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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I have to just sit here and LOL at some of these posts. Do you folks honestly think that the school systems should pay for all supplies??? Just think about how your household expenses have gone up and multiply by 1000's. Just buying toilet paper, napkins, cleaning supplies, etc has gone up drastically. School systems are buying those things, buying food for the lunchroom (not all of it is free from the government), paying all utilities, salaries, etc. Some of you folks have owned or worked for small business--think about what it costs to run it. Then again, multiply by 1000"s. YES, the
  2. Very good post!!! I can't tell you the times, as a room mother for 3 kids, that I went to a Christmas party and was short on gifts. I do understand that there are some families that just can't afford it, but most could scrape up $5 for a present to see that their kids did not feel any less than the others. I learned to carry an extra boy and girl present with me. I guess I just have a hard time understanding how these parents can pull up to the school in their 30K plus vehicles, mama don't work and they can't afford to send supplies with their kids to school??? I see it every day in m
  3. OMG--I cannot get over the selfishness of some of you parents (or grandparents). It is SCHOOL. It is your child's EDUCATION. So what if you buy some extra supplies. I always bought extra when my kids were in school and I am doing the same with my grandkids. It's not a big deal. Buy it all at the beginning of the year when notebook paper and pencils at 50 cents. No wonder some folks sit and brag about everything else they have and can do--me and other folks are supplying their kids (and grandkids)their school supplies (and probably a whole lot more). And they say it is the younger generatio
  4. I am a little further down--closer to Davis Mill, but didn't hear anything. Of course, I have the 10 yr old grandson sitting here on his laptop, with headphones on, talking on a game!!
  5. Heck yeah!!! I'd drive it--and I am a 53 yr old woman!!! But I wouldn't pay that price for it!!
  6. I have always wondered the same thing. Especially when you see mama in her Tahoe/Suburban, daddy in his brand new truck and then you see little Jr. in a brand new truck. WTH do these folks do for a living??? But then again, I see a lot of this in my job. These folks have these expensive cars with high payments, live in their fancy houses with high payments--but they literally have no furniture (or it is junk) and they owe $50K or more in credit card debt (usually a whole lot more). For many, many years, I always had a $20K rule--meaning that I would never spend over $20K for a new car.
  7. I really don't see what the problem is with all of this. Businesses merge all the time. I think this is just a case of sour apples because somebody thought they were going to slide in and take over. This has been hashed out several times--on here and elswhere. And I am with you momof3--as long as they take care of you--what's the big deal?? I have heard good and bad about all 3 companies, but since I know more about Clarks--I would tend to go with them. Not impressed by a business (or someone affiliated with them) playing these nasty games. Automatically puts a bad taste in your m
  8. If you want to aviod the crowds in PCB, you got to go west. Stay away from Thomas Drive and that end of Front Beach. I rarely ever go to that area while visiting. Usually I stay from 79 west, and sometimes venture to Pier Park, but not always. If you can find anything in Horizon South, they are nice condos. Not beachside, but across the beach from the Sandpiper. We never even use the Front Beach entrance--always the one off Back Beach. Again--much less traffic.
  9. I don't think it is costing the county anything at all. It is just a business deal between two businesses. As long as we are still getting the services promised from Clark's--what should be the problem?? And I do believe that the person that opened this thread has been on here before bashing Clark's. If I remember correctly, he/she has some connections with the company that wants to take Clark's place in the county.
  10. Most folks want a 3 day minimum. I know that condo that we stay at is booked until Labor Day. We were lucky and got in the last week a few weeks a go. Nice condo, 3 pools, kid friendly and he rents to me for $100 a night. You might try somewhere like Bikini Beach??? One of the only older mom and pops left.
  11. Dang--I would really hate to type that Bankruptcy petition!! Might have to look at Pacer and see what the attorney fees were up front!! Should be interesting. And then the Application for fees at a later date should be really entertaining--at least for us folks that work in the BK world!@!!
  12. I have kept one for aover a week on the counter and it was fine. I put mine on foil and cook on the grill. It actually cooks quicker and you don't have to warm the house up with having the oven on for so long!!
  13. If you are drawing (or can draw) unemployment, they will pay for continueing education courses. This would not be a "degree", but at least some training. You can look at the continuing ed courses at Chattahoochie and go from there.
  14. 99% of the time, the house goes back to the mortgage company. I used to go and watch the foreclosures being cried in Cobb County and NEVER once saw one purchased. If they are still living in the house, sooner or later, they will be served paper to vacate the property.
  15. That is what I am guessing. The arrest record is very vague and only gives the charges--not a full description. The address listed was Yorkville Hwy, but that is their home address. Since the arrest was in Paulding, one would assume the actions took place in Paulding??
  16. Saw the arrest(s) on another site. Since it was gambling and food stamp fraud--I assumed it was a store. looked like a husband and wife, with the last name of Momin?? Anything??
  17. Should be interesting. I saw a story about the ferris wheel on the news today. The ride price is not going over with folks at all. I forget the exact prices, but it was $40 (+) for a family of four to ride for 15 minutes.
  18. What I really don't understand, is the fact that you have the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all of these thousands of folks rallying against this. Yet--if the case had been reversed (Martin killing Zimmerman)--we would not have heard a peep from anybody. Just like the OJ case and several others---why do the supporters of the black people find it necessary to march and rally??? I have always said that the Nation would go up in smoke of there was a NAAWP (white people) formed, but yet it is OK for everything to be singled out and named for the black people. I am not a racist by
  19. The thing with all of this is that it seems to be more for the parents than the kids. I see way too many parents pushing these "World Series" than the kids. Even last week in PCB--I saw numerous families at our complex. They would be at the pool (or see them out eating) and the parents would be telling the kids that they had to go play ball and the kids wanted to stay at the pool or go to the beach???
  20. If you lost your job, from no fault of yours, are you not allowed to draw unemployment?? I would at least try. Even if your former employer tries to deny it--you can appeal that decision and probably win.
  21. But, how can it be a real World Series if every vacation spot with a ballfield close by has a World Series??? I just left PCB and it was ridiculous at the crowd at Frank Brown Park. Let kids be kids.
  22. It is about time that somebody brought those folks down a notch or two. I know from working in a firm with criminal defense attorneys--just the mention of a case being in Douglas County will pretty much double your attorney fees. They are impossible to deal with--guilty or not. And not in any way saying that they should go easy on criminals. They are just one of the hardest counties around to deal with--in any situation. They honestly think they are above the law.
  23. I would really like to know what would happen if some companies started dropping these rappers and such. I mean, since they use the same word all the time--why shouldn't they?? Of course, that would bring on WW3!!! Wake up folks--it's not only white folks that have ever used that word.
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