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Everything posted by copschick

  1. We lived at Ft. Benning. I was at home...scared to death that my husband was about to have to leave to go to the desert.
  2. wow...you people sure know how to be debbie downers. this was NOT what I intended when I posted this. I was simply reminding us all that we should be kind to our fellow Americans. I know its heartbreaking, I know that there are many who lost loved ones. I also know that there was a nation that rose above and showed her greatness. That was all I was trying to point out.
  3. The mother should be arrested for attempting to turn her 4 y/o out. :angry2:
  4. I'm feeling so emotional over the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Admittedly, just as December 7, 1941, September 11, 2001 will always be rememebered, I think to a certain extent we, as Americans, have forgotten. Not saying we have forgotten the terrible act of violence from the radical group that wants nothing more than to see our demise, not forgotten the hurt or the heartache that we all felt on that tragic day, but forgotten how we rose up in the face of terrorism and came together as a nation. All political and religious views aside...I am proud to be an American. Wouldn't want to be anythin
  5. AMERICANS. no matter what the religion. This made my heart happy. thanks for posting
  6. Did you sell that gift card yet? If not, I want it!
  7. no, but thank goodness for Tow being off work tonight....perfect snuggling weather
  8. nope, you arent. Tow and I are madly in love
  9. um...was someone hacked?
  10. Well, I have to say that having sex with Tow, on/in his patrol car, while he is in uniform is like my ULTIMATE fantasy...he would NEVER, and I mean NEVER let it happen. He is such a party pooper But, ftr, if he had a take home car that could be moved into the garage, I wouldn't be opposed to helping him wax the hood
  11. thank y'all so much...I my pcom peeps!
  12. someone has to make you cry I'll explain. My Grandfather and I were NOT close. Haven't seen him since my graduation day in 1995. Hadn't spoken to him since a few months after that. My fault? Partly. But now, that is neither here nor there. He passed away Sunday night. I felt bad because I didn't really feel bad. He had been VERY sick. A stroke rendered him unable to speak, sped up dementia, he didn't know anyone. He occasionally recognized my Dad when he would visit. He didn't live close, I didn't grow up seeing him alot. So, when my Mom called, my first question was "how is Daddy?". I
  13. H2BM...I soooo know the feeling. It is hard to balance work, home, and school. But you can do it! And one day it will all be worth it!
  14. Dang, I thought she was talking about me. I was gonna let her know that my kid is 15, not 16
  15. the last 15 minutes are always the worst!
  16. This is the day that never freaking ends. It just goes on and on my friends..... ugh. I'm SO ready for quitting time! LOL
  17. Tow is a Freemason. I call it the He man woman haters club...but whatever. I seriously don't think he is doing much influencing...
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