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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Wow, how adorable! Beautiful children . I agree, grandbabies are the BEST!!! My grandson will be 5 in a few months and I still want to squeeze the stuffing out of him every time I see him .
  2. She's not kidding about the Kardashian thing, btw. We saw a commercial with one of the Kardashian clan on it yesterday...so we attempted to speak the same way she does. Britaini said you just needed to 'empty your brain and speak", lol. It's actually more difficult than it sounds, because you have to remember to add the inflection at the end of every sentence. Go ahead, I challenge you...my argument being she has to have something going on in that little head of hers to speak, and remember to add the VERY SAME inflection at the end of every sentence Deep conversations in our househo
  3. I mostly google books, reviews and authors. Other than that I don't really google anything .
  4. Meh. You see all of my awesome posts on FaceBook .
  5. I have had this joyful experience TWICE. I make da*n sure I drink TONS of water every day, and urine is clear. Completely clear. Since the last one, and the monitoring of water as opposed to any other fluid I intake, I have had not other issues... *crossing fingers*. Ps...If the universe was 'fair' I think men should only have to experience this since we have to give birth, And, there it is .
  6. I didn't watch the video, sorry. I love this man. I've loved him since Jaws. Curly haired Jewish boys are really my soft spot . Granted...this post is completely vapid and I do not care.
  7. First off I wanted to be a vampire...obviously that didn't work out. I was a dark child . I wanted to be a professional artist, and I wanted to work in a bookstore or library. I've worked for the Sheriff's Dept, been an executive assistant for two OTC Penny Stock Firms, been a home school Mom and housewife . Now I co-manage my daughter's bookstore, and I paint and sculpt for personal pleasure as well as having a small following of collectors who buy my work. Dream fulfilled. Except the vampire part... I have no complaints .
  8. So young, I was sad to hear this. Now Robin is with his brothers, Andy and Maurice. How sad that Barry, the eldest is the only one remaining. I always loved them.
  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (((swoon))) I'm sorry...what were we talking about?
  10. Oh Lord, lol. I don't think we were that memorable, and there were hundreds of people there, pulling all kinds of shenanigans . She was just SO funny, and I have to say her legion of fans are just as awesome as she is. So many other silly women (and more than a few men)...many brought crazy things for her to sign. One even had a huge metal pink flamingo! Just a wonderful time all the way around.
  11. I just got home from the most AMAZING time . My daughter Britaini and I went out to the Buckhead B&N for Jenny Lawson's signing. Her 1st book, in it's 4th week at #1 on the bestsellers list. 'Let's Pretend this Never Happened: a Mostly True Memoir'. I read it in one day, bought it on my kindle. Monday night as I was getting ready to close the store I happened to be showing a customer her blog: The Bloggess when I noticed she was in town for a signing tonight. I bought a hard copy and had it rushed to the store yesterday, then it occurred to me B&N would probably prefer I b
  12. Girl, I am with you. I'm almost 46, and been carrying these DDD around for far too long. I have permanent 'ditches' in my shoulder blades from the bras. I haven't been able to run since third grade and I am not even joking. My husband tells me all the time I can get a reduction, but the surgery, the drains...it all just freaks me out a bit. I am 5' even, btw.
  13. All of you folks stuck in the dark ages, you know you can come visit our store...we have lots and LOTS of REAL books . Most are half off and the hardcovers are even more off. Like, as in $7.99 to 9.99. Edited because apparently Benadryl turns me into an idiot...Every Tuesday is buy one, GET one free (choose your genre) fiction, you can also use this special on Saturdays. Yes, that makes us MUCH cheaper than amazon .
  14. You are absolutely right. I've found many authors I never would have otherwise tried through 'samples' and free offerings through the authors themselves. That is completely different from what was discussed above...where one person pays for a book , and then offers it somehow to the mass populace for nothing. That is pirating, it is illegal, and just in general a crap thing to do. What you are referring to is a legitimate way for a novelist to get his work out there where it will be discovered, and if it can find an audience it will serve him/her very well. One example of that is one of m
  15. As a bookseller (who owns a Kindle Fire) and friend to many published authors, I am with you on the skin crawl. I have no problem paying an artist (author) for the worlds they create, that I love...so that they can continue to do what they love to do. Edited to say, I had a Sony Reader originally , and I loved that as well. The Kindle Fire is just WAY more awesome, in the ability to access wifi, watch movies, play apps, etc.
  16. I absolutely do. Intuition is a powerful force. Most of us just do not know how to be sensitive to it.
  17. Member of huge baguppie club here. You could not PAY me to wear a swimsuit, not because I am fat, but because of the bewbie issue. I don't swim in any pool at all but when we visit the ocean I will wear (boys) swim trunks and a tshirt with sports bra. I envy all of you ladies that feel comfortable in a swimsuit. I haven't worn one since elementary school (early 70's) .
  18. Maybe they will be picked up by another network *crossing fingers*.
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I HATE girley, feel good shows as a general rule. I watched this one with my daughter and we both absolutely loved it. I was afraid of this. With the subject matter, it was too good to be true that it could last. I really am sad now. Where's my wine...
  20. Samantha Stevens Lilian Munster Morticia Addams~ These were my three favorites from childhood. Nowadays I am REALLY digging "Gigi Stopper", Annie Potts in GCB . Could that woman be any more gorgeous?
  21. Healing thoughts and well wishes!
  22. We had the same thing happen, then found a pipe had burst underneath our slab house . Not fun.
  23. They sat around and allowed it because they are as much trash as he is . The apple apparently hasn't fallen far from the tree. Things like this sincerely make me hope there is a hell.
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