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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Now that I've read the law I see where I was mistaken. Thanks for posting it. You guys are great!
  2. A teenager could see more jail time for having a fake ID than they would for committing murder.
  3. McClure teachers sent lists for specific classes home with the last report card.
  4. It's hard to keep a crawling baby under an umbrella. My aunt would lay out a blanket and turn a pack and play upside down. That way her son could play outside with his toys and she didn't have to worry about him disappearing if she happened to close her eyes. Try to do most of the driving during his normal sleep or nap time. Remember little ones are happiest when they have a set schedule. It's hard to keep that schedule while on vacation but the more you do, the happier both of you will be. Don't dread it. Look forward to it. When you're back home you'll be amazed at what you've
  5. I love our parks but I hate seeing them close to vacant during the day. We have wonderful facilities that go almost unused. Instead of cutting back on the parks we need to come up with a way for them to at least be self sufficient. One of the rooms could be a pre-k where children bring their own lunch. Parks that are within school bus routes could offer after school activities. Another idea is for the BOC to stop racking up attorney fees. If they're not in the wrong they need to head toward a speedy trial. If they are wrong, settle it and move on instead of stalling and hiding.
  6. Yes, and I create visual images of the characters. When I watch a movie based on a book I always am disappointed that the actors don't fit the author's descriptions.
  7. I put up 6 pints of bread and butter pickles a few weeks ago. I would love to have the recipe for the brined pickles you get at Ted's Montana Grill. I could eat this all day.
  8. I went to Harry's market in Marietta to get green peanuts. The prices were astronomical. On the way home I stopped at Kroger for some hamburger buns and saw they had green peanuts for $1.50/pound cheaper. They looked better too. I'm glad I didn't get the ones at Harry's.
  9. I've shopped their online store. Doesn't Danika advertise for them? They're goog for specialty items. I've ordered gymnastic mats and was pleased with the pricing as well as the delivery time.
  10. The one on Cedarcrest has been closed for a couple years now.
  11. I love his voice. When I listen to him I feel like I'm sitting at the table listening to my grandfather tell his stories.
  12. Everyone is different. My hair grows 1 1/2 inches per month.
  13. See that's the difference. If I go to a salon and someone charges $25.00 for a wash/cut/blow dry and they do a good job they'd probably get a $6-8 tip. If I were to go to a different salon where they charged $65.00 for the same service they'd still get just the $6-8 tip. I know, I probably would have a difficult time getting a future appointment. That's OK. I only cut my hair once a year anyway. Every Christmas I donate my hair to Locks of Love.
  14. Yes. I don't know the standard amount, if there is one. I usually consider how close to the appointment time the stylist begins, how well she meets my requests, and how pushy she is on selling her products.
  15. What in the world is Randy wearing? I can't make up my mind... Easter egg? Not so sexy school girl? I wonder if he'll stand up and show us whether or not he's wearing shorts. The boy sounds great and I love listening to him -- with my eyes closed. When I look at him all I see is the little twerp on the front of Mad Magazine.
  16. Add to that middle school formals, middle school class rings, year books -- all 13 years, and on and on and on.
  17. It usually comes down to funds and parental involvement. My kids are in middle and high school now but they all had K and 5th grade draduation at Shelton. If your school isn't having one maybe you can donate some blank certificates to your child's teacher and she could at least give awards at the end on the year party. Each child should get an award. It doesn't matter if it's Best Reader, Neatest Desk, or Most Creative Speller. The teacher should be able to come up with something good to say about each student.
  18. Usually cortisone injections contain novacain or some other deadening agent. I would think you'd have discomfort or soreness but not screaming pain. Call your Dr. and ask. Be careful with multiple injections. Cortisone cam be bad for your heart.
  19. I've had family staying with me and today is the first time I've really had to myself. I had to let you all know how amazing SurePip was to me. I wanted to cook lamb for Easter but I've never done it before so SurePip offered to cook it for me. It was wonderful. It melted in your mouth. You can't imagine how pleased we all were. I just wanted to say a great big THANK YOU to SurePip and let you all know if you ever have a chance to enjoy one of his meals make sure you go on an empty stomach.
  20. Clark Howard tackled this question a few weeks ago. Let's say she wants to give you $60,000, according to him she needs to complete papers saying she is loaning you the money at a fair interest rate. At the end of each year she signs a letter stating she is forgiving the amount due for that year ($13,000). She would do this each year until the amount forgiven equals the amount loaned.
  21. Oh Laurie. That's just sad. I've heard of mis-spellings and backwards letters being used as marketing gimmicks but this is just too much.
  22. Ha! When I was around 10yo I opened the door and they went in to their speech. I stood there and let them finish and didn't listen to a word they said. Then, I gave them $2.00 and told them to have a nice day. The men came back every month,rang the doorbell, and my parents would chuckle as I went to the door. It became a running joke with my family. When I was old enough to figure out what they were doing I continued giving them the $2.00 just for keeping me in mind. The same two people (father and son) didn't stop coming until I moved out and my parents finally told them the gig was up
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