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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Omg...where? My husband will wet himself .
  2. I had a friend who was married at 15, she had her first grandchild at 33 as I recall. Very young. I'll be 46 in October, and my daughter was born 12 days before my 20th birthday~ I thought that was young . I do have an almost 5 year old grandson from my 27 year old stepdaughter...grandbabies are mighty awesome .
  3. I think that's exactly what some people may need, lol. A very wise man once said... "For every prohibition, you create an underground" ~ Jello Biafra
  4. I would legalize drugs AND prostitution. Not that I partake in either one. TOO much taxpayer money used in trials, housing in jails, etc. Would pretty much with one single swipe do away with the gang issue. Tax it and legalize.
  5. I'm afraid to pick anyone for fear of leaving anyone out. Jenilyn (we really do have a scary lot in common, except for my love of snakes, lol) RaidersRock, I just love the crap out of this woman, I love everything about her. MeiLan one of the most positive people here. SouthernScarlet DeeWee Copschick HappyWifeandMom LPPT AdamnAarensmom (she's my sister and she can kick my butt) Lowrider HiPlainsDrifter Eym_serious Mrnm (I know I got the letters wrong) Animal Blondiegal Lucky64 Nc-17 Thoughts A Gipper Girl Spunkywoman Pubby, yep I said Pubby. I can't remember Cathy,
  6. My Mom would recite Poe's The Raven to me as a bed time story. The first time I read Bram Stoker ( with her encouragement and approval) was in 5th grade. She gave me my love of horror and all those dark spooky things. Resident Evil is my favorite video game of all time and I played it while my children watched. My grandson says "Memaw likes gawy (scary) movies ". So far we haven't killed anyone. So far . A nut is a nut.
  7. Gotcha, me either . I think most people who do not read for pleasure are either too busy (like my sister), or have just not found the genre that is a right fit for them...a combination of the two for my husband. I set aside reading time during the week, it is one of my greatest pleasures in life and I make it a priority. That is my 'me' time .
  8. I disagree completely. This has nothing to do with desensitization. It has everything to do with a clearly mentally disturbed individual who had no grip on reality. I'm not a Christian, but would find it equally as ridiculous if a crazy fundamentalist lost it and pulled similar based on one of the most violent bloody pieces of literature in recorded history. A nut, is a nut.
  9. That's alright, G. You know where to come stock up when you retire . Love you, little seester.
  10. I Know it is hard to read a 'tone' in a post...i thought the tongue sticking and winky smiley would convey jocularity. For the most part I was kidding. My husband is one of the most intelligent man I have ever known and has never read a book for pleasure...he does read a lot of gunsmithing and computer manuals (bore me to tears). My sister, the OP of this thread is one of the most intelligent women I know, and she really does not read for pleasure either.
  11. I honest to god don't understand how someone could read 0 books in a year . Really? I mean I've heard folks like that exist but I've never seen any with my own eyes . I'm glad Aaren got the responses she needed now tell her to get to work on my christmas zombie hat .
  12. I answered her on FB yesterday. Did she get enough responses yet? If not, I can share the question on my page. Lemme know, G .
  13. Details as promised: On Facebook For those who don't use Facebook: The Book Worm Bookstore’s 2012 Teacher’s Raffle for a Pile of Awesome So Intense Your Face Just Might Melt. Starting Monday, July 23 and running through August 18, we will be giving raffle tickets for a really great prize to one very lucky teacher and 2 only slightly less lucky teachers. Here’s how it will work: Between the dates of July 23 and August 18, educators (private, public, home and Pre-K Day school) need only come into the store and make a purchase of books for classroom use
  14. Okay, I take it back. It's not a 'Basket' prize...it's too much stuff for a basket . Here's the 'Grand Prize' details to follow... Everything pictured on this counter .
  15. Thank you Baseballmom! Britaini is working on assembling a huge teachers gift basket, for a teacher's raffle we are going to have in a few weeks. The basket, and a gift certificate are first place prizes and then several other gift certificates for 2nd and 3rd place. Wait until she posts a photo of the first place prize. It's pretty awesome .
  16. I don't know if we have made you aware of this before or not, so here goes... We have a 'Teacher's Donation Bucket' of credit in our store. When folks drop off books, and do not want credit applied to their own personal acct. we take the credit and add it to our Teacher's Bucket. We currently have OVER 4,000.00 dollars in this account. I personally homeschooled for 12 years, I know how expensive it can get. Many of my friends are professional educators, I know what an added burden it is to try and stock your classrooms on your own. What this means for you: Our books, are
  17. Just a note to let everyone know, if you want to make a donation to help cover the costs incurred by this tragedy, you can bring it by the store and we will see that it is safely delivered. ~Thanks! (The Book Worm)
  18. Powder Town. . I'm basically a life long resident of Cobb county. My family actually moved to Powder Springs from Smyrna in the mid 70s. I love Powder Springs.
  19. Me three. I thought I was the only freak in the world. I never attend a full theatre for this reason. This was absolutely horrifying and when we heard the news this morning my husband just gave me that 'maybe you aren't so crazy ' look. My thoughts are with the injured and the families of those who were lost in this madness. Absolutely tragic.
  20. Thank you for the update. They have been on my mind often since your original posts. Hoping for complete healing for both of them.
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