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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I was going to say Direct TV as well but it looks like you've already made up your mind. Good Luck!
  2. I don't like the commercials with those cave men guys...eww I literally have to leave the room or turn down the volume and look away. The other commercial that drives me nuts is the one with the talking stain. You know where they guy is in an interview or something and he has a stain on his shirt and every time he tries to answer question the stain talks at the same time. Heck that happens every time I try to have a phone conversation with an adult. Suddenly all three of my kids need to ask or tell me something. LOL I think the punchbug commercial is kind of cute. I like that they
  3. That's a really cool picture. CONGRATS!!!
  4. Wow! That sure looks purdy ! I don't know too much about plants and flowers and have been meaning to put something in but indecision has kept me from doing it! I would love to win but if not congrats to whoever does Thanks for the hosting this contest.
  5. I like you Jetman and I have to say the first year I had to send in $ or an SASE I was a little surprised. This week I even had to tell my kids I had to wait until Daddy gets paid again but seriously it's $2. They are not just sending a report card but an end of year newsletter, CRCT results and a small envelope won't due. It would probably cost me more in gas to go pick them up myself or go to the PO to get stamps. Also, y'all got to admit if they had this cost in the budget and showed it to everyone most of the people on here would be saying "why don't we just have the parents send in
  6. I wanted Colby to win and when he lost the immunity challenge I was surprised I kept watching. My vote then went for Pav, whic surprised me because I really didn't want someone who had already won a million win again. Of course when I looked at the alternative (Russell) I knew I didn't want that to happen either. I just love that Russell lost. It is so fun to watch someone brag how they are gonna win and then not. I loved how he kept telling Sandra he brought her because he knew he could beat her and then she beat him. I also loved when Boston Rob said something like the smartest
  7. Didn't watch it but she looks beautiful. Not only is she from Michigan (my home state) but she's not a blonde haired blue eyed barbie. Nothing against Barbie but us brunettes and dark haired girls got to stick together! I stopped watching those shows over 10 years ago is this the one based more on looks or talent/community service? I always get Ms. USA and Ms. America confused.
  8. Finally got around to watching last nights show. LOVED the duets. Crystal did her usual great self. I liked Lee's song choice. I thought Casey did loads better than last week but wasn't crazy about the color of his jacket~lol~ I do think he has improved a lot over the season. I like Big Mike and his voice but have to admit I fast forwarded through his song. I have no idea who is going home tonight but I'm pretty sure it won't be Crystal unless her voters just got too comfortable and decided not to vote. Right now I hope Lee and Crystal make it to the finals. I'd like to see Casey ma
  9. I'm pretty sure there are quite a few people who don't pay taxes. Not a huge percentage but a lot of people.
  10. Wow, either the meeting is still going on (wouldn't surprise me) or everyone is too exhausted to share right now. Hopefully we will get a report in the morning from someone who went.
  11. I thought I would start a new thread for any updates on what went down at the school board meeting. I would love it if those who attended more of the board meeting than I did could step in and fill us in. I did not start this in The School Vent since I am not venting but wanting to hear the facts of what was said. Of course after we get the facts go ahead and vent if you wish but I wanted people to have a place to go to find out what happened without first having to read pages of what might be happening, what people heard was or wasn't going to be addressed, complaints, etc... I can tel
  12. I didn't read the whole article because the whole thing is just crazy. I get that rules are rules but if this was in fact the first offense then why not just throw the candy away? Whatever. I don't know why but this got me thinking about one of the differences in teachers and how they handle things. When my oldest two were in Kindergarten the teacher told the kids they had to have their name on their snack when they brought it to school. I can't remember what happened if they didn't but I'm pretty sure they didn't get to have their snack. I used to totally stress about whether or not
  13. I was able to give them a plus. I read a few days ago on here that you have 2 pluses and 2 negatives to give each day.
  14. My kids are quite a bit older so I'm not tuned in as much as I used to be but two of the things I took advantage of when they were that age was the free movies that most of the theaters show 2-3 days a week. I think in Hiram it's Tuesdays and Thursdays but you'd have to check their website to see if they have a schedule yet ( www.seethemovies.com ). I also used to take them to several of the children's events at the library over the summer. They have a summer reading program and will have different things going on two days a week as well. They don't just have story tellers but other things
  15. I'm sorry but that's kind of mean. People get bashed all the time for assuming they know someone's race, whether they are pregnant, age, etc.. I am pretty sure they are told not to make assumptions. If you aren't comfortable sharing anything more than your name why can't you just politely say so? I just don't understand why some people can be so nasty. These workers are just trying to make a paycheck and support themselves and maybe their families. I worked for the census in 2000 and was responsible for visiting dorms, half-way houses, shelters, assisted living places, etc.. and I
  16. Our invitation says 6:15 pm(my son is getting recognized at the meeting and we've had the invitation on our fridge for months now). I doubled checked with the school website and it also says 6:15 pm. Although it probably wouldn't hurt to get there a little early.
  17. Same as every Monday~~Little Cesears Pizza. On Mondays a portion of sales between 4-7pm goes to our SCHOOLS and they need every penny they can get. Not to mention the kids love the pizza and I love the price and ease of getting it now that they have a store in New Hope!
  18. I totally hear what you are saying. I noticed this about 5 years ago when I'd buy those big things of ice cream. I figured there must be a cycle where the price goes up for a while and then they gradually "roll it back". Drives me nuts. If they have something that I need cheaper than everyone else I will go there. It's just too convenient. However I have noticed that lately with coupons and sales I have been saving a lot more going elsewhere. It takes some planning but it's worth it.
  19. Oh my Gosh. I am so sad to hear this. I worked with Connie and Natalie doing the elections a few years back (at Abney and Moses) and had a blast. I'll be thinking of you Natalie and your little guy and the rest of your family.
  20. I'm glad too! I was on p.com a lot this week and was just wondering when the eggs where going to go bye bye.
  21. BooHoo, say it isn't so! I will be sad if they close. I don't go their much but do really like having them here when I need something.
  22. Well, the poll would only go through for me if I answer both questions. I will say occasionally my husband gets me something but not usually. This year my birthday falls on Mothers Day so maybe I'll get something. He usually has to work and I usually plan my own Mothers Day and we usually do something fun. Not sure what we will do this year, maybe just lay around and relax. I always laugh when he says I don't have to clean or anything and to just take it easy. He doesn't seem to get leaving the housework until the next day is not much of a gift. Now him and the kids doing it for me wo
  23. Thanks I didn't think to check out his site for something like this. Will do. Thanks, I will definitely give them both a look. Thank You! You have definitely given me some great ideas if we go the Chicago route. If not we might be headed for a wedding there in September and could check a few of those things out while we are there. Thanks to the new school calendar we will have a week of right around the time of the wedding! Yeah, I hate the whole not knowing where you will be staying until your locked in. I have known some people in the past to be able to
  24. I was hoping to get some advise on those name your price websites that they have for hotels. My youngest son and I are taking a mother/son trip this June (We've been putting money in a bucket for a few years now) and although we don't know for sure where we want to go we do have it narrowed down to four places. One of those places is New York City and if we go there we will need to find a fairly inexpensive but safe place to stay. My brother lived there until recently so I've never had to worry about lodging before. Obviously I want to get the best price I can so we have more money to spen
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