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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Yes, yes, yes. Decorate yourