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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I was going to say it's illegal for them to call before 8 am as well. If you can tape the next conversation, get their number, call them back, ask to speak to someone above them and then tell them not only are you not that person but that the person calling you is breaking the law and if they call again you will report them.
  2. I don't think what the child did and what the adult did can be compared. Simply because one was an adult and one was the kid. They both (IMO) made mistakes but one was a 5 year old and the other was a grown man.
  3. Are you all still doing the $9.95 oil change? I saw the sign a week or so ago but didn't notice it this past week so I didn't stop in. I really do need to get one done soon and will probably come by in June sometime.
  4. I'd be pissed and truth be told I probably would want to call the cops. Sorry but I don't believe in hitting PERIOD and that includes spanking. The few people I know who do spank and have tried to convince me of its merits ALWAYS stress to me it should not be done in anger which apparently was the case here. I do understand the father being upset though. I don't think I could continue to be friends with this family. I have issues with spanking though and I am guessing that your issue is more that someone other than you or your husband was doing it and not with it in general.
  5. I am so so sorry to hear that. Oh gosh it just breaks my heart. I'll be praying for her and that someone is able to intervene and make the decision for her to remove any kids involved since she just doesn't seem to be able to do it herself.
  6. Good Luck to you and your friend. My heart goes out to you. I usually skip these kind of threads because they literally give me nightmares. In fact I tossed and turned most of last night and maybe this was why. I'll be praying for all those involved. I think one reason alot of women don't see what is going on for what it is, is that some of them grew up this way and don't know any better. Not all but some. I know if my husband ever laid a hand on my kids I would call the cops in a skinny minute. If he ever laid a hand on me I would be gone before he could say "wait a minute". Lucki
  7. West Ridge Church has something called "Last Saturday" where they do community service out in the community the last Saturday of each month. I haven't gone yet but was thinking about going this Saturday depending on my daughters softball schedule. At church Sunday they said that you meet at the church and have breakfast and then everyone goes out to different areas. They also said there is always a family friendly project for those wanting to do this with their kids.
  8. I don't know about your kids but my elementary kid is having a one hour party next week and Art Fest this Friday but other than that he is still learning and taking tests. I actually consider Art Fest educational so really that just leaves the one hour party which I don't understand why it could have been two but whatever. My two middle school age kids are in the middle of final exams and have no parties coming up. I know some of the kids will be invited to a small AR celebration but I don't think it lasts long enough to warrant cutting the end of school early. I'm not saying it would h
  9. I think most of the middle schools had a parent night last week. It is also my understanding most have what is called "6th grade camp" during the summer. At Moses it included a time for the kid to get oriented with the school, practice using lockers, that kind of thing. Neither of my two middle school kids attended but I've heard great things about it. I'm not sure if it's the same at all the schools but I know while the kids were participating in the camp there was an opportunity for the parents to ask questions and learn a little more about the school as well.
  10. Well I missed the whole thing. Totally sux but I did use the time to watch the Grey's Anatomy finale I had TiVo'd. I was on the phone with DirectTv for a while. I usually just wait these things out but, well I was hoping to catch some of it. They offered to send a guy out later this week but by then I'm sure it will kick back on. So was Paula on? What did she do? Did Simon cry? Was there some kind of Idol tribute with all the idol contestants from the past? Just curious what they did.
  11. I'm so bummed I misssed it. It sounds like it was another great finale. Maybe I will be able to find it online somewhere. What kind of Simon stuff did they do?
  12. I can't believe this. Idol is on. I made a point to have everyone ready for bed and fed before it started and now my Direct TV is out! I have always loved season finale of this show. In fact I have a few of them saved on my DVR/TiVo box from years past. Oh well. Anyone want to tell me how it's going?
  13. Thanks for sharing. I LOVE reading too and am always looking for new stuff to add to my ever growing pile. When I first started reading your post I thought you might be talking about The Glass Castle. A very good book as well and you just can't help but wonder how the other turned out so normal.
  14. Thanks for all these suggestions. As the mother of a 12 and 13 year old I will definitely be adding these to my Summer reading pile.
  15. LOL You lost me at "conducted a test". I'll probably come back and read this again tomorrow. Fascinating stuff!
  16. I just finished watching. I totally planned on voting for Lee even thought I think Crystal is AMAZING!. Not sure if I will vote at all since either way I will be happy. Lee didn't blow me away tonight or anything but I thought it was cute how he looked kinda like he was about to be sick. He definitely was in awe of the whole thing tonight.
  17. I love the show too but I'm not going to even pretend to understand some of what goes on. I had my DVR set to record something with Joshua Jackson several years back and this came up on my suggestions. I'm pretty sure I have seen them all. I also live by my DVR. Last year I watched the whole last season of ER ver the course of a week or so. It about drove me nuts having to wait through the commercials while watching Lost Sunday night (I had just caught up the day before). I love, love, LOVED LOST but I didn't catch on to all the numbers repeating and stuff until it started making
  18. Seriously? I havent' watched it yet but I do have the whole season on TiVo. I know, I know I'm a bit behind on some shows. I'm still about a season and a half behind on 24! Should I bother even watching? Am I going to have nagging questions if I do or is there some kind of ending?
  19. LOL that would be funny! I could quite easily vent about 5th 3rd bank. Can't stand them but that is a story for another day.
  20. I didn't see any from Dallas, GA but there was one from Woodstock, GA that made it on.
  21. Christian said there was no "now" where they were so just because someone was at the church didn't mean they were dead in real time. That was how I took it. I thought maybe (and I will probably think on this some more later in the week) the flashes of perfections was there individual pieces of Heaven, does that make any sense? Like I said I'm tired and really should be headed to bed. Those were shown during the LOST show that was on from 7-9 and I have to say there were some really cool ones. They didn't show a ton of them but during the ads they would break them up with scenes an
  22. I was thinking I could answer some of the questions some of you felt where unanswered but my brain is just too tired. I know not all of the questions were answered but I think if you re-watched it you might find more answers than you realized. I'm TiVoing Jimmy Kimmel live and maybe there will be more answers there. I think this is just one of those shows that has a lot of layers and for most people is hard to get with just one watch. When they do those recap shows I always learn or realize something new.
  23. I watched as did my three kids. I thought it was good and fitting. So Sad. I didn't think that everyone died. They way Christian said it when you die everyone important to you is there.... some died before Jack and some way, way after. It was cool to see everyone. I liked seeing Boone and Charlie. I hated when they killed those two off. And most recently I couldn't believe they killed both Sun and Jin. Boo hoo.
  24. It is usually open on Sundays. In fact I think someone asked this same question last weekend. Maybe you can do a search for the thread and find out the hours. Our have you tried calling up there?
  25. We have season passes and I know the first weekend they open every year it's only $5, then it seems like it is $7-8 the next weekend or two. In the past they have Thursday night suppers where you Pay $10 to get in after a certain time and it includes dinner. I just checked my weekly e-mail and it didn't say anything about specials this weekend but did mention Homeschool day next Tuesday for $8. And last weekend they had buy one get one admission free. I would just give them a call in the morning to see if they have anything special going on this week.
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