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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I was gonna say kidney inf too. Appendicitis doesn't usually present with pain in the back. Its normally the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.
  2. I'm already into next year too! Damn we are good! LOL
  3. my new years resolution was to drink more wine and be a bigger biotch...I've done great so far!
  4. gog8tors, that would be Jax from Sons of Anarchy...holy wow...YUMMY!!!!! :drooling:
  5. AMEN!!!! Hooters has a kids menu...I hardly consider them family friendly lol
  6. I said no in the poll, but really, there should have been a "given the situation it could go either way" type answer to choose from. Granted, two wrongs do not make a right; however, there are some times where dammit, I'm mad as hell and I don't want to take it anymore! I live in a household where at times, I feel like I'm the only one who ever thinks about me. But I go on doing the things I always do for them despite how "unloved" I feel at times. I'm sure that we all feel that way, families just have a way of bringing out the best in one another lol. But really, there are times, where I
  7. This sort of sounds like the show 1000 ways to die. I always liked the one where the idiots snorted fire ants. Personally, I appreciated that they offed themselves...they did it before contributing to the gene pool...
  8. OMG! I love it! I have always said that if I ever owned a restaurant, I would do this. Nothing worse to me than trying to eat dinner and someones precious little snowflake is acting a brat and the parents won't do anything about it! Speaking of which, I was in Kroger the other day and this kid who was 8 or 9, was completely pitching a fit over ice cream. It was ridiculous. You could hear her through the entire store. Worst part was the dad wouldn't just tell her to be quiet, he was attempting to reason with her which was only making it worse. So then I hear her scream " DON'T TOUCH ME "
  9. :rofl: :rofl: I'm sorry...but that was funny as hell, right there!
  10. glad I opened this thread! I have been wanting to try the Wen products. I have VERY thick and curly hair and I was all excited about how fabulous their hair looks! yeah, I know, you can't believe everything you see...I was just hoping for something where I don't have to put so much product in my hair to keep it from looking like I stuck a metal object in a light socket!
  11. RIP, Jamie... Jamie was my 4th grade boyfriend...such a funny kid back then. Prayers to his family and friends
  12. It is optional. It is a suggestion. That is not a legal sign that can get anyone a ticket. Its simply the store being nice and hoping others follow suit.
  13. AMEN! It would be different if we were back in our great-grandparents day, where having lots of children was beneficial because we needed farmhands. And lets face it, that is predominantly WHY our grandparents had so many siblings. Sure they loved them, they were their children, but the main reason for having such large families was so that the older ones could take care of the younger ones and so they could all contribute to the family's survival. As for the Duggars, have 25 kids...hell, have 30, but if you don't want to be ridiculed, don't put your life on public display.
  14. My cat has been eating Purina Indoor Formula for as long as I can remember. Sometimes litter box odors can be tamed by changing the litter. The Worlds Best Cat Litter was one I found that was sooooooooooooooooooo good at helping with odor. Its pricey, but completely worth it!
  15. no joke! I see it now "Children Hoarders" ugh....disgusting really
  16. hijack...Pubby? You are from Arkansas??? My Mimi lives there ...sorry...end of hijack
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