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Everything posted by HiPlainsDrifter

  1. I was forced to eat at one of these restaurants in TN a year ago. It proved to be another chain to me, and like you describe the entree tasted like something I would grab out of the freezer section at the local grocer. Oh wait, it most likely was!
  2. I tell you a couple of ways they can help the employees understand that the paycheck is directly related to the customer. When the doors are chained shut and they are out of a job. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's a cold hard truth. There are a lot of factors that can lead to a business closing, but by all means at least be able to say it wasn't because of customer service. I've worked for my company in the construction supply business for 22 years and started in the warehouse and on the floor in a sales center before working my way up. I've seen hundreds of changes, closing etc. One idea I
  3. I can't say I care much for the man in office, but personal attacks on his wife or kids is something I will never bring myself to do. Hell I never cared for Bush, for that matter most politicians, but making comments about Laura was something off limits. I think her body is just fine. It's the media , the magazines, tv, movies etc that have programmed us to think that a woman's body should have the shape of something that you should be able to stick a stop sign on top of! I watch the movies from the 40's and 50's and always say damn women looked good back then. Chances are if you removed
  4. I see a lot of you love this store so I will not be popular for saying what I am about to say. I used to go there because of their selection and service. In the past year or so, their service seems to have tripped on a freakin rock and tumbled down an embankment. I recently read an article that spoke about their troubles and it referred to the fact that now most people visit with an item already researched, buy it and leave. Where as in the past they were shown floor products and bought impulse items as well. I can see this happening, but their service is not helping the matter. I went looking
  5. Up until I moved to Atlanta I had never heard of schools being rented out. I saw signs for church services at the school and was very surprised. I just always considered our schools as a learning institution not a civic center or local county dome where events are held. Seems like these things would have to be included in tax referendums when approvals come around. When taxes are approved for building schools, is it really publicized that these buildings will also be rented out for religious purposes? I say that because I never see signs for the state remote control car competition, or the sta
  6. Wife got me to watch and we have been hooked. The opening credits are as creepy as the show itself. We are always trying to figure out if the character speaking is alive or a ghost, they keep you thinking. It pushes the envelope for TV no doubt, but a pretty cool show indeed.
  7. Most of the post game interviews I've seen with Tebow, when asked about their comeback in the game, he starts with, first I have to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then he mentions his team mates. Now what he is thanking him for who knows. Keeping him from having his legs broken in half so he can work TOGETHER AS A TEAM to come back, keeping the weather nice, or just placing a dark cloud on the opponents defense. I thought the skit was humorous, not extremely funny. I got more satisfaction knowing it pissed off Rev Pat" men if your wife has Alzheimer's dump her and find another" Ro
  8. Usually a Smithfield. I look for the Butt and baste it with apple cider and finish with a Jack Daniels whiskey glaze in the oven.
  9. My wife and I mailed a Christmas card to someone across the country a couple of weeks ago with a pre paid gift card enclosed. It arrived opened, card shuffled through and gift card stolen. The bastard who stole the card was somewhere along the delivery handling process. My wife and I both agree that Christmas cards are a hot target because people know there is a good chance there may be checks, cash or gift cards enclosed. In the future we will send money electronically, to avoid bastards who do not want to work for their money. It takes a low life to steal in the first place, but to steal pre
  10. I hate forwarded emails with paranoid warnings. I don't ask Barbara and David Mikkelson (Snopes)what they think of the email. To put my faith in one media source for the truth is idiotic to say the least. I usually rely on several different sources. I figure if the person that sent the email had done some research and not relied on ONE source for authenticity, I may not have received the email in the first place. Then there are the people who forward the damn Snopes emails to me! That's a whole other issue!
  11. I got my morning laugh reading this story and then seeing the mug shot. Happened in Chicago, mugger tried to rob a martial arts expert and UFC fighter. Too damn funny! He got what he deserved. My words to him would be,"Now don't you feel like a dumba--?"HAHAHAHAHA
  12. All good advice. My son and I both suffer with asthma, he much worse than myself. We both use prescription Ventolin as well as preventative inhalers that are taken daily. For someone attempting to self treat, it can be dangerous, as asthma can be life threatening. There are a few over the counter medications and things at home that you can do to help, most have been mentioned. Mucinex is an over the counter medication that doctors have told me to use for years to loosen up gunk in the chest. That along with drinking A LOT of water will help tons. Elevating your head at night helps to breath an
  13. I have watched my Deadwood box set 4 times and even today I long for at least one more disc to end that series. Man would I have loved to have seen George Hearst take a bullet. Another show I liked, which actually was severely broken up over 5 years was Northern Exposure. CBS doomed it just from changing it's time slot from month to month. Even a fan like myself would have to check listings to find out when to tune in next week. The contract disputes with Rob Morrow and his exit, along with time slot changes meant the end. Enjoyed Twin Peaks as well. David Lynch on tv, what an idea.
