anyone have the recipe
  8. Ya see-this is what I love about this place!!! The nicest people-warm, country, friendly, heartfelt people!!! It was great to meet you, grandson can't wait to make pickles-wants to be the official pickle taster. He wants to know how you grow such ginormous vegies ( mine don't grow like that! Little puny things) I told him not to worry, being born and breed right here in the south, he'll be able to grow stuff like that too. I've got a full day ahead of me-lots of cooking-love it. THANK YOU! I'd like to return the favor ( no, not home grown veggies, mine are a bit pathatic!) Call me when you get
  9. we do that one too, but I use venison-very healthy. No fat ,lots of flavor!
  10. Then you must not have been to to many places! Paulding Co. is a warm friendly place-what better enviroment to expose someone to. We may have a few issues, and a few crazy people, but that's nothing compared to some places. Why don't you try NYC and see how that feels? You'll be glad to come home.
  11. learned this one at girl scout camp years ago. It's real man food-meat and potatoes Cut up about 5 big potatoes, 1 lrg. onion, 1 green pepper, and a 1 lb pkg of smoked sausage. Fry potatoes for about 20 min, add onion, pepper, and sausage. cook until done-about 10 to 15 min more.. It's a real family favorite-serve with salad or melon. Quick and yummy.
  12. I love italian food, and there's a place along the RR tracks called Antonio's-right on the corner. Great food
  13. Same here-it doubled last month-from $99. to $220. I probably need a new unit. The old one is 18 years old. Still, compared to some I am not doing to bad. I keep the thermostat at 79, but I do keep the pool running 24 hrs a day. Husband threw a fit about the bill though.
  14. Do you really care what her butt looks like? Lets face it, all presidents wives choose a pet topic and run with it. If hers is our kids health, we should applaud her instead of ragging her about her rump! Let's face it 1) she's had children, and 2) her position as 1st lady enables her to eat out way to often and sometimes to much, and 3)African American women carry a little junk in the trunk . You don't get to choose what others may serve at a state dinner, and yes, it is hard to say no to exotic foods when they are staring you in the face. I doubt you could either.Get a life!
  15. get a big box (2 lbs ) baking soda, helps to keeep the pool clear and the water "soft" and it is cheap - about $2.50 ! They sell it at most grocery stores-sometimes you have to ask where they keep it-usually in the detergent or cleaning products section. I think it boosts the alkelinity, while white vinager boosts the acidity.
  16. find you happy thought Peter!! HAAHAAHAAAAA!!!!
  17. Recite something from Elizabeth Barret Browning-they'll all love it. Just practice it 1st, so you can read it clearly and with feeling. Try something about love, and gaze lovingly at your husband (their family member) and they will think " look at how much she loves him" LOL and be oh so pleased!! How about dancing with one of your boys?
  18. exterminator-Arnold Swartzenager ex-terminator?
  19. Ok, let me get a handle on this-we've got drunken lesbians, guys willing to use their tools, and something about hard woodies & needing to be laid??? sounds like fun to me -am I invited?????
  20. There has to be some good use for them as they get old and grouchy!
  21. Hope you found somebody free, but if not give me a call-I'm willing to rent out my old fart-he's very handy, and with just a little persuasion ( and some tight shorts and a low cut blouse ) he is damn near free-and no, I don't mind a full frontal hug, puts him in a great mood. Call if you need him for the diffucult stuff-he can do anything!! 770-577-2409-thanks, and good luck
  22. OHH YEA!!!! Bugglegum party for the grandson this Friday-no more appliances in his mouth ( 1st time in 6 years-Woo Hoo! ) 8 boys in a pool WITH GUM ( oh God, I am crazy!!) Weeding the flower beds, finish shaving the dogs (badly, they look like something from Dr. Seuse, but they are cooler ) Then, washing the dogs-flea dips-, and did I add, worming the dogs and cats. Who said I didn't have a life? Oh, I forgot, cleaning out the ferrets cage and giving him a bath too-Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Just an opinion from a older person-everything others have said is true-you are worried because you care-that's obvious ( to your son as well) One of the best pieces of advice I've ever been given is this-" you are raising a man (or woman), not a baby) If you focus on raising a baby, that's what you will get (look at all the parents with 30+ years olds that still live at home and contribute nothing) Tell him how you feel, explain the pluses to the situation, and then get on with the changes. They will be good for him as well as you-it isn't a selfish decision. And really-how does he feel now a
  24. I've learned over the years to put my babies up in a basement room without windows-lights on, radio or tv loud, and pic of me flashing across the computer screen. It helps them a lot, and I feel better knowing they are ok. Now, as for the jacka--'s shooting stuff over into my yard, a BB in the butt is the best answer. Glad to hear the dog and horses are ok-sorry for the fright they went through (can't put the horses in the basement-HEEHEEE!!! , although my friend brings her's into the house during the 4th and hurricanes in Florida, but she is nuts!!)
  25. well, that is cheap, but is it a really good quality meal, with great service? How big is the portion? How and what are the sides? I look at everything when I consider spending my money to go out to eat-times are tough and I want it all when I do give in for an evening out!
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