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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Since we don't live in Baltimore--don't see the point. States do not have the same programs.
  2. We can see Pinnacle Port from where we stay and it is certainly in walking distance. I just love that end of the beach. After many years of staying at Gulf Highlands--I can't stand the thoughts of staying at that end of the beach any more!!
  3. I sincerely hope that none of you "holier than thou's" find yourself in a position that you need this. I realize that you have jobs, that you might have money in the bank, etc.--but it can be taken away at any time. Most folks never dreamed that they would be in a position that they had to choose food over insurance or electricity over insurance, so on and so on. I think some of you need to stand back and say "what if this happened to me". Sometimes even the most planned out life (or lifestyle) gets taken away.
  4. I sincerely hope that none of you "holier than thou's" find yourself in a position that you need this. I realize that you have jobs, that you might have money in the bank, etc.--but it can be taken away at any time. Most folks never dreamed that they would be in a position that they had to choose food over insurance or electricity over insurance, so on and so on. I think some of you need to stand back and say "what if this happened to me". Sometimes even the most planned out life (or lifestyle) gets taken away. Sorry--think I posted in the wrong thread!!
  5. I understand storms mess up the water. I got to PCB the Sunday after July 4th this year--first day it had not rained that week. We unloaded and went straight to the beach--water had a little seaweed, but still mostly clear. Two days later Mexico Beach looked like muddy water. I just don't understand how Crooked Island water could be so perfect and you basically round a corner to Mexico Beach and it is brown and muddy looking. I do like the town of Mexico Beach. And all of the build up is exactly why I stay on the west end--right at the junction of Front Beach and Back Beach in PCB. Can't s
  6. Every time I have ever visited Mexico Beach--the water was horrible. We usually try to go to Crooked Island for a day and then go eat at Tucan's (sp). The water can be crystal clear in PCB and at Crooked Island--but brackish, brown and nasty in Mexico Beach. It is worse than any lake water I have ever seen. And it has been that way for years--not just once!!
  7. I understand where you are coming from--BUT, what if you cannot afford to pay a monthly insurance premium??? What if you are barely making it (or not) and cannot afford several hundred dollars a month more?? I know there are folks like that--what about them???
  8. They brought more sand in PCB last year. It was beautiful and white as snow. Or at least they did on the west end. You can just sit down and dig about 6 inches and find shells galore!!
  9. I know in PCB you are not supposed to have glass on the beach, but all the way down on the west end -- they rarely say anything. I don't know about up on the more crowded parts of the beach???
  10. I second them!! Even though Gary is retired--the are trustworthy. I have known Gary since his days as a high school teacher!! I called them a while back about my washer and told him what it was doing. He was very honest and told me what it would cost to fix and said that I would be better off getting another. Not many folks would have done that!!
  11. Ummm--I don't think there were flip phones back when Members Only jackets were the thing!! If anything--it would have been one of those very first "bag phones"!! Now who remembers those???
  12. Looks like my old 69--except mine wasn't a Z.
  13. tbird

    SS rep

    I have had to send clients to the office in Marietta (and even downtown ATL) in the past and they have all commented on hw much better the service and wait time is. Really surprised me, considering you are dealing with a government office!!
  14. If it is the one at Old Sudie--it is only 2 bedrooms and the rent is unreal. Over $1000 a month. It is a nice house, been completely redone--but over $1000 for a 2 bedroom rental???
  15. I doubt if you find anybody local to do that. As the daughter of a locksmith for years, it is very costly to get the equipment needed to do something like that. Best left to the dealerships. That's not a bad price. Years ago, when I had my 97 Thunderbird--Ford wanted $50 to do it!! And that was 2 cars ago!!
  16. Cherokee County is out this week. My boss is only working part of the week!!
  17. tbird

    Amazon Tax

    None of the Kindle books were taxed. That's about all I get off Amazon. I can find stuff much cheaper on Ebay.
  18. tbird

    Amazon Tax

    I haven't noticed that tax, but all I have bought was a couple of Kindle books. I will have to go back and look at them.
  19. I totally agree about putting up signs. Use the bright fluorescent poster board. When my son's Jack Russell went missing years ago, he used plain cardboard and white poster board at first. I then went and got the fluorescent colors and within 24 hrs--he had his dog back. Of course, it took somebody telling him where he was--seems the lady that found him, wanted to keep him.
  20. And I will accept your apology. I won't say a lot on here about this. I do know someone that works there and they do need their job. Some of Sam's "former" employees helped run the business in the ground--period. Along with the goodness of his heart--which is just Sam. I have heard from other sources that the "P" people are really trying to sway the County--in whatever way they can. But, then again, it isn't the first time. For all of the employees--that do need their jobs, I am afraid if the "P" people get the service, there will be a lot of unemployed folks. These are folks t
  21. Let's just say that "that billing department no longer exists"--if you get my drift. Not all of this is Sam's fault, unless you count trusting folks.
  22. And this is surprising coming from Douglas County?? I think not.
  23. Just seems a little odd to be the first post and it be almost a trouble making post. Since the last guy that was posting all the trash about Clark's got ragged on so much, would not surprise me at all for him to change his name or have a buddy start it all over again. If the post was not meant to stir trouble, I sincerely apologize. If it is meant to stir the pot--then shame on them.
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