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Everything posted by tbird

  1. tbird

    Humming birds

    You usually don't see them until the Mimosa trees are bloomed!!
  2. Funny, when I got my divorce and got my own place, I used a bunch of stamps that my mother had and got things for my house. And I still use a few of them!! That was back in 1985, I think it was when they were closing.
  3. Seriously??? You are allowed to do that??
  4. I heard that also!! IT was a really weird sound and it sounded like it was coming from Settlers Mill/Davis Mill area. You know--since I am just down the street from you!!
  5. tbird

    Cant Wait

    Halo is an oldie--he is genuine and I am sure he is excited about a new mattress!! I would be!! Now the washer I got to buy this weekend--not so much!!
  6. I have a simple salmon casserole, that I suppose you could use tuna. My grandmother made this when I was little. 2 cans salmon (the small tuna size cans-deboned) 1 can mushroom soup Saltines Regular chips Crumble crackers over bottom of round casserole dish, put salmon on top of cracker, then spoon mushroom soup over top (I sometimes use part of another can), then crumble chips on top. Cook in 35 oven until heated. It is really a good meal, with english peas and rolls. Just reminds me of being younger and going to Villa Rica for dinner at Nanny's!!
  7. I know lots of folks have problems with the mono vision. I never had problems with the contacts, but bifocal glasses make me drunk as can be!! I do have prescription glases, but they are single vision and only needed for driving or watching TV. I generally use them on the weekends and give my eyes a rest.
  8. I wear different prescriptions in each eye--forget what that is called. The only problem that I have is that sometimes I have to wear reading glasses for very small print. However, if I only have a contact in my worst eye--the reading glasses are not needed. The Dr. says that I really don't need a contact in my left eye, but for some reason it is very sensitive without one. I only wear a .25 in it. Sometimes I go without it, but if I am driving a good distance, I always have it in. I only need the contacts for distance--I am opposite of what most 50+ yr olds are!!
  9. Never used a recipe, just throw in what I have or what sounds good. I sometimes use V8 for mine. If not , I always add boullion cubes to give it more flavor. The only soup I have ever gone by a recipe is my Potato Soup--and a older lady from the beach gang give me the recipe.
  10. OMG--I gree with something MRNN says?????
  11. I have used a MAC in a law office and it was HORRIBLE. They are not made for that purpose. If you have any software that you have to use on a regular basis---make sure it is compatible to MAC. Some aren't and you would have to have a Windows parallel.
  12. Quick question--did you or have you used the ereaderiq.com site?? They have changed it and it is not near as good as it once was. From what I gathered, Amazon made them stop posting stuff?? I partly understand, but then again, I don't understand. Amazon needs to realize that without that site, lots of folks would not have made purchases from them. I know I would not have. I would get a free book, like it and then realize it was part of a series, so off I go to buy the series!!! Just wondering if you have any other sites that were as user friendly as ereaderiq was???
  13. Now I am confused. Wasn't it not so long ago you were looking at engagement type rings?? I just can't keep up with stuff!!! Good luck!!
  14. Be very careful with negotiating settlements with these debts. Any difference that they right off will be turned over to the IRS as unearned income and you will pay taxes on it at the end of the year. Even if they charge off the whole debt, the only way to avoid paying taxes on it is to file Bankruptcy. I realize that not everybody wants to file BK, but then again, not everybody wants to pay the IRS mega bucks either.
  15. CCCS has changed their name--it is now Credibilty. They are legitimate. Just be aware that most of these companies that offer to "work out your debt" are scams. I see it all the time. Folks will pay them hundreds of dollars for 10-12 months and then when they are questioning about which debts were paid off or settled--they are told none, that they have been paying their fees!! I see folks all the time that have wasted their hard earned money with these folks and are then forced into Bankruptcy.
  16. I only hope that DFACS makes them sign over their rights for the other children and they can get on with their lives.
  17. I guess that Nancy Grace's buddy attorney didn't do so much for her??? Tey were very smart to accept the plea deal--and I am sure that she told them that. You just kind of think when yu see her that yu are goin to have this knock down trial going on!!
  18. It just tickels me when you talk about your Krimson!! I hae a grandaughter named Krimson!! She is 7 yrs old.
  19. When I wnet down the EW Connector this morning, a litte after 8:00, there was a light flashing yellow and a crew out working on it. Thankfully it wasn't one of the huge intsections!!
  20. Did you apply for unemployment?? Sometimes if you can prove that you had a medical condition, you will win the compensation anyway.
  21. Maybe try Racetrak--their office is off Atlanta Road. They seem to be a pretty good company to work for--I know several folks that work there.
  22. Not really. I lost a job a couple of years ago and found another after 3 weeks. I was 51 at the time. It just takes putting yourself out there and sometimes the help of friends.
  23. I am a HUGE fan of Jonny Lang!!! Funny thing is, he had his most popular and memorable songs back in his teens. Lie to Me is an all time favorite.
  24. I heard them say on TV that the dog belonged to the fiance that had just died???
  25. Buddy's is a neat little store. You should stop in one morning for a biscuit--better than Martins!!! And on the weekends, you will have to wait in line for one!!
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