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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I can always tell it's coming by watching the birds. This morning I've had a couple woodpeckers (my absolute favorite), a swarm of hummers, and all kinds of others feasting at my feeders. Oh, and when you think about buying the expensive jabanero laced birdseed, don't waste your money. The Paulding County radioacive, mutant, ninja, terroristic, tree rats like it too! Yes, Ninja Tree Rat, the force is with you. May the storm give your nests a good quake. To the rest of you, stay safe. It looks like it may be a good porch sitting and storm watching day. I'm going to brew some
  2. Sorry, I can't help you. Other than anything chocolate I hate Easter candy. Most people go to the grocery stores for candy. Have you checked any drug stores like Walgreen's or CVS?
  3. Pike's had some good looking fig trees this past weekend but they were crazy expensive. I think they were somewhere around $59.00 for a four foot tall tree.
  4. Instead of that horrible green grass stuff crinkle up some dollar bills to use as filler. Lottery cards are always good.
  5. I agree. How about we forget the dancing and focus on the fiddler? He's getting it done.
  6. White vinegar and cold water If the burn is all over pour some white vinegar in your bath water as cool as you can stand it. If it is only in a small area mix the water and vinegar in a bowl, soak a wash cloth, and lay the wash cloth on the burn. It will pull out the sting and you should feel better very quickly.
  7. When you first wash new clothes add a cup of salt to the wash water and it will set the colors. Three drops of gentian violet will cure thrush.
  8. Yeah, my first thought is about hormones. We all lose a certain amount of hair everyday but you can tell when it's excessive.any women lose far more hair during their cycle or when they're pregnant. Any chances you're prego?
  9. Give it some time. I promise, it will make a world of difference. I never realized how badly my husband's sleep problems were effecting our relationship until he got his bi-pap. For the first time we BOTH were getting good sleep and our attitudes about everything were instantly better. He's been using a bi-pap for 12 years and I'm not sure he would still be alive if he hadn't. Sleep apnea is extremely bad on your heart. I hope you find your c-pap or bi-pap gives you all the positive results we've had.
  10. Aeropostale. Their jeans are sized by waist and length. Try their online clearance. I always rack up around Christmas.
  11. For a Texas Margarita - which is my all time favorite you'll need to add some Gran Marnier. It's not cheap stuff and it makes a world of difference. You can always skip all the fru fru and just hit the tequila shots. Less calories that way.
  12. I think I learned this on here but I can't remember from which PCommer. Ants can't cross chalk line. Take a piece of chalk and draw a circle around where your hooks attach to the wall. If you have powder chalk (like they use at gyms) sprinkle it around the base of your feeder stand. It works like a charm for me. I just make sure to re-draw the chalk circle when it rains and I haven't had a problem with ants since.
  13. Of course. But wouldn't you take that up with your child and not his employer or the department of labor? A parent can and certainly should set rules for what a child does as long as they live at home. There are just some situations a person should handle for themselves. If a conversation is warrented it should be between the employee and the employer not the employee's parent and the employer. If the employee can't handle a conversation with the employer they aren't mature enough to have the job anyway.
  14. I usually enjoy your hypotheticals. My first thought is why would you expect anyone other than the employee to handle this situation? If the teen is old enough and responsible enough to have a job he should be able to handle a conversation about his/your concerns with his employer. If the teen isn't satisfied with the outcome of the conversation he could seek your advice. Ultimately, it should be up to him to make a decision about what to do regarding his job. As a parent you get to decide if your teen is allowed to have a job. Your teen has to be responsible enough to get the job,
  15. Yeah, it's not true but it's still a funny story. I started to post it but I knew someone already would have.
  16. No petition for me. I love an outdoor fire. I have an outdoor fireplace that is the center of many neighborhood parties. What about people who go camping during the summer? Would you really want to keep them from having a campfire? To me a campfire is like the dinner table. Everyone gathers around for comfort, chit-chat, testimonials, and huge lies.
  17. Sounds like you should have gone to church!
  18. Victorias Secret bras. I love a well fitted bra. Starbucks Pens and pencils. I'm picky about my writing.
  19. What not to do: Don't go to the eye Dr. and learn you need bifocals. Big mistake for the age conscious. I learned from experience. How about this? Take pole dancing lessons and surprise him.
  20. Good info. Do you know if any of them pick up items? If so, who do I contact?
  21. I've used pool filter sand before and have been very pleased. It stays whiter longer and doesn't tend to thin out as quickly. The best part is it's cheaper and can be found at most pool supply stores and many hardware stores.
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