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Everything posted by HiPlainsDrifter

  1. What everyone else said. My wife was the dog guru that taught me and she has trained some doozies. Taking them out frequently, even when they are not showing signs to go, and take them to that SAME spot. The key word like everyone else said, whatever it may be. Remember that dogs have a short memory as far as an act they did, so yelling at them or punishing them for using the bathroom hours earlier in the day is useless. If they come to you and you swat them for using the bathroom in the house, you may be yelling at them for the bad deed, but they'll think they are being punished for coming to
  2. A psychopath will murder no matter what manual he is reading. Sometimes though it's their own twisted interpretation of the manual that brings them to that point. I still say the human heart knows right from wrong.
  3. Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace Guess he covered that part too.
  4. It amazes me how some misled people in society cannot for one moment in time, put aside their interpretation of their religion and just go with their heart. Relinquish any teachings that they interpreted as instructions to murder or hate someone because of their religion,race,gender or sexual preference, and just for once rely on their heart. We are born with certain instincts that allow us to know that blowing up or shooting innocent people is wrong, no book needs to instruct us otherwise. People in society have to at least question their interpretation if their higher being is telling them t
  5. I have the actual page number burned in memory, page 74. Can't tell you how many times I've had to wait in a long line behind people stopping at a flashing yellow light. I do slow down and proceed with caution, but stopping is for the the flashing red as stated in the manual. Following the law has also caused me to get the finger.
  6. My pain was first accompanied with swelling in the knee, which a primary care physician diagnosed as gout. I went on meds for that for 5 days which did nothing. So off those meds and referred to an orthopedic doc who finally does an xray and says I have pseudogout, crystals that are chipping away the cartilage. He takes samples and then has me come back a week later to tell me that it's not what he thought it was and when it gets bad again or worse to call immediately and they will do more test. When I ask, what is it? I get, I don't know as of yet. I was told just to take motrin for the pain
  7. I have no damn clue what a 4 year old distribution of US wealth pie chart has to do with anything in my post.
  8. After months of knee pain and three doctor opinions, I was finally told I have arthritis in my knees as well. I was not surprised, even though I am young by standards, due to my father being diagnosed in his middle 30's. I was given Celebrex to try for a few weeks initially. The very first day my chest began to hurt and my face became red, the second day it was the same if not worse, so I stopped immediately. I was out of breath from just walking up my stairs. My knees felt better, but I also felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I called the Dr's office, an orthopedic doc, and told th
  9. Man, I wake up this morning and have a cup of coffee, look at PCOM and see this thread! Yes my eyes did catch "right winger" and think, man that will be moved to the political forum soon. I thought of the guy as a hate filled, evil , conspiring murderer, but that's just me. It's obvious what he was doing and it's been done throughout history repeatedly. Pose as someone from the targeted side, create fear through violence, words etc. It's a technique used by numerous groups, some that you would have considered to be liberal, some conservative. But after reading the posts here, I don't want to f
  10. The news report I saw confirmed that the manager was fired. She confronted the customer inside the restaurant and attacked her in the parking lot. Anyone can say that she was off the clock, but I'm sure 99% of the businesses in this country hold you responsible for your behavior towards a customer inside the the property, whether on or off the clock. If the manager took it upon herself to try to force the mother to leave with the dog and two sons then obviously she was acting in her role as manager. Allowing a service dog inside a property is not some rule that a business decides, it's a feder
  11. You are correct, but there are many many factors that affect trading and stock prices, some of which are wars,conflicts, natural disasters and excuses. It all comes full circle. Some stocks rise or fall based on the private life of the company ceo, his health etc. Our elections tilt the market in one direction or another, so there are factors that affect the stock prices. I just think that the oil companies feed us a line of crap when it comes to this way of operating in the markets. I don't think that the market price of a barrel of oil is as volatile as the oil companies have us believe, it'
  12. Maybe the oil companies are "anticipating" another natural disaster or war/conflict in a region, so they are raising prices. If you remember back months ago when the flooding on the Mississippi took place, gas was raised due to the "anticipation" of flood waters hitting refineries in Louisiana. It never happened, but they were prepared by raising prices. Always wanna be prepared now don't we? I've never been able to figure out what affects the price, so I singled it down to this, greed, and then use an excuse to make us keep moving along. One time it's "fuel consumption is down so we have to r
  13. Looking for a resume writer, program, or templates that you may have used that you found to be easy and successful. Does not need to be a complicated resume, it's for someone who's been at their job for many years, more skill oriented as far as content. Any suggestions?
  14. American Disposal Services bought them out. Weird they have a VA address but a local #.
  15. I understand people have to have a license, but there has to be a point where common sense takes over, which is I know is difficult when it comes to government. If you're gonna go after little girls lemonade stands then they better send out the entire force on Saturday mornings to shut down the yard sales. Those thieves are conducting business without paying the required fees. Those young kids walking neighborhoods with lawn mowers? Lock em up if they don't have a license! Hell, I"m far more threatened by girls with lemonade stands than I am by DUI drivers, car jackers, robbers,murderers and r
  16. I'm not a fan and would never attend a show if even given a ticket. However I will say if what I've read is true in the post is true and she does write her own songs, then I can respect that aspect of her music, it's almost extinct in today's music world. No one these days seems to be able to compose a song, they tend to rely on others to be creative and then play karaoke and collect their paycheck. So if she is writing her own songs, even though I don't like them, it's a rarity. I do think it's strange that people would just happen to show up with eggs though. I never brought eggs to a concer
  17. I will be glad when it just falls to the low 90's at least. Topping out at 100 for days has me tallying up my power bill in my head everyday. It's so hot I spotted the squirrels in my back yard putting their nuts on ice.
  18. My point was not undermined, it just flew over your head faster than the speed of sound. It was to show you that there are some people that wear their judges robes everyday and decide who belongs to what class, who they will hire, who they will associate with, move next to, or for God's sake even help in time of emergency, based on appearances. There are sometimes aspects to a person's life, be it their sexual orientation, political view, or yes, an ink design on their arm, and yes maybe a small earring they sometimes wear that change perspectives. It's sad that just knowing one of those facto
  19. I was on board at $9.99 and $11.99, but now with steady increases and no increase in service, I'm starting to see a pattern. They are starting to venture into BB territory, not yet, but pointing the ship in that direction. I wish they would update their streaming and include newer releases. I know those movies are available to stream, because other media outlets have them available. I would much rather deal with streaming than handle DVDs. I'll stick with them for now, but there may be some tweeking of the account down the road if services don't improve or price increases continue.
  20. Oh trust me, it's alive and kicking.
  21. Sorry, I find the idea of a kid being prevented from becoming president because he had an earring when he was 14 to be so funny. I will say, my decision to allow my son to get his ear pierced was not out of "fear". It was because I may be a little more laid back in certain areas than other parents, and I really thought it was harmless. "Confrontation issues?" how F funny. Yes you're right about Obama, but it's ok to pay attention to other appearances. Further more it's illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18, so if a child is tattooed, it's illegal. But us lower middle class people with
  22. Man this ear piercing is really serious.
  23. I really never see what the big deal is with kids wanting to pierce their ear, color their hair etc. I will say it's up to the individual parent, because it's their child not mine. My opinion is that too big of a deal is made which is why kids go further with things in the first place. I was 15 when I had my ear pierced and that was in the 80's when it was just starting, so yes I got some looks. My parents never made a big deal of it, and soon I stopped wearing one. They always had the attitude of there are far worst things I could be doing. My son asked to have his pierced at one time and I i
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