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Everything posted by tbird

  1. My first 2 started cereal at 1 month, the last one at 2 weeks. He was a 10 lb baby and could not be satisfied with formula alone. I know that lots of folks don't believe in starting that early, but none of mine ever had any type of problems with it. Our pediatrician was Dr. Duncan and then Dr. Vaughn. Of course, this was 30 years ago. I had other folks that had kids around the same age as mine and they didn't feed anything but formula for 6 months and those were the fattest kids I had ever seen--even the girls (I am talking overly fat football player looking girls!!) We did the same thing
  2. Sorry--no help here!! Back when I needed a diaper bag, you went to Kmart and bought one of those hard boxy ones with the flip up top!! But you could fit a weeks worth of stuff in it!! But I will say that I always kept mine full. I NEVER left the house without 3 or 4 changes of clothes and at least twice the diapers that I would need. I had a fear of my kid being stuck somewhere with dirty clothes!! Even my ex MIL used to say that I packed the best diaper bag she had ever seen. Probably the only nice thing she ever said about me!! Now my daughter and DIL---never could teach them how
  3. There are buses that leave from Powder Springs also, the park and ride lot. Might try and see if they have more routes than the one in Hiram. I go by there every day and there is always a bus coming or going!!
  4. WOnder if he was ever able to sell his other house???
  5. You might me my cousin!! Althouhg I do remember that there were several guys that rode together.
  6. Didn't he work at Lockheed also??/ I think in food service??
  7. Yeah, I don't hink I have ever known of any traffic cameras in Paulding.
  8. MEatloaf, black eyed peas, collards, mac & cheese, cole slaw and mexican cornbread (not the mix kind--homeade).
  9. I special ordered my grandson a GA Bulldogs Otterbox for Christmas. Was very hesitant to do so--with a $50 price tag, but my kids said it would be worth it. Since I refuse to have a smart phone--I know nothing about them!!
  10. If I am not mistaken--Judge Grubbs has/or is retired recently. She was known as one of the tougher Judges???
  11. I seem to remember several folks talking about living there growing up. These were second generation Lockheed employees (that are about 10 yrs older than me--so that would put them in the 60-70 yr old range). I will ask my good friend--she and her mother both worked there.
  12. Didn't mostly Lockheed employees live in that neighborhood??? I remember some of the old Lockheed folks talking something about that???
  13. I knew a Melissa Bennett many years ago. Actually lived right up the road from us for a few years, then they moved, but still in the Hiram Sudie area. This girl doesn't look like her--unless she really changed!!! She had 2 older brothers and her mother was a very sweet lady. Just can't imagine that it would be the same person???
  14. My son has started to use something on his phone for his landscaping business. He said that paying the small fee per transaction is worth it if he can get his money faster. IfI remember, it was somewhere around $2 for a $85 payment??
  15. I always just laugh and say that they just couldn't afford turn signals as an option on that brand new car!!
  16. He used to be a client of one of my former bosses, but had not been in the office for quite some time. If I remember correctly, he had gotten ill and had to shut the business down.
  17. Somebody please tell me that the lady give him a reward??? I mean he give you back your $1900--can't you at least give him a couple hundred dollars--for being honest???
  18. I have no idea how to do it for labels, but I do it all the time for envelopes--hundreds at a time. We get an Excel sheet for all our legal advertising.
  19. Blue Plate only. And I like the Blue Plate light just as well, bu you can't find it everywhere.
  20. I, myself, have never been that lucky in a thrift store. I did have a friend a few years back, who is still a very serious roller skater. He and his wife were in a thrift store off Canton Highway and found a pair of men's Snyder roller skates--high quality, figure type roller skates, costing in the neighborhood of $800-$1000. He got them for $20!!! He said in all the years he had been skating, he could never afford a pair of Snyders--until he went thrift shopping!!
  21. It also gets coffee out of anything. I used to keep a bottle in my desk drawer and all they guys would come to me when they spilled coffee on their white dress shirts and ties!! You just dab a little on the coffee and it goes away and dries really quick also.
  22. The accident was down a few houses from Old Sudie and Settlers Mill--in my neighbors yard. I heard the crash, but luckily nobody was seriously hurt. They did take a child to the hospital that was in the car that was rear ended. The girl in the Jeep was very luck, considering she flipped off an enbankment and the Jeep landed on it's top. It took them alomst 3 hours to clear the accident--waiting on GSP and tow trucks.
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