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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. LOL, that's the first thing I noticed. Totally sucking gut. Here's where the vomit smiley would come in handy .
  2. Nope... I am right there with you .
  3. Yep, I totally dig fully dressed men over nekkid ones. ZERO desire to see Magic Mike . My bestie and I have been arguing over this for 32 years, lol. She used to go to Chippendales in the 80's and you couldn't pay me to go. Different strokes for different folks and all that .
  4. Feel Good Movie is ~ Shaun of the Dead Favorite Holiday Food is~ My Papa's cole slaw (best in the world and he only makes it on holidays) Favorite Restaurant is~ Outback Favorite Vacation spot is~ Anywhere secluded with woods, a cabin and a lake What is the one TV show you watch but never tell people about because you feel guilty for watching it? ~Jerseylicious Who is your favorite singer or band and song from when you were a teenager? Adam Ant- Antmusic
  5. Yes. no hose. My sister works in a law office and doesn't even wear them . Good luck on your interview!!!!
  6. Lol, yes . For those of us who survived the fashion trends of the decade...remember the mushrooms? Oh, and the 'harvest gold' appliances? I had friends with shag carpet the exact shades of those in your image.
  7. AGH! 70's flashbacks!!! Good luck finding a similar fabric, though. Have you tried JoAnn's? Jo-Ann's Fabrics
  8. It was actually going on right next door to us for years. We called, we complained, we reported several times. We saw them arrested a few times, and metric tons of weaponry being confiscated from their home. They always came back. One day the dumbass decided it would be a good idea to streak through the neighborhood, in front of a school bus filled with elementary aged children. He was arrested and with the circumstances became a registered sex offender. Due to the fact that his house was DIRECTLY in front of the bus stop, he had to move. YEAH us!!! Eventually they screw up somew
  9. Awwww, HAPPY Anniversary!!!!
  10. This thread is cracking me up .
  11. I saw this on the news this morning, and I was disgusted.
  12. Thank you, she works so hard. I'm pretty proud of her .
  13. I did see how many mutual friends we have . I have two stepsons that attended McEachern...one played football. Trey, and Matt, as well as my stepdaughter Taylor. Trey is the eldest (almost 30 now). My two birth children: Britaini and Mitchell were homeschooled and they carry my maiden name, not my married one . My youngest is 23. Confusing, I know. You've probably met Britaini at the bookstore, she bought the business from Susan. My husband is originally from Alabama, he moved here in the mid 80's. I'm interested to see how many people we do have in common! Pretty awesome, imho
  14. Lol, I thought I read the SAME THING . I admit, I was looking through the wrong spot in my progressive lenses. That's my story and I am sticking to it. I don't have anyone on ignore, although I do tend to pass over some folks posts. I feel like jenilyn does in that I can generally, even if only occasionally~ find things I agree with in the most disagreeable people. I'm always willing to learn a few things .
  15. I graduated in 1984 from McEachern, and I was only there until a few months before I graduated. Was that about the time you visited? I always loved the Browns, still friends with Danny to this day . Did you ever hop down to the Video Wonderland? I was night manager there at that time.
  16. Wow. It really IS a small world .
  17. Sirloin Junction in Powder Springs~ the year they opened, 1982 I think? I was a 'line girl' taking orders. My friend from school Danny Brown, his parents owned the restaurant .
  18. Hahahaha! I met my husband when I was managing a Video Wonderland. He told me we met 4 or 5 times before I actually remember us meeting . Next time you come in introduce yourself for God's sake. I'll give you a bewbie hug, lol.
  19. I have never had a manicure or pedicure in my life, and I HATE to shop. I do read like crazy...horror, mysteries, classics and various other dark fiction. I'm a sci-fi, gaming nerd. HATE sports (except fishing) . I think I do have more male than female friends, unless they are nerdy like me, I don't do glittery pink girly things, never have. The best girlfriends I have, have been friends with me for 30 years or more. Ray is not even the least bit intimidated by my male friends because again, I am wired monogamous. I'm just not interested in stepping out. I have tons of gay friends, wh
  20. Right. Just because the menfolk can't get their minds off their little willies, does not mean we have the same problem...and we are not responsible for what they are thinking about, lol.
  21. RhondaW


    Hubby drives for Old Dominion and is back and forth through there several times a week. He said he had not heard anything, and therefore his guess was that they were actually looking for someone, hence the multitudes of different vehicles being stopped. Just a thought.
  22. I feel you sister. BOTH of our cheating pos exes remarried, and both are now divorced again (don't know why and frankly don't care) while the two of us are still plugging along . I've learned enough to know to be happy, I will not ever 'fight for a man' or do that drama again, and Ray feels the same way. If either one of us have wandering eyes, we know where the door is . Okay, not wandering eyes, but wandering genitals . Took awhile, but we figured it out, lol. Yeah, I'm not a girly-girl either...my favorite purse is a canvas bag with red DANGER tape as a strap .
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