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Everything posted by tbird

  1. There's just not much of that in this area!! Now, if we were out west in the Texas or Montana areas--it would be the norm!! But I remember there being a guy from up in the Burnt Hickory area that used to compete in the rodeo. This was probably back inthe 70's or 80's and I want to say his last name was Morgan??? Help me out--some of you folks that grew up here!!!
  2. Dead or alive--still hate them!!! And I feel the same way about rats.
  3. Wonderful!!! Pinnacle Port is seeing distance from where we go. We use Access 95 for the beach. I will have to send this to by friends that live there in that neighborhood!!
  4. Go for it. It is not a bad surgery at all. I had mine out and started a new job the next week. The worst part is discomfort sleeping, just because you have those incisions that are sore.
  5. I have a 2011 Ford Escape and the new ones now are so ugly to me. One of the main reasons that I went with the Escape was because it had more room in it than the other smaller SUV's. Now the Escape looks just like all the others, has way less room in it and costs more than mine did. I also had a referral from a Ford mechanic that said that they actually saw the Escape int he shop less than any other vehicle. He said that when they were actually in the shop--that folks would be more likely to pay for a major repair and keep the vehicle, rather than just trade it in and forget about it. Mine
  6. Have you tried the Publix brand of cat litter??? I have been using it for some time now and I like it just as well and it is only 2.99 for a 25 lb bag (20 lb if you get the scented kind).
  7. Tetley Tea Tide Downy Clorox Bleach Blue Plate Mayo Hair products I used to be a coffee snob, but after drinking the very strong and bitter Starbucks Verona for years with former bosses--I can drink anything now.
  8. I prefer the Comfortis tablets--but they are expensive. I have tried Frontline Plus over the winter and it is useless. I am now trying Advantage 2 and it seems to work a little better. I have found places on Ebay and get kits with multi uses for a fraction of the cost. And also--one of the sellers has a website where I can get Comfortis for almost $30 cheaper than the vet--but he is out of stock right now for my size dog.
  9. I know that the Fowlers of D'ville were involved with Douglas County Bank. The father, Alpha Fowler, who passed away several years ago, was over Douglas County Federal Saving s and Loanm, which became Douglas Federal bank and then sold out to BB&T years ago. His son, Ned, used to be with Douglas County Bank--and maybe still was. Mr. Thornton was also the President of the Savings and Loan years ago when I worked there. He was a very nice old man. Very approachable and kind to his employees.
  10. There used to be a little town on the way to PCB and somebody had a bottle tree there for years. Then when they built the new road--it no longer went thru the town. My friend and I noticed that first off--that we didn't go past the bottle tree any longer!!
  11. tbird

    Bar fight

    Pretty bad when almost 40 yr old "supposedly" men beat up a 21 yr old. And two of them look really goofy--just saying???
  12. Gosh--I have never seen so many folks freaked out by storms. I love nothing better than a good storm--and yes, years ago a tornado come right thru my mothers front yard, so I have been around them. I just don't like driving in storms--because of all the idiots around me. I have lived in a mobile home and have never took cover. I guess I am just a believer of when it's your time--ther's not a damn thing you can do about it???
  13. He died suddenly of a heart attack. And those were the days at the rink--right?? Just hasn't been the same since the Carters, Stella, Sandra and Mildred were up there!!
  14. I like the fact that they are close to my home & work. I can drop in on the way home or go during lunch to the other (by the avenue). This is exact ally why I went there!!! I went to the one on Whitlock during lunch! Now it's included with my gym membership so I just go there!!! I was the same way when I worked off the Square, but working in the Cumberland area now--it sucks!! Everybody around here is way overpriced!! But I still go to Maui after work--even if it is a few miles out of the way.
  15. Didn't the gyn do the same thing when they closed??? At one time, they were owned by the same folks. If it's not too far out of your way--go to Maui Tanning (Walmart shopping center on Dallas Hwy). They have the very best beds I have ever used and their prices are good too (especially for what you get!!). There are 3 of them all the way down Dallas Hwy.
  16. I agree--I love the Kennesaw store!! I can order my contacts online and have them in 2-3 days.
  17. This guy is not local, but he is really good. His name is Ward Counsil and his number is 770-321-9522. He is in the Cumberland Mall area.
  18. There is a Home Goods/TJ Max over by Cumberland that is really nice. It is in the shopping center where Ulta, Petsmart, Marshalls and some furniture store is--corner of 41 and Cumberland Blvd.
  19. I have not kept up with all of this--but the news did draw my attention this morning when they showed some folks walking out of the jail. Seems that "Millicent" and her sister (the heavy set lady walking in front of her)have an office in our office suites--and have for the last few years. Iknew the sister was an attorney, but I did not know that Millicent was. They are not full time, but they use this as their headquartes for the "Superbowl Gospel". Look it up online--I never knew it existed???
  20. I have been taking Sudafed PE for the last few weeks because of mine. And I haven't been able to wear my contacts for over a week--since I am clawing at my eyes. I hope it is just this first round that is bothering me--I don't know if it could get any worse!!
  21. Make sure to get a written prescription. You will probably have to fax it to whoever you are ordering from online. And I would mention the price online--and see if they will match it!!
  22. I live on Hiram Sudie. It snowed on me all the way to Cumberland Mall--heavy in some spots!!
  23. You won't know if he can wear them or not. His eyr dr. will have to prescribe and if he hasn't worn them before--it might take trying several pairs. They should give him some sample pairs to try before purchasing boxes. I have been wearing contacts for almost 30 years and I cannot wear Acuvues at all. They just seem to not fit my eye--they feel like they are sliding around on my eye.
  24. Boy do I miss Carry's!!! A friend and I were just talking about them a week or so ago. We would go there for lunch and share a burger!!! And the place was always full of the GI Joe's from the base at lunch time!!
  25. tbird


    You do not have to have a court order to repo a car. When I was in banking--I ordered many repos. All you have to do is send them a repo order ad a copy of the title showing you are the lienholder. Any GOOD repo company will do this. I dealt with Automobile Recovery Bureau for years and learned alot from the guys there. Some of the stories I heard!!!
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