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Everything posted by copschick

  1. its cheezy, but fun. We went a few years ago. I think you should go, just to say you have been
  2. pfft...like you would ADMIT to a tunnel search
  3. I'll bet that is what they were looking for too
  4. NG...I'm so sorry to hear that Please let me know if y'all need anything. I'm just a phone call and a few miles away
  5. chili slaw dogs from the varsity. And I don't even LIKE hot dogs...but something about hearing "what'llyahave, what'llyahave" makes them good! And I don't mean the fake varsities that have popped up, I mean the big one in ATL.
  6. postcards...then frame them all like a collage
  7. lol Seriously? You are comparing the Redneck Riviera to Hawaii? No wonder you had such a horrible experience
  8. worst service??? Its a beach...what kind of service do you generally get at a beach?
  9. I'm so sorry You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers
  10. Tow used to go there as a kid. I'm so excited...I FEEL like a kid! lol
  11. It was too much to read, but if this is the case, this person is my hero lol
  12. Well, I think the same things, and I was raised in the 80s and 90s. Call me old fashioned, but I STILL think the same things. America is great. We currently have dumbasses trying to lead us, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. We have opportunities that others don't have. If you choose NOT to take advantage and live in squaller while living off my tax dollars, so be it, but know that is your own fault. Those same people are afforded the same opportunities I am. I just choose to better myself. Is it easy to work a full time job, go to school 4 nights a week, and mainta
  13. lmao...jacuzzi tubs and king size beds are hardly camping
  14. We have decided on a weekend getaway to Vogel State park. There is so much to do there! Drive up, picnic, they have a beach and mini golf, then at 8pm, they even have a band playing at the park! We are gonna stay in a teeny tiny little cabin and get up and hang out some more Very excited! Thanks to everyone for your great ideas!
  15. no clue...but I'm not cooking it
  16. I thought about it for a minute...teehee
  17. I had nausea on and off throughout both pregnancies...2nd worse than the first. oh, and to add to that, they are 15 and 13 and I still feel sick
  18. or...they did something bad and were gonna get in trouble when they got home I'm kidding, I'm kidding...I'm glad they got them home safely
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