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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. How tragic. I can not begin to imagine what the family and friends of this little boy must be going through. I will keep them in my prayers.
  2. Yep, my kids love going there too. For them O'Charley's is all about the rolls and Ace is all about the Popcorn!
  3. I'm with you. I have yet to click on the link. I remember the story from a few years back. I wished I had TiVo'd the Oprah show and I am interested to see how the boys are doing now but I just can't bring myself to click that link yet.
  4. OMG you guys (and girls) crack me up! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  5. YEAH!! I Love this show. I grew up in a small town where football ruled and businesses closed down during the Friday Night Games.
  6. Thanks! I guess I better head on over and take a closer look. The one I took I received a link to in an e-mail and at the time it was the same one on the website. I'm glad to seeing they are keeping things up to date. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again~~I'm sure glad I'm not in Cliff Cole's shoes right now. God Bless him and everyone else on the board.
  7. I'm pretty sure this is the same survey I took last week . . . or was it earlier this week? I can't believe it's only Thursday. Anyway, I know a few people found some of it a bit confusing so maybe it is the new and improved version.
  8. Well, I couldn't participate in the poll because I couldn't answer the last question with a yes or a no. It would just depend. As far as the other questions go~~ No I am not looking into other options and plan to keep my kids in public school. Yes I my middle schooler/s play sports. Yes they will continue to play but through the rec league, maybe travel ball but more likely the rec league and I don't know if I could afford it if I would put my kids in private school. It would depend on the private school. I do know two things. First I had a friend who when to a privat
  9. Thank you for that. I have seen my stars go from 5....to 4.....to 3. As I was writing earlier I had to stop and wonder if they will be headed down to 2.
  10. So does that mean you are running for a school board position? I've heard those that are running are running unopposed. No offense but if your not willing to step up and do a better job yourself you can't really complain. It seems like some people just aren't listening to what is being said. I read in another post about someone complaining about the new airport and why didn't we use it for education. You can't use airport money for education. And then so many people are complaining about the new schools. Same thing you can't use that money for salaries. I bet if I had the energy
  11. I'll ask my son if he's interested when he gets home from school today. Where do you go to register?
  12. Pretty funny. I was thinking at the end he was going to just run into her arms or something. You know like back in high school when your best friend hated her ex and the next thing you knew they were back together.
  13. It looks like the same survey from last week. I was hoping there was a new one. Edited to add: I think the survey thread is in one of the Education forums. Not sure if it started there or not but I'm pretty sure that's were it is now. I'm sure there are some people who missed it so maybe this will steer them to the survey.
  14. I love Fripp! My husband grew up in Beaufort and when we got married his father was living on Fripp and was able to get beach houses and condo's for all my relatives that came down from Michigan. It's a world of difference from Myrtle Beach though.
  15. Lee was AMAZING! I might even have to vote tonight. His number end in 5705 and 5710. Big Mike also did well. Everyone else did okay except Casey. The poor guy was so out of his element. I hated seeing him without his guitar but I think he was pretty stoked about meeting Harry Connick Jr., who by the way was a total crack up. I loved when Lee wasn't looking and he was making the motions and mouthing the words "he sucked" (totally sarcastically). Frank Sinatra's daughters gave Simon a handy of Old Blue Eyes. He seemed genuinely touched. The order of the performances wa
  16. WOW! That's Awesome!
  17. Cute! I'm surprised no one has already made one of these with all the other stuff people have made out of capri sun pouches.
  18. I have no idea who that is but is West Metro the meat market everyone was bragging about last month? I've been trying to remember what it was called so Thanks!
  19. I am also a room mom and have done the each day has a theme thing several years. Some of the days I do or have done are homemade card by the student day, a card or note of appreciation from the parent day, flower day (I bring the vase and hopefully several students bring in a flower to make a bouquet), snack/treat day (I try to find out their favorite candy and healthy snacks as well as pop or beverage), school supply day if needed. If I know a teacher has a hobby like scrapbooking I might use that for a theme. One of the days I have done in recent years (after a teacher told me how fu
  20. I would say a gift card to starbucks or maybe Cold Stone or the Bumble Bee Bakery ( ). Havent't ever been to the bakery but everyone here has great things to say about them. I have two middle schoolers and there are alot of teacher to cover. Last year after the first day my kids didn't want me sending anything else in because they said no one else did and it was embarrassing. So I ended up sending something in at the end of the year. I also try to get each teacher a book atleast once off their book fair wishlist.
  21. If I had voted last night it would have been for Lee, Casey and Crystal. Probably in that order. Nothing against anyone else but they were my favs. I'm just tired of Sioban (sp?) and a little bored with Aaron, although I like his voice and as much as I love Mike's voice, he always does a good job but just doesn't "wow" me.
  22. I believe it is the subs who get paid minimum wage not the ASP workers. They get atleast $10 an hour. As a former sub there is no way I could do a Kindergarten class without the para. There are so many times that children that age need help in the bathroom, someone to walk them to the nurse, office, etc... they don't know their way around the school and shouldn't be left on their own when something happens. Even when you have a well behaved, mature class you are going to have a few who still need help in the bathroom and will get distracted and could end up anywhere if you had to send th
  23. I just saw this. I'm glad you didn't go with Amica. The name sounds familiar and it seems like I was looking into switching to them at one point and then decided to check their ratings. I don't remember the site I went to but their ratings were horrible. They never paid out when they should and just gave people headaches all around. I have found that when I switch from Geico to someone else the next year when I check Geico's rates they are lower. I have gone back and forth a couple of times between Geico and Progressive. I think they both have great customer service. I still don
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