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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. i have some experience with this-1st:modify his diet: cut out as much sugar as possible, add more and better protein-eggs, cheese, chicken (and not the over processed nuggets with filler) Cut down on some carbs-use whole grains-much, much, less kids cereal. Be especialy careful with dyes in food (yes I said dyes-esp. yellow and reds-very problematic)Check product pkgs-as little preservatives as possible, NO dyes if you can help it (they are out there-you are not the only one having this problem) Even fresh fruit and milk has natural sugars-check the label and limit as needed. Remember, they ha
  2. try the "Paulding County Georgia Professional Services "site if you are looking for service companies here locally
  3. not with the stuff I buy! One spray and they were gone-house and yard-thank God. The rental property was super infested. You know how they get when you close a place up for a week, and then suddenly go in-the place was crawling with them!! Covered you legs immediatelt. Went in ther several times now with prospective renters, and there were none.It was expensive, but I'm glad I got it. Maybe I'll get this place rented this month. Anyone looking for a nice country 5 bedroom home?
  4. I just started "Paulding County Georgia Professional Services" on FB-join us
  5. great-come look at out new site at-PAULDING COUNTY GEORGIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-thanks
  6. How about a bustieer, fishnet stockings, and a g-string-along with a nice bottle of wine?
  7. This doesn't by some chance have anything to do with the other post by a man here about the lady who keeps cutting him off, does it? Something about a lady in a gold car?
  8. ok-this post keeps getting deleted. Is there a problem letting people know about it? It is not a private services advertisement, and I don't think it interferres with what is done here on Pcom. It is a public forum designed to put together services with those needing them. It is not as easy to keep up with as a business membership here-you have to post daily, and check all new posts. It's just another way for people to connect, and possibly get work-there is never to much advertisement! So many of us are struggling to keep up our bills these days.
  9. I got the stuff in the mail, and treated the rental house once. It's been GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more fleas there, and we have gotten all the work done-new upper cabinets, and all the cleaning completed. Will do my yard this weekend-just so busy getting the grandson off to the 1st day of school. Now, I have the other 20 or so treatments worth left, so if you are interested in some, please post or PM me
  10. If you have a FaceBook site, try this one out-"Paulding County Georgia Professional Services" It a forum to advertise and look for services locally.
  11. Bayside NY-just he other side of the Whitestone Bidge from NYC
  12. You got that right! The last time I heard some banging around in the middle of the night, the culprits were staring down the barrel of my 9MM-turned out to be an anventureous opossum-shot him anyway. He was messing with my chickens. This grandma don't play no games, so you ought not to fool around my house!!
  13. WE'll all continue to pray-thank God for his blessings! My daughter was told she would not live more than 3 years-on her 21st birthday. She turnd 29 last May, and the child she was told she could never have wll be 5 next month-PRAISE GOD!! It's been a long haul, with a lot of close calls, and several rounds of chemo, but she is with us-a little bald, but with us and doing just fine-amazing isn't it?
  14. Oh God! Glad I didn't see this before the doctor finally called. It's not his pancreas (Thank God!) but they don't know what it is yet. Still could be gas-but for 4 days with Zantac? They are going to do a GI series on Monday. I guess the drama continues. Wish I wasn't such a worrier, but how do you not worry about someone you love so much ?
  15. OK-sory I went off like that on your post. I was sitting staring at the phone for 3 hours waiting for the doctor to call-new associate in the office, the regular (great) doctor was out with the stomach bug!!!!
  16. if you see them, give them my phone #-770-577-2409. They can pick up food from me every Thursday-cake and bread products from Publix. You have no idea how hard it is on some of us right now. I'm in construction-have my own business. I used to make $250,000 a year. Now I am lucky to make $20,000, and with utilities, insurance, and the price of everything going up I just barely get by. I would deliver the food, but i an't afford the gas money!!!!!!!!!!!! I still do deliver around the area because those people also can't afford the gas.
  17. Bet their Momma's are hanging their head in shame!! Hope they throw the book at them for putting their family through this, not to mentionthe citizens they took advantage of.
  18. Thanks-they mentioned his pancreas-it's driving me nuts!!!!! Wish they would call. I tend to be a worrier anyway, and he has digestive issues from his exposure to crack and meth smoke when he was with his mother ( I want to hurt someone right now if you know what I mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )He's screaming in pain - off and on - hasn't eaten in 3 days ( he LOVES food)Even turned down my incredible meatloaf, one of his favorites ( actually everything I make is his favorite) I am not very patient when it comes to him. He has to be the worlds greatest kid- honor roll every year, cub scout, MAKES me go
  19. Try ginger ale instead ( make sure it's made with real ginger- like Canada Dry ) Hope you feel better soon. Thought that's what my grandson had, but it went on for 3 days. Took him to the doctor and she ordered blood work from the hospital, then an ultra sound. Waiting now for the results-worried as heck!! Keeping busy on Pcom so I don't think about it to much-YEA RIGHT!!!
  20. Some good advice here-gutter Gaurd and the like is very expensive, and the water will run over causing wood rot. The screen type are much better for that reason, and cost very little. If you can't install them yourself, give us a call at 770-577-2409. The install, even with material, is far less expensive than the type you are talking about. Even with the cost of new ones, the regular ones are less expensive and cause less problems.
  21. Go to Chid support Services over in Dallas-just the other side of the hall from DFCS. It's down that road where the Sherriffs office, prisions, and animal control is, off Dallas Acworth Hghy. It will take about 6 months to get a court date, but you already have a court order, so you will be awarded all the money owed from the beginning plus interest!!! My suggestion is to start procedings with CSE, and then let your EX know you are "going" to do it. That may encourage him give you something in the meantime thinking you will not actually file for arrears (go ahead and do it anyway). Then, fol
  22. Great!! I went in and joined, but have not been accepted yet-I would like to make comments/questions, but can't till someone accepts "membership". Can you do that for me? Or, can you tell me how to post comments and questions. I can't find a place to do that
  23. I saw this yesterday, and thought the same thing-it can't be that hard. Come on-smeone out there has to have more tech abiity than me and can do that.
  24. They're all right-that is hysterical!! Gotta be a woman thing, makes sense to me, and yes, it is very, very funny. Wish I coulda been a fly on the wall for that one-thanks for the laugh. Life has been way to serious lately!!!!!!
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