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Everything posted by copschick

  1. House is yellow with a green door and shutters
  2. wth is the testpubbyslink business all about???
  3. I may be wrong, but I thought they had to survey it anyway? You should be able to call the courthouse and find out the original plat number and get a copy of it. It should be registered.
  4. I just wanna go to surepips to drink wine. He always has wine!
  5. I have to agree with DGITW. Sports are taking away time that COULD be spent on homework/studying.
  6. Powder Springs Day is this Saturday! Parade in the morning, arts and crafts and yummy food all day, then fireworks at night
  7. You soak the beans before putting them in the crock pot and it will allow them to get soft. But I have found that in order to get the juice to really thicken up I have to bring them to a rolling boil on the stove. Simmering in the crockpot is just not enough!
  8. to get my juice thick, I bring the beans to a rolling boil (this means pouring them out of the crock pot, unfortunately) for a few minutes. Don't know how or why it works, but it does lol
  9. Just tell us when. We will even bring Buster!
  10. all but the pecan pie part
  11. copschick


    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad!!!!
  12. awwww...Happy anniversary to you two! Wishing you all the best and many, many more!
  13. yep, and then I meet the guys he trains The hiring process is hard. Degree or no, its a level playing field.
  14. You and me both hunny...maybe we should plan a Jeff Dunham party??? LOL
  15. point is that you don't have to have a degree...
  16. Hubby has been with Cobb for 9 years...he never got any degree...
  17. you can apply with Cobb and they have their own academy
  18. Thank you for this whole thread. I watched the memorials and all of the programming that was aired yesterday. My heart was just as heavy and grievous as the day it happened. But then I realized something that made me even more sad. My 15 year old and 13 year old remember nothing of the day it happened. While I wouldn't expect the 13 year old to, I was surprised when the 15 year old said he didn't remember it at all. Which made me realize something...They have never known a peaceful America. We have been at war literally for as long as they can remember. They have never known of a time where it
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