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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Wow!!!! Absolutely fantastic, thank you for sharing .
  2. I am heartbroken . Mr. Bradbury penned my absolute favorite novel of all time, 'Fahrenheit 451'. His work is the source and origin of my love for dystopian fiction. In my heart personally, he is second only to Poe. RIP, Mr. Bradbury...thank you for the impact you made on my life. You will never be forgotten. Ray Bradbury passes...
  3. Thank you PEOPLE!!!! I don't feel QUITE as freakish anymore . I do want to amend this to say, if my Mama was still here with us there really is not much of a limit to the time I could spend with her. Her home, wherever she landed always felt like home to me. She and my Mema (gone 23 years now, my Mama almost 10) are the only people I ever felt that way about. I think that was more about who they were, than WHERE they were .
  4. I'll go with you. It will be my first trip ever, and my family first settled in Powder Springs in the 70's . Shows you how concerned I am .
  5. Let me know how that works out for you .
  6. Apologies if this was previously posted, I know folks have been asking off and on. Sun Valley Beach will not open this summer.
  7. I love you a million times AGAIN. I live in Powder Springs, the rest of 'my' family lives in Paulding (migrated from p-town). I visit my sister's house twice a year on the holidays... I 'see ' her here on pcom . We text... My Papa (father) drops by the bookstore once a week or so . My husband's family lives in Al. If it is more than a drop-in visit for a few hours kinda thing I don't go, because they insist we stay with them. I hate that. I'm a private person and I value my privacy, probably a little fanatically... There again I have reached the age where I don't feel I have to apolog
  8. Just one thought...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :vomit:. The last thing I want to see is that woman's stretched out nasty bits .
  9. Please drop by...it will be a sad sight if Brit ends up sitting in the floor all alone gorging herself on animal crackers and punch, sobbing over her books...
  10. MONDAY MORNINGS...Kids aged 4 and over 11:00 am to 12:00, Children's story time (refreshments provided free, story time of course is free). Adult, parent or caregiver must be present with child . The Book Worm Bookstore, Powder Springs. No reservation necessary, just bring your happy smiling faces .
  11. Mine too!!! R.I.P Mr. Dawson.
  12. I'm the same way with people causing a scene, they generally crack me up more than anything, and folks who take themselves too seriously . I just find them funny. I also tend to surround myself with people who can laugh at themselves (God knows I do with myself) and those who laugh with me. I have a VERY irreverent sense of humor, I love that in a person. Life is too freaking short to be sour . I live in a house full of cut-ups...I always have to be on my toes to stay one step ahead of my kids .
  13. OMG, right? Those bull testicles are the worst. Whenever Brit and I see a pair of those we glance at each other and say "needle d*ck". Lol
  14. . Thank you Lady... She is WAY more witty than me, she kinda keeps me in stitches, lol.
  15. OMG! THAT is an awesome idea! I think I will paint one for the counter (or doors). We do have some silly signage already and that would be perfect . I have one I painted for the counter that says "Be Nice, or Leave" . So far everyone has loved it, except for a few prickly people, who maybe were not going to be nice anyway, lol. Thank you!
  16. Me as well . What really, really bothers me are horrendous misspellings. Other than the occasional faux pas, and not that it is necessarily a slam to a person's intelligence. My husband is actually one of the most intelligent men I have ever known, and he cannot spell worth a crap. It cracks me up in cards, etc. online I just say "Honey, they've invented this tool known as spell check": .
  17. Britaini does...no cost at all. Message her, 'The Bookworm' to get the details .
  18. My daughter is a certifiable nut .
  19. O.M.G!!!! We have a spider in our bathroom????? You probably should have warned me a few hours ago. I'm sending Ray back there to check...
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