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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. For some people it's all about perception. They think if their neighbors see their kids asking for work the neighbors will believe they're having money problems. My oldest daughter is a great babysitter and makes very good money. I'm proud of her efforts and the fact that she is saving for items we refuse to buy for her. My hubby doesn't like it so much. He'd rather her work around our house and make money from us. Everyone's different. There's a middle school student I know who cuts grass on his street and makes more than $100 per weekend. I think it is so great. To me, he is a poster ch
  2. ham, black eyed peas, baked sweet potatoes, corn bread, and a fresh sliced onion.
  3. Crock pot cubed steak, gravy, brown rice, peas, rolls, and strawberry shortcake.
  4. Roku/Netflix subscription is $9.95. Roku/Netflix plus mail is $14.95.
  5. I have Roku and I really like it. My kids use it the most. They like to watchold tv series like Charmed and 90210. You need to know that Netflix on Roku does NOT have all the movies you can request and get by mail through Netflix.
  6. Do you have a programmable oven? I pre-mix meatloaves and freeze them. Once it's frozen you can knock it out of the pan and store it in a vacuum seal bag. When you're ready for a meatloaf just put it back in the pan and place it in the oven. I set mine in the oven in the morning and allow it to thaw all day. Then, my oven is programs to come on an hour before I het home. The meatloaf is ready when I walk in the door. You can do this with all kind of casseroles or oven meals.
  7. THAT is my favorite part. I love it. "Dat's thu truuf truuf" has also become a favorite saying of my kids. You can find good and bad in everything. Life is what you make of it. Today, I choose to look for the good. No, it's not racist to me, just humorous.
  8. I hope that virtual school will become more of an accepted option. It will offer great savings to the school systems. Also, it would allow students with different learning styles and speeds to have a non-judgmental alternative. I think it is great as one option. I love the fact that high schoolers can take classes not offered at their school and get additional credits for them.
  9. Most psychiatrists will not begin to diagnose or treat ADD/ADHD until second grade. Autism and other disorders can be diagnosed much earlier.
  10. Thank you Paulding transportatio or whoever it was that put the traffic light on Harmony Grove Church Rd. I was dreading the drive to North Paulding but it was a dream.
  11. Since you can't control what other people send to your phone I had MMS removed from my kids phones. They can't send or receive pictures. They can take pictures but they have to download them to their email on the computer to send them. They have no need for Internet or email on their phones at this age.
  12. Do you do feather extensions?
  13. At 6 weeks old I put a teaspoon of cereal in her last bottle before bed time. It got her belly full and within 3 nights of doing this she was sleeping all night. If you do this you'll need to make the nipple hole a little larger so your baby won't have to suck too hard and hurt his ears. Don't make the hole too big or he'll get too much too quickly and choke. I used a heated ice pick to make the hole larger. Our pediatrician said no cereal for 6 months and no baby food for 1 year. That didn't work for us. My babies were hungry!
  14. Limiting usually only referrs to sale prices. I've seen it a lot on school supplies too. For example at Staples Sharpies are on sale for $.49 per pack (with shoppers card) limit 2 per customer. If the customer purchases 3 then one is full price. You only get the discount with the shoppers card and the shoppers card keeps track of the purchases.
  15. Look at the Lockheed website. Lgeccu.org
  16. Hint: it takes a long time to cook in the oven. It cooks just as well in the crock pot. You can set the crock pot on the porch and cook outside to keep the oven from heating the house.
  17. Oh my. I would love to come and accessorize my daughters but I have to be in Rome all day Saturday. I hope your sale does well.
  18. Convince me why I should pay someone to pick up recyclables. I know a lot of people do it but I just can't seem to justify the cost, even if it's just a few bucks. I already pay a company for trash service but the idea of paying extra so I can sort my trash just makes me feel like I'm getting ripped off. At my home all recyclable cans and paper go in separate bins. When the bins are full I toss the contents in the recycling containers at the schools. I don't know for sure but I think the schools get money for the items recycled. For now, I'd rather let the schools get a little benefit th
  19. The dress code (listed above) is the same throughout the county. It's just the enforcement that varies.
  20. Rotisserie chicken. I have a toaster oven with a rotisserie adapter. I moved it to the screen porch so it won't add heat to the house. It only takes an hour to cook. That hour is great for my early evening wind down. Leftovers are great for a cold chicken or chicken salad sandwich.
  21. I'll admit that curiosity will get the best of me. I'll watch the interviews an read the books. I won't buy the books when they come out, I'll just wait and get them from the library.
  22. I'm sad I missed it. I'm pretty bummed I can't be I'm Pensacola to see the Blue Angels show on the 9th. I love going out on the boat and watching them practice. Happy 4th!!
  23. PM me if you can wait until tomorrow to pick them up. I have a hundred or so that you are welcome to.
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