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Everything posted by copschick

  1. a DEER!!!! We had a 5 pt buck wander into our front yard. He mozied to the back then up to the back porch! Tow and the lil Tow's were feeding him out of their hands and petting him! Then, when I got up this morning, I went out to see if he was still there...and he was! I turned on the flood lights and he came right up to the bucket he was eating out of last night! Absolutely precious!!!
  2. Never. Not once. My kids knew I would tear their asses up right there in front of everyone. I threatened them before we went in the store and they knew I was a woman of my word.
  3. I assume that they are a brat and their parent sucks...
  4. I don't want to see any animal get hurt, but why couldn't whatever it was eat the ugly chickens? Instead, it ate my silkies
  5. I'm just glad it was Jason that discovered it...not me. I know that sounds mean, but I can't help it! And he can't even find their bodies....just bloody feathers.
  6. R.I.P. Lance Cpl Harper and thanks for your ultimate sacrifice for me
  7. My poor little fuzzy chickens and my broken crower rooster got eaten Tow thinks it was a possum or a racoon. sigh...they were so cute
  8. you are 100% correct, they do...but with doctors, we have a choice not to go back. And as far as being held to a higher standard...what do you think would have been said if the man hit a child while he was driving like a maniac? Then it would have been the police officer's fault because he didn't stop him. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I could see where the argument would be different if the officer was rude and nasty and made it take an extraordinarily long amount of time, but he didn't. He was simply doing his job. It wasn't the police officer's fault that the man
  9. Nevermind the school children he was protecting by pulling over the man that was near double the speed limit in a school zone. See, here's the problem. The police are never right. No matter what they do, someone is going to complain. Perhaps why thats so many of them seem like jackasses. If someone bitched about any and everything we all did, we would probably be the same way. Fact of the matter is that the man was driving like a dumbass. He should have called an ambulance...thats what they are for.
  10. we are going to the drive in this weekend
  11. First, let me say, there's no sense in being an ass... Secondly, I see what you are saying, but you are forgetting that there are jobs that require those degrees. Curators of museums, for one. Sometimes there is a need for someone who actually has a clue about what they are showing. Archaeologists have a major in history...sort of important, wouldn't you think? Liberal arts...Theatre educators. People who have actually STUDIED the theatre. The history, roots, yadda yadda. I'm not saying that college is for everyone. I am saying that there are things that are overlooked when thinking O
  12. I don't know about you, but some things I don't want folks learning on the job. My doctor or nurses for instance. I would much prefer they go to college to learn.
  13. College isn't necessarily the devil! Eventually, when I'm through, I will have knowledge that NOONE can take away. Its people choosing careers and degree programs without thinking it through that is the problem.
  14. given the current economy...he had to lay off the elves. Santa was cancelled...didn't you know? Plus, he said you were a bad girl anyway
  15. ok folks...the ONLY time we don't do trick or treat on Halloween is if it is on a SUNDAY...and lately, even that has been changed.
  16. I can only answer for myself... No, for me personally, it is not genes. Both my parents are little. It is a choice. It was a choice to not excersize, it was a choice to not eat right. That being said, I'm changing all of that now, which is my choice! I watch as my youngest son struggles with weight. He is short and I know that when he hits a growth spurt it will even out. But I try to watch what he eats as well. He is VERY careful to not over indulge in sweets and junk food, for which I am greatful. I know sometimes it is beyond someones control. When I quit smoking, I put on 50 lbs
  17. I need someone who watched it last night to briefly give me the ending. can PM me so we don't spoil it for those who havent watched it yet
  18. yeah...then the scene after that when he was...lol
  19. I don't know who was more embarrassed. Me or him. I think I may have been...a few times. Tow says lil Tow #1 isn't allowed to watch it anymore lol
  20. I am a HORRIBLE mother!!!! My 15 year old was watching this with me when I finally got around to watching all of it...OH DEAR GOD
  21. nah..I'm early 30s and my kiddo was born there too!
  22. Political Correctness is a crock. Common decency; however, is not. It isn't "right" to just blurt out whatever hurtful thing is on your mind...but on the same token if I do just that, I'm constitutionally protected. wait, nevermind...common decency goes right beside common sense and I forgot, noone has that anymore lol my bad
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