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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Hey, that was pretty good! But Ima give you a bullet anyway, just 'cause. Hey, you brought it up. By the way, I think it's pretty awesome your kid likes to read. I grew up LOVING to read, and still do. Getting my 14-year-old nephew is akin to having a root canal...a very painful process.
  2. As a person with two adopted siblings, I second that majorly!!! Good heavens! Imagine if she had both!!!
  3. Oh...got it. I couldn't figure out if maybe you had seen some other discussion somewhere on it. Don't be hatin' on that SPLOST, now, NE...you know if you don't vote for it, our property taxes will go up. Oh, wait................ :angry2: (THE VERY NEXT DAMN DAY!!! GAH!!!!!!!)
  4. Seriously, your story just makes me sick. Sick. What a damn shame.
  5. I appreciate your getting this out there, Pubby. Great topic and good discussion. I'd still like to know more of the nitty gritty, but it's quite interesting, and if done correctly, could be a huge boon to our county.
  6. What smartie-pants here said. I've never done that other thing.
  7. Wow. Traditions gone. I never watch either for long periods of time, but those two were great characters.
  8. Perhaps the joint dev. authority could access this? I dunno...just a thought. Good point. Where did this quote come from (just curious)? Anyhoo, even if it were seized via eminent domain, the seizor has to pay the seizee market value. Now they won't pay OVER market, or what a body might think it's worth 'cause it's been in our family for 18 generations or Daddy built this house by hand and by God I'm not takin' less than $5 million for it.
  9. Unless it's the emotional affect of the proposed legislation. Geeeeeeeeeeeeks!
  10. My 4-year-old nephew has been quite good at both throwing and hitting since he was 2 (we're still working on the fielding...). BUT he would be bored STIFF playing on an actual team because the action wouldn't be coming to him all the time. So he prolly do something like ice hockey/WWE when he's 5.
  11. They're Muslim by all reports (friends at mosque, etc.). Many non-Jews live in Jerusalem. HAHAHA! Oh, honey, I could tell you stories. My mother is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest Southern lady you would ever want to meet. But talk about a Steel Magnolia - OHHHH when she got through with me, I'd be wishin' I'd just kept on runnin'... hahahahaahhaahhaa
  12. I do believe that's the best theory I've heard so far. Me likey!
  13. Good move! You'll knock 'em dead, babe.
  14. Yep - down near Rose's store, if I'm remembering correctly.
  15. Good points...yes, I do recognize the evil/crazy in some women even if they do happen to be egg donors.
  16. OK, I'm liking what I'm hearing. I don't have a problem with the toll being permanent...if it pays for the upkeep of the road after it's paid for, I don't have a problem with it, and esp. if it's paying profit to the investors. It seems like a win/win for Paulding in that it's going down the far west side of the county where not much is (a road in the middle of the woods, if you will) until you get to 278/120 area. Some of those folks may be a little close to the road, but by and large, we get off quite well, I think. Interesting prospect. Will be interesting to see where it goes.
  17. Yowee! That would be a major plus, IMHO. However, I'm with others - I hear the words, but what is the actual cost to the taxpayer? If it's truly zero, I'm all for it. I'll even sell them my property. ('Cept I'm not in the path, dang it.)
  18. I can't remember what it says; krwills might can tell us.
  19. It's on Cedarcrest in NE Paulding, across from Bentwater. You can't miss it...there's a humongous county sign in the front yard saying blah blah blah about what he's not allowed to do.
  20. Here's a link I found (for a quick non-substantive search): http://askville.amazon.com/sitting-president-challenged-party%27s-nomination/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=10306556 In short, several strong challenges have been made, most notably to Johnson in 1968 (causing him to drop out entirely rather than risk defeat) and Reagan to Ford in 1976 (which I don't think is an entirely fair comparison in that Ford had only been in office less than one term and inherited said office in such a stressful manner).
  21. Agreed...I'd like a little more specific info before I would agree to back such a project, instead of the fluff everything-is-beautiful crap that tends to come out of some quarters (not talking about you, Pubby). RE: Postman/400 - I personally think that's an absolute travesty. I wonder if it would hold up in court? Would or has anybody filed suit? I would note that this ties in quite nicely with the baseball field extravaganza going in at the Emerson/Red Top area off I-75. It could work; I just want to see more before I sign on with my support. (Which apparently nobody gives a
  22. It's not automatic, but it would be unusual (if not rare) for someone to challenge him in the primaries with a powerful challenge. I've heard talk Hillary will resign and challenge him, but I am doubtful of that for a number of reasons. I'm trying to think if it's been done before...I'll study on that and get back to you.
  23. I agree with this. Let us know what happens.
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