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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Is this the little jewelry store in the old downtown part?? Can't remember the name for the life of me!! It has been several years since I have been in there, but they were all very nice folks, and after we got to talking--they, of course, knew all of my Dad's family!!
  2. I wonder if this is the little store almost across from the old hospital, going into Villa Rica?? When I was a kid, it was the Jitney Jr. store and we stopped there all the time on the way to and from my grandmother's house in downtown VR.
  3. I agree!!! They are ugly shoes to begin with. Grandson got a pair last year when school started--his Mom bought them. They were ugly and he could not even walk in them. I was so glad when he moved back here and I purposely hid them--and then they were outgrown!! He has now realized that his Nike or Adidas running shoes are much more comfortable.
  4. Many years ago, when the Winn Dixie was on Atlanta Road/278 just down from Martins, I had just had a hysterectomy a few weeks before and went to buy groceries. An older man bagged my groceries and when he got finished, he assumed that I would just wheel them out myself. When I asked him to take them out for me--he popped off something about me being handicapped or something. I responded that I had just had surgery and that I could not lift the bags of groceries. He took them out for me, but when I got home I called the manager. Let's just say that he was not very happy at all. And of course,
  5. I see that all the time also. I ALWAYS tell them thank you and usually add a "sir" or "so much". I guess I see it more at work since I am in the Vinings area. Most of the folks in my building are real snobs. I just love to pull up in my FORD and park next to their BMW's, Mercedes, Land Rovers, etc. We even have a couple of Mazerati's (sp) in the parking deck. You can almost see them look down at you!! My daughter was the very same way when she was little. Because of that , I will always give them a "hey there"!!
  6. There is a girl that stands out on the street in the Ulta/Marshalls shopping center at Cumberland Blvd/Cobb Pkwy at least 2 or 3 times a week. The funny thing about it is that she is clean, very stylish (hair and clothes), but yet begging for money??? I guess in that area, she thinks it would help??? I am always very cautious of folks. If I know them (or know for a fact that the story is true), then yes, I will help. But just some random person--NO. And I absolutely refuse to give to those kids and parents begging for money to go to the "World Series". No thank you, you need to pay for
  7. As I am buying groceries at Kroger last night, with my 10 yr old grandson who has a broken collar bone and wearing a brace--I was amazed at the folks that would just push past us almost running into him. The majority of these were grown men. Even without the manners part of letting a woman go first--when you see a kid with a a brace around his waist holding his arm in place--why in the world would you want to get that close to him with your buggy??? HE was walking along beside me, but we were not blocking the aisle at all. In fact, I always tend to ride along the shelves, just because I don't
  8. I have seen the pools at the condo in PCB closed numerous times because of babies in the pool. It's not fair to everybody else that goes there for it be be closed because of that.
  9. I had a friend that did it back in the 90's. It was a Camaro and after months and months, they finally took it back and give her a brand new Monte Carlo. It wasn't an easy fix. I do remember that it had to be in the shop so many times for the same reason without being fixed???
  10. Probably something at Dobbins???
  11. Same here. And Kmart always has it on sale!!!
  12. As I said before, my Dad did own a Locksmith business years ago. I have seen him tell folks to call the Sheriffs Dept. to unlock a car before (but it was if they called in the middle of the night or during a bad storm--or somethig similiar). Then you always have the folks that want to gripe about what you charge for a service call--if they couldn't afford to pay him, then they were also sent to the SO. Sometimes being a business owner gives you the options to turn down a job.
  13. We only eat at the Ruby Tuesdays at Town Center. It is nice to take a break and sit down after or while shopping and their salad bar is pretty good.
  14. It really amazes me that somebody buys a home and then realizes that there are no street lights and wants someone to install them??? Reminds me of a lady that I used to work with. She bought a house and a lot of property here in Paulding (mainly because she got so much more fo her money and moved from Cobb). She was out in the boonies, but claimed that was shere she wanted to be. All she did was gripe because the County would not pave her road and she had to drive on a dirt road. My response to her was that she knew it was a dirt road when she bought it and if she didn't want to live on a
  15. OMG. They have been doing this for years. Not all cars (or deputies) do it. If you have ever listened to the police scanner, you will hear them ask a deputy if he has lock out tools. I have used them to unlock a car--many years ago. I pulled up at a gas station, laid my keys on the console and got out and locked the door. That was a very rare occasion, because I always keep my keys in my hand when I turn the car off. Being the daughter of a Locksmith--it was instilled in my head. And yes, the deputy looked at my license and asked me if my Dad was the Locksmith!@ He just didn't know that hi
  16. 1. Don't pull out in front of somebody and then slow poke down the road. If you are in that big of a hurry that you have to pull out in front of somebody--then you better get a move on!! 2. If you can't park it--don't drive it. I am totally amazed at the folks in our parking garage at work that drive these big SUV's and can't park them to save their lives. And it's not just the women--men too!! 3. Get off the phone and drive!!! It almost never fails when a car is backing up traffic--they are chatting on the phone. Wait til you get home and talk on the phone, if you have to hold up tra
  17. My son has a friend that does AC work and they carry window units around in their van for that purpose.
  18. Google search, of course.
  19. Depending on what company you are using, they will provide window units until they can get you fixed.
  20. Couldn't get your link to work. I have to question why the parents were refusing to believe that it was a drug overdose. Looks like he was arrested about 6 times since 2008 and most of them were drug charges???
  21. I use my GPS for most things, but it can sure send you to some strange places!! Even just using it for PCB (which I can practically driveblind folded), it tell you to turn at some really weird places!! I just keep going my usual route.
  22. I don't like potato salad (or any salad, tuna, pasta, etc) cold. I like it room temp. If I eat leftovers, I have to pop it in the microwave and get the chill off!!
  23. I think it depends on what folks like. Sometimes I put celery in mine and others I don't. When we have a family get together--I have to put a small bowl aside without eggs (SIL doesn't like egs in his). I do use the basics (sweet pickel cubes, mayo, little mustard, boiled eggs,onions, salt and pepper). I also use a little bit of garlic and onion powder and then top with paprika.
  24. Their Fancy Chicken Salad is out of this world!!! Huge grilled chicken breast, fresh mixed greens, artichoke hearts, fresh mozzarella, onions, tomatoes, olives--and I can't think what else. It is so good that I don't even put any type of salad dressing on it--it would just cover up the wonderful flavors!!
  25. I smell a lawsuit, for the child's benefit, of course!!
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