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Everything posted by copschick

  1. ooh...where CP Kings was?
  2. as big of a PIA as it is sometimes, I kinda like living out where there isn't anything. I don't really know how I feel about this. Where is this road going to GO anyway? What is the point is what I'm asking. Sorry to sound so dumb...
  3. Im not far...I need a map with street names!
  4. I'm curious too...where exactly is this road going? I see the picture, but that doesn't help me much lol
  5. We lucked up and bought a new (well, new to us set) from Tow's cousin when she was moving. They are front loaders and I love them!
  6. So is being a tramp...but Kim does that pretty well...
  7. AMEN! It is NOT the government's responsibility to provide nor create jobs. That is what CAPITALISM is for. If the government would keep their crooked hands out of it and capitalism be, we wouldn't have this problem. We are not a socialist or communist country...Life isn't fair. The wonderful thing about capitalism is that you are rewarded for hard work (in most cases). You work your ass off, you get promoted, you make more money, and so on and so on. For those of us that aren't afraid of a little hard work and some sacrifice along the way, it is a great thing! The drawback is that capitali
  8. Poor Mrs. LTD hehehe....j/k! Happy Retirement! Congratulations....I'm behind you in another 80 years (at least that's what the checkbook says!)
  9. Yeah...I'm good with Chocolate day! Now if we could get Chocolate and Wine day on the same day...THAT would make me happy! lol
  10. I second that! Owner was a jackass...it was only a matter of time..
  11. They want to be on the receiving end of the socialist society...not the giving end.
  12. lol...that is hilarious! The scary thing is that they don't get it. I am almost willing to bet money that the majority of the people that are "occupying" grew up not understanding what the hell a "have not" was. I'm willing to bet that a great many of them grew up as overpriveledged snot nosed punks that STILL have the attitude that they are owed something. There are jobs everywhere...krystal's in Hiram has a now hiring sign out front. The problem is that they aren't willing to do a job that is beneath them. Heaven forbid that one might actually work hard for what they have and where they
  13. I agree. I have been using this for a while now...FABULOUS!!!
  14. for those of us that have teenaged boys that inhale a whole pizza by themselves, this is a God send! They are cheap and my kids like it!
  15. No area is immune anymore I don't think. I remember when Powder Springs was a nice place to live..
  16. Unfortunately, DGITW, all the surrounding areas want to be "Vinings" so they have torn down low rent apts and housing to accomodate the nicer neighborhoods. All the not so nice area tenants have been forced into outerlying areas. Look at Smyrna, for example. All up King Springs Rd was torn down to put high dollar homes (which incidentally havent sold). Those ppl had to go somewhere...
  17. nope....and I'm very cold natured. We have; however, had a few fires in the fireplace already!
  18. copschick

    Pan Am

    hmmm...just read on MSN.com where ABC is looking to replace Pan Am with something else after this season. Said that they would let it run this season, but not bring it back next year. I know some of you have watched and liked it...just thought it interesting.
  19. Hes so hot he can say whatever he wants LOL
  20. Felix house at Christmas puts MASSIVE amounts of time into his...but we always like to go watch. Its neat!
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