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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Exactly!! Just like I said before--FICTION. I read a lot on my Kindle and I am very fond of cowboy romances, but I know in my mind that they are make believe--NOT REAL. Heck, if they were real, I might be moving to Montana!!!
  2. My opinion is that we can thank all of the folks that have to go in and buy 20-30 of these items at once. I see it over and over again on the couponing FB page. I think it is rather rude to go in and buy everything on the shelf myself. One of the main reasons I give up a lot of my couponing. And also the fact that most of the stuff is not real healthy. I no longer have little kids in the house, so I don't need all of that snack stuff.
  3. For somebody that didn't read the other 2 books---you seem to know an awful lot about it. My thoughts on it is : IT'S FICTION. Just like any romance (or erotica book), it's not real. Fiction--that's why everybody reads romance novels--it's not true life. It's like a fairytale (although a kind of twisted fairytale).
  4. I have been using my Vaper-Mate from Ciggys since July. I am still smoking, but no nearly as much. Where I was smoking about a pack a day, a pack now lasts about 4 days. First thing in the morning is my worse time to want a real cigarette. I do like the different flavors available at Ciggys. Just about everytime I go in--they have aomething new. Might be weird, but when I buy a new flavor, I also get a new tank to go with it. Just seems easier and I can keep all my choices handy and change frequently. So far, I think the Razzleberry might be my fave, with StrawMan (strawberry-mango) coming
  5. Lots of time, if you just google the name--it will pop up something from Busted or something like that.
  6. But I do know stuff like that happens. I witnessed 2 ladies in the grocery store last weekend buying all kinds of single serve items (cereal, mac & cheese, etc.), 2 cases of cokes on the bottom and all kinds of snack stuff. Of course, they are paying with food stamps. Now, maybe I am wrong, but if I am on a limited budget--I am buying that big box of cereal that will costs as much as 2 of those little single serve bowls?? Why not buy a box of mac & cheese and put it in small bowls in the fridge?? I guess I just stretched my grocery money too far all those years--huh?? And it was m
  7. Looking at his friends on his FB page, several are known druggies that live/or lived on Hiram Sudie. I know several on there that are/or have been in jail for drugs. These are people that are my kids ages.
  8. I haven't even looked at the links, but this is one of those cases of just because they seel them, doesn't mean you have to buy them!!! Kind of like booty shorts for big women--yes, they seel them--but if you are a big woman--you probably shouldn't wear them. I can't for the life of me see a reason for a child in elementary school to wear shoes with any type of heels. Yes, I have seen them there before and the poor darlings can't walk in them to save their lives. THen I guess the parents are going to get all pissy becuase somebody made fun of little Susie because she was clodding around li
  9. If you are talking about the house across the street from Crist Roofing (what used to be the rental place), then he is retired, so he should be home most of the time. HE was a very good friend of my Dad's. Good guy.
  10. Just printed this info out. My dog can only eat Iams--anything else tears his stomach up. And of course--it's time to buy dog food!! Hopefully the stores will have checked their stock by now.
  11. IF you know the name of the prior owners name, you can look up the foreclosure notice on GA Public Notice.com and it will give you the law firm that handled the foreclosure. You might get some information out of them. There are other ways to look things up on there, but I don't remember now. Haven't had to use it in a while.
  12. That comment has been removed. Even so, it makes you wonder. It is just a bad situation all around.
  13. After reading some of the comments on The Patch, I think it was a really messed up situation to begin with. Of course, you can't believe everything you read, but it still puts thoughts in your head.
  14. We use it occasionally for our dogs--a Jack Russell and a Pomeranian. They get 1-2 tablets at a time. It puts the Jack to sleep (of course he is almost 14 yrs old ans sleeps all the time anyway), but doesn't affect the Pom at all. I used to give it to my son's Pit at night, if he was left with me. It would just calm him and make him sleep better. He only slept in a crate if my son wasn't there and wasn't real fond of it--he wanted to be out so he could chase my cat?? He would get 3-4 tablets and he was almost 100 lbs of pure muscle.
  15. Guessing that the husband shot himself?? Sad.
  16. Hostage situation. Surprised this hasn't already been on here.
  17. tbird


    When I worked on the C5B at Lockheed, they used this route to go to Alabama for maneuvers. That is why all those very loud helicopters and C140's always come over so low. I have had those helicopters fly so low and shake my house so bad that they cracked some coffee mugs I had hanging under my cabinet. I heard a plane earlier, but was busy cooking and didn't pay much attention. I am on Hiram Sudie.
  18. I haven't found one around here that I like. I use the one on Whitlock in the Kroger shopping center. They are wonderful. I don't do the acrylic nails, I do the gel color in American. Lasts about the same length of time and looks more natural. And they do an awesome pedicure also.
  19. Take the canned whole green beans and wrap them in bundles with bacon--grill or broil. THey are wonderful!!
  20. This is an old article and there have been several updates. He did get out of jail and went back to Maine. She was able to get another TPO--but only for 2 years. If he has a mental disorder--I don't see any of this stopping, IMHO. And his attorney is going to sue Cobb County for keeping him in jail.
  21. I have a great boss and it is just the two of us--NO DRAMA--and I LOVE it. I stay very busy and the time goes by very quickly. I don't miss working in an office with a bunch of women at all!!!
  22. Try Dr. Wizner in Powder Springs. I have seen just about every Dr. in that building and liked them all. They also give a discount if you pay in full the day you are seen, so that helps when you don't have insurance.
  23. There are several that go all the way down the EW connector every day. I am amazed that they have not been ran over. They putt along, on the edge of the road (but not far enough over so you could pass them), and have traffic backed up behind them FOREVER!! Sometimes i think they actually go slower just on purpose!!
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