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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. I agree, my husband will flat out tell you he is ALWAYS thinking about sex ...all men are. To think any different is completely naive. I couldn't care less who he looks at, fantasizes about. I'm not threatened because I know who he is coming home to . The issue is whether he would actually act on those thoughts, and that is where the trust comes in.
  2. Can't follow directions, and did not listen to the audio clip but voted anyway . Yes, I have male friends. No, not all of them are gay . My husband has female friends, none of them are lesbian. That being said, this is not our first rodeo. We both left marriages with cheating p.o.s exes. Too old to play games at this point, and we are both clear on the fact that we have enough respect for one another that if it ever came down to it, we would just tell the other we wanted out. I never cheated on me ex, and he deserved it. I'm wired monogamous. I'm not even the least bit th
  3. Lol! Someone needs a glass of wine and a warm bubble bath... Just, breathe .
  4. It's all about 'inhaling' the tanning/bronzer stuff. I couldn't care less, honestly I have no dog in this fight. I have too much of an investment sunk into permanent artwork on my body to deal with tanning. Really though (the first time I heard this), wth? You do what makes YOU feel better about yourself. I will cover my body in artwork (that may or may not cover malignant melanomas that may or may not decide to pop up on my 'ginger' fair skin) you bronze/tan your skin. Six of one, half a dozen of another. I think my daughter has the best of both worlds. Natural, caramel skin AND
  5. Yeah!!! One less piece of sh*t sucking oxygen!!! Poor baby, and I hope they give her father a medal.
  6. I think I understand what you are saying. My family went through something similar several years ago. I left 'the church' 6 years ago. In my case the situation was reversed. The 'church' (actually nothing more than a local cult) took over my life. I taught in their school, I was there every day of the week from 'before care' to 'after care'. Long days...I also taught a children's class every Sunday morning. If there were any extracurricular (for lack of a better word) going on at the church (like revival or mission focus) weeks, we were required to be there as well. When I say requi
  7. The man is an idiot, and I hate that he keeps getting press.
  8. I think the job is incredibly fascinating. I always thought that the mortuary sciences in general are a fascinating field. I couldn't do it because deep cuts ("open mouths in flesh") send me into grand mal seizures . No exaggeration, I am seizure prone so I figure that would be a hindrance to pursuing that field . I don't live in Paulding and cannot vote, but I've known Jeff and family for over 20 years . Always loved the man. If I could cast a vote for him I would be honored to do so.
  9. I don't really have an opinion on this one way or another but I did want to say that in the 80s, not sure how old you were then, a cross was burned outside an African American church on Macedonia Rd. It was news around here. I grew up on Old lost Mtn Rd and several times (also 80s) we received their stupid pamphlets in (and I mean inside) our mailbox. It continued until my ballsy awesome Mama hoofed it down to the police station. Apparently they were aware of where they were coming from because we never got another one. Ten years ago, we received in this house anti-Semitic pamphlets s
  10. You don't even have to tell me. I won't even pick up a salt or pepper shaker in ANY restaurant unless it is wrapped in a towel (paper or otherwise). People are filthy.
  11. I think your bitchiness is usually pretty awesome .
  12. Yes, my distaste for buffets isn't a lack of self control, they just seem kind of nasty to me, in general. Or admittedly they may not start out that way but eventually they tend to go downhill. The Chinese buffets faster than others. I more of a salad/steak or fish kind of girl. I never eat the desserts. I love The Outback, my dessert there is a Wallaby Darned (the frozen mixed drink).
  13. I don't really care for any kind of buffet...but my husband likes the 'Atlantic Buffet' in douglasville right next door to the Cracker Barrel. He goes there with our grandson and family about twice a month. I have gone with him twice, and it seemed to be pretty clean as far as buffets go.
  14. I'm sorry, but you aren't being entirely accurate . Your three favorite hobbies in life are as follows: Sleeping Sleeping, and... Sleeping.
  15. I'm going to make this last comment, and then let the courts decide on this whole thing. My children weren't angels. I homeschooled for 12 years. My kids were with me 7/24- 365 days per year. Pretty much from birth, on. I believe in corporal punishment. I spanked mine, and I spanked my niece and nephew (if needed) who were also with my 365 days per year for about a decade. Teen years included. I never had to restrain one by the throat, or punch a child to get them to obey. I think it is reprehensible behavior, period. If you have to do it at 15, then it is probably
  16. He is a grown man. She is a 15 year old girl . Never mind how much stronger a man is than a woman... Choking and punching , really?
  17. I have no problem with corporal punishment . The hind end is for spanking, if indeed he did punch and choke his daughter he is a sorry piece of crap.
  18. I'm sorry , punching and choking is NOT discipline , it's assault and battery.
  19. I agree 100%. What difference would it make to me if I am no longer here? I think to request anything else from him would be selfish . I love him enough to want him to be happy, and I honestly don't think he would be happy alone.
  20. Preach it sister , I can't even begin to express how pissed I am that we didn't really get a winter this last year at all. Pissed, I tell you !!!
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