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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Oh yes. That may be where it started for me , lol.
  2. You got it sister . I thought you were working the hawt yourself, there . She said 'Thank you', btw .
  3. Girl, you are the BOMB. I loved (always do love) hanging out with you...despite the swinging willie .
  4. To the store today. We love you guys, and are so happy to call our patrons our friends. We were overwhelmed with your show of support . We love the sense of community that is growing in our little establishment. We depend on you, and we hope that we have shown you just how much we appreciate everything you do. The muscle, the boxes, the pats on the back and the high fives. We are a business, but we strive to be so much more. Truly, thank you...and thank you for sharing our love of literature . Britaini and I were a little misty eyed at the end of the day, such an outpouring.
  5. I've invested a chunk of change, body art isn't cheap ...but no, nowhere near what the plastic surgery addicts invest, lol. She just looks so 'plastic', but then that is what she is going for. I've always had this irrational fear of mannequins, this girl scares the sheez out of me .
  6. Ew? She just looks bizarre to me, but hey...whatever puffs your sails . I'm sure I look pretty bizarre to some people .
  7. Today!!!! Open at 11:00 . Britaini was at the store steam cleaning the floors till almost midnight, months of preparation so hopefully this goes off without a hitch. Hope to meet some of you there today .
  8. Well that explains it even more. My daughter likes Pandora, and I couldn't give two sheez about it, and I don't watch youtube videos on my phone. I have logged onto my Hulu account at the store, but it didn't seem to use too much. Brit listens to Pandora all the time, so that would explain her usage . Thank you, for that clarification! These things confuse me.
  9. I had the same question about the 3 gb I had no idea in real terms what that meant for usage. I can tell you I piggy back on our connection here at home and the wifi at our store ... Since February the 14th ( when my husband got the phone for me) I have used a massive total of about 300 mb, lol. It will take me all year at this rate to use 3 gigs . Just avail yourself of free wifi whenever possible, and you will be just fine! Other word of advice ... Invest in an otterbox ASAP . It has saved my phone ten times over at least.
  10. Cool !!! I'll be sitting at my book club table all day, I will be pretty easy to spot...just look for the loud mouth with the tattoos , lol .
  11. We have a pretty large amount of Science Fiction, and all of our paperbacks are half off retail...hardcovers are more like 70% off . We are located at: 4451 Marietta Street, Powder Springs, GA Directly across the street from 'Hand Me Ups' consignment store in old town Powder Springs, our parking lot is the 'City Parking' so that is convenient. If you are on FB, this is our business page and you can see some photos of the store . Thank you for asking!! Our Store Oh, and please if you do come in and you are from Pcom, make sure and introduce yourself . We LOVE our
  12. Tomorrow, Saturday April 28th... OPEN HOUSE at The Bookworm Bookstore . 11~4:00, Shorter hours and activities going on ALL day. We will even have an 'Illusionist' there for the kiddos and grownup kiddos at 12:00. I say "Illusionist' because I get corrected every time I say 'Magician' . Authors, signing and readings all day! Meet the leaders of our genre specific book clubs and take a peek at our first book choices. Mine is the Horror meeting (BIG surprise, I know ). It's the 'Braaains Book Meat', our first choice is 'Hater' by the brilliant David Moody. If Stephen Kin
  13. Congratulations, That is awesome !!!!
  14. I didn't say gorilla...I said bear . I was never attracted to hairy men before my husband. Now I wouldn't look at anything less. If I want slick, I'll choose a woman . I want the exact opposite of what I have, lol. PREACH it, Sister !!!!!!
  15. Oh yes . My husband is a huge hairy bear of a man... I would walk right past that other group without a second look, I can promise you that. Tom Selleck was always a beautiful man, still is! Jeremy Sisto , the more hair he has, the more I love him!
  16. I know I am in the minority... give me a big fuzzy redneck over greased pecs and abs ANY day of the week. Those men do absolutely nothing for me .
  17. What is wrong with fat free food and fearless women (in particular)? I don't see anything wrong with about half of that list.
  18. These are SO awesome . I think I told you that on FB already . But, still awesome!
  19. LOL! We can defeat the temptation. We are stronger than the cupcake...
  20. Me too, and to seeing you, of course .
  21. Come on people, come see all of the work we have done. Local author signings and readings (someone we all know and love), activities, CUPCAKES , book club introductions, special sales... Just an entire day of awesome goodness . Event Schedule and info on FB
  22. The one's that look like Johnny Depp?
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