  14. This article made me utterly sick to read. How arrogant and cruel these men are to their women. Just think though, women have been viewed this way by so many different cultures throughout history. Blame for this crime is still today laid at the foot of the woman in this country, or at least share in the fault, other cultures are just many many steps behind us. In any case, the Afgan president is a heartless bastard who is adhering to cultural and religious beliefs that men are far far superior and can do no wrong. My link
  15. So let me get this straight. Theoretically if you are unemployed you could end up being required to serve more community service than someone that is ordered by a judge to perform CS as punishment for a crime?
  16. Glad to meet you too. The store is a treasure cove for books tucked away in our area that I hope everyone who loves to read soon discovers. I'll be bringing my wife by soon to buy a few more for the shelves.
  17. My wife and I watched Sunday nights episode last night On Demand. For some strange reason I didn't catch that it was the "Mid Season Finale". Well I did catch them saying it, but I kept asking, so what that means is they are half way through the season, 12 episodes, this is #6 yeah, so! Then I find out I have to wait till FEBRUARY to see #7! I call that a S-E-A-S-ON finale. Sorry if I can't tune in next week , especially within the next month or two and see another episode, that's another season. Mid Season Finale my a--! I'm only criticizing because after some very sllllooow episodes, thi
  18. No one had a problem for decades upon decades when the government forced PRIVATE businesses to close on a Christian recognized sabbath day because their product sales were banned on that day. That government intervention was just fine and dandy, although it dictated business hours to private establishments. Up until the vote recently alcohol sales on sunday, a christian sabbath day, were dictated by our government. I guess it's all about what the day is about, what is to be accomplished, and who benefits.
  19. I've never gone shopping on Black Friday or even the weekend of BF. I hate to shop period and I am so so thankful I married a woman who hates it as well. My wife and I spent our black friday and yesterday hiking in Cloudland Canyon State Park. The weather was beautiful, there were few people there and the stress level was zero.
  20. Doesn't seem like it's Black Friday shoppers that's the complaint. It's the retail companies changing it to Black Thursday. If there's a day anywhere on the calendar that someone in retail expects to work I'm sure it's the Friday after Thanksgiving. I personally don't have a problem with black Friday shoppers and wouldn't want the government to regulate employers to give their employees that day off. I would however like to see companies refrain from the crazy hours and maybe allow more family time. This country likes to run it's mouth about family values, quality time,and morals but when it c
  21. I don't think this way at all, but if you read the comments on this board you would get the idea, "Hey she picked the job, deal with it, or quit." "Be happy you have a job, have you seen the unemployment rate?" "Don't like standing on your feet that long?, then leave and go work for someone that will allow breaks!" Labor laws such as the ones supported by this state are sad and most likely were written and passed by men who never needed laws to protect them in the first place.
  22. Really? In this economy there is more business with unemployment being as high as it is right now and foreclosures where they are, inflation. So back decades ago when unemployment was low, inflation was down, you're saying that there was just no demand for holiday business? We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Holiday shopping has always been in demand around this time of year and I'm sure if the stores had been open 30 years ago people would have shopped, especially since financially times were better. Hell I remember my family in the 70's shopping like mad on black Friday, it's no ne
  23. Again we are comparing our military who are a necessity to defend our country to someone at a big box store who is there because we choose that we want to go buy a flat screen on the Thanksgiving holiday instead of waiting 24 hours.
  24. "Funny how Thanksgiving has such strong Christian values," Referenced strong Christian values, as the thanking of the Christian God, and closeness of family, etc etc. That in contrast to the requirement of people to work that day selling tvs so those same people who hold those values can shop. Never said it was a Christian holiday, although there are origins from that religion, it certainly is an American holiday with traditions of numerous religions, customs and families. Reading comprehension. I liken it to the people who want to keep Sunday a holy day, yet hit the buffet and wally world
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