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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAA While I agree with your first sentence, I just can't agree with the second. The GOP is driving us off the cliff slowly; the Democrats would be driving us off the cliff at hell-for-leather speeds. At least this way perhaps we will have enough time to get somebody in there who really WILL make a difference. (Which I'm guessing will be neither GOP nor Democrat.)
  2. A twin! I am forever doing that! hahahaha
  3. :keelingoverinadeadfaint: You mean to tell me that somebody I voted for (Barnett) actually voted the way I wanted him to? GAH!!! I don't know what to do with myself!!! Somebody get me my smelling salts!!!
  4. Got you in my prayers as well, P.
  5. You got 'em, sister. I know the steps you walk.
  6. Dr. Matt Mumber in Rome. The man is awesome.
  7. Hear, hear, sister. I used to work with a chick at a major world-wide corporation who brought in a high-dollar salary. She used much of it on a very expensive perfume that she just KNOCKED US OUT with every single day. We wouldn't even have to ask if she was in the office...we would get off the elevator and say, "Oh, Sue-Ann's already here today."
  8. Oh, good. It's been way too long since we've been in the news for a child porn loser. :angry2: GAH!!!!!!!
  9. If you don't find one here, buy one in London and ship it home after the event. Let us know either way (with pics).
  10. I first read this as "Bummer...just a nasty rumor." I'm thinkin' well dang, I don't like most of his movies (I think he's way more talented than that), but I don't wish him dead.
  11. It's popular with me. But then, you knew that.
  12. Oh, and super sexy heels, natch. Which I know goes without saying, but I just wanted to say it anyway 'cause I like the thought of it with either/both dresses.
  13. You prolly could. The average bear...no. The thing that makes me hesitant about event #2 is the word "ball". Is there anyone associated with the event you could contact.
  14. Well, I was in a blue funk today, so I let Martino's do the cooking (souvlaki). MMMM... I must agree with surepip on the vacuum sealer thingies. For the longest time I thought they were just a fad and wouldn't work, but then I started reading that it was the biggest help for real cooks in their own kitchen. So we got one - WOW!!! We love it!!!
  15. If I'm not mistaken, Joel is one of the Browns of the Brown's Pool crowd, but with his own bidness. I think. Kinda. Sorta. Anyhoo, I've heard good things about him as well. Maybe they did such a good job for us because I was the de facto construction manager...I was out of a job at the time, and I basically sat outside and watched everything they did. Not in a mean way, but hey - whatever works.
  16. I was with you right up till the end, and then you just fell off the cliff. I cannot handle Little House. Twins!!! Love me some Mannix and Rockford! Hubba...HUBBA.
  17. Yeah, I'm there with you, sister. My own dear father walked on ahead (as the Indians say) 3 1/2 years ago, and I cried half the way to work this morning thinking of him. I'm just grateful our fathers were good and decent men who deserved to be mourned.
  18. Yeah, double cheer. I'm still hacked about that.
  19. Brown's Pools did our in-ground, and we were pleased. One thing we liked about them is that they're local, and they do everything in-house instead of sub-contracting it out.
  20. Stop by my driveway on Thursdays. If you get it before it gets all soggy, I'll give you a quarter.
  21. All that would do is tear up a perfectly good car and you'd walk away laughing.
  22. Oh, Lordy - I just spewed DC out of my nose. HAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA DANG, that was funny. RE: Sugarland - IMHO, they're a silly marketing bonanza. I'm sure she's smart 'cause she went to Agnes Scott, and she def. knows how to work the bidness. But I think they're crap musically. CRAP, I say.
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