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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I could not wear the Acuvue Oasis contacts. They felt like they were moving around on my eye and I actually lost several of them when they would just fall out of my eye. They put me in the Focus Breathables and they fit and feel wonderful!!And they are much cheaper than the Acuvues. As far as glasses, I just got a regular pair, althoug I did pay to get them with the changing tint. I just need them for driving if I don't have my contacts in. I might wear them one day a month, so I was not in for the total fashion thing!!
  2. If you don't mind driving to Town Center, I just love the Dr.'s at America's Best. I started using their location on Roswell Street about 10 years ago, but had a problem with a new contact not fitting. They refused to listen to me, so I went to the Town Center location and they were wonderful.Love, love, love that store!! You can pay $99 for 3 years of exams (twice a year if needed)and their glasses and contacts are good prices also. I now wear "their" brand of contacts (Focus), which are made by Copper Lens and they are so much more affordable and comfortable than the Acuvue's the other s
  3. I have a big bag of purses and shoes--all in excellent shape for you. Most of them are office stuff. Just need to remember to drop them off!! What are your hours next week?
  4. Pay attention folks. The vote is not until the 24th!!!
  5. Well, if the body had been there 2 yrs, then it might not be her. Says she has been missing since November 2012???
  6. Oh lord--my grandson plays that fox song on his Iphone all the time!! After about 25 times--it really get son your last nerve!
  7. I am right there with ya. If that funeral home has offered to cover expenses--then they don't need it. Maybe for the hospital and ambulance--but that should also go directly to them. I know that she lost a child, but she was not a MOTHER and she certainly does not need to profit from his death--it won't bring him back. In my book, she doesn't deserve anything for that child. She did nothing to help him at all.
  8. I don't understand the mother at all. What kind of mother says she hasn't been allowed to see her kids in 2 years?? And now she is trying to get custody of the little girl. I googled her name and found an article on another TV station, it give a little more information. Then you go and search her on FB--she has a bunch of pics on there, but only 1 of her kids and it was put on there 10-15. Yeah--mother of the year alright.
  9. Sorry, but this seems a little odd to me. You applied for a free government phone when you kept saying that you were looking to pay cash for a home in FL??? Sorry if it seems rude, but it just doesn't make any sense to me.
  10. I really can't see any big airlines flying here. What does PC have to offer anybody in their travels?? If there were major (and I mean MAJOR) resorts or other attractions--maybe. And I am in by no means knocking PC here--lived here all my life and liked it before all this crap come here!! I can remember about 8 years ago, we flew into Roanoke (which is a very small airport). I bet there wasn't 100 people in that whole airport, including workers!! Just about every single person was getting in a van headed to the Homestead for a stay. That was the main attraction for that airport and we have
  11. From what they are saying on the news, all of the signs looked like the abuse had been going on for some time. Now--why had teachers (or like) not noticed anything unusual?? I understand that boys always have scrapes and bruises and such--but there is a difference in bruises from playing and bruises from a beating.
  12. But this looks like it is only for the supplemental insurance??? Is it available as a regular policy?? For somebody that is not eligible for Medicare, but needs a policy??
  13. Yeah, and I just bet that he is not so big and bad in jail. Most folks like that are scared to death of a man or somebody that could be their equal. Sure hope he is scared to death right now--just like his son was.
  14. And they are still on the Square today.
  15. What I find funny is this is the same state that had so many crooks when Katrina hit. Remember all the folks taking those cards and buying designer purses and stuff instead of necessities??
  16. Aldi had a sign up today. Did not notice one at Publix yesterday.
  17. Most take 33.3% and , unless it has changed recently, there is a cap of $6000 that the attorney can take from your back pay.
  18. I think you are thinking about Merle Norman???
  19. I bet they don't have a problem at all. Folks like that--just don't. But I bet they are sitting in church every week thinking they are the perfect person. I can't imagine why they aren't struck by lightening or something???
  20. Why do you say that??? There weren't jobs out here in the 80's and 90's when everybody had to rush and move to PC. They were willing to drive a little further to get that bigger house for a little less money. But, the problem was--once they got here--they wanted more!! They wanted more shopping, more business, etc. The builders got rich (at least those that invested wisely) and everybody else got crowded.
  21. tbird


    Kind of like the lady at Nebo the other day. She pulls into the car rider line and then stops and parks in front of the office and proceeds to get out of her car and walk into the school. When the line starts moving--you are stuck because the folks in the other lane won't let you over!! Like said earlier---they just think they are better than everybody else and the rules don't apply to them.
  22. Sam Clark. Owns Clark Ambulance and Clark Funeral Home.. Not from around here--huh???
  23. I think you need to check your information before you go posting on a public board. I have a family member that works for Sam and there have been no problems lately with the checks. Maybe Sam needs to know that one of his employees is spreading this crap.
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