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Everything posted by copschick

  1. Some ought to do a little research on old Abe Lincoln. Wasn't the man our history books taught us he was at all. Honest Abe??? yeah...ok...
  2. sooo, if I have a confederate flag flying that makes me a bigot? Can't just be because maybe I'm proud that I'm southern? Saw something once that says "if this flag offends you, perhaps you shouldn't live in the past" Kinda have to agree ETA: you don't HAVE to live by them...I'm sure you could always move
  3. First, Im going to preface by saying I am NOT a Hank Jr fan... It is a little irresponsible to say that all of his fans are dull-witted and uninformed...no wait, it is a lot irresponsible. I don't like Obama one bit. AT ALL...not one iota. That being said, I don't agree with what he said; however, the great thing about America is that he has the right to say it. My "problem", if you want to call it that, with your statement is the lumping of people into groups. Because someone is what you consider a redneck, they are uninformed, unintelligent, and dull-witted? This is not the case. I con
  4. hellifiknow but I noticed the same thing
  5. I don't want another PC...I think I wanna Mac...
  6. you must not ever go by 7 seas bottle shop. Parking lot is always full!
  7. OH MY GAWD!!!!! What a cutie!!!!
  8. Why did the husband see the housekeeper as some young hottie in a garter belt, but the wife saw her as an old woman in a matronly dress? I fell asleep and just haven't watched it again LOL
  9. So, my question is this...if you went to a doctor and he was not nice/rude/you didn't agree with his diagnosis, would that mean that you would never go to a doctor again?' If you went to McDonalds in Dallas and got bad service, does that mean that you will never go to another McDonalds again? My point is that there is always going to be a bad example of any profession. I personally, don't appreciate my husband being lumped into a group because he wears a badge. That is sort of like saying all black men are gangsta thugs...no?
  10. You have obviously never been to the walmart in Villa Rica or Rockmart. They make the the Hiram walmart resemble something on Rodeo Dr. LOL
  11. I like the Doctors...I can't stand her.
  12. lol blunt is good...I was waaaaaaaaaaaay older than that when I had mine done. My grandmother was furious when I told her I did it then when she saw me, it took her forever to notice lol
  13. Most people don't even notice mine. VERY very tiny
  14. lol I didn't associate with the ppl he gravitates to
  15. we are trying VERY hard to impress this on the lil Tows. I tell lil Tow #1..."show me your friends and I'll show you your future"...one day he will figure it out. sigh
  16. perhaps its the girl...not the hue of the picture Shes beautiful Eddie!
  17. Nose piercings are very prone to infection in the beginning. I have mine done and was meticulous in cleaning/caring for it to make sure it didn't get infected. But have her ask me how bad it flipping hurt and how painful it is when you accidentaly catch it on something, for example, a towel and snatch the son of a b*&%^ out. Its only my opinion, but at 11, she probably not responsible enough to care for it. Any mimicing many of the other posters...YOU are the parent. You simply say no. She has to deal with it. Life's not fair, she will get over it. ETA: NOT responsible enough..
  18. Lugustrum(sp) is a type of privet hedge. We have one on each corner of our front porch that we keep trimmed like crepe myrtles. They are beautiful. Especially in the spring when they bloom.
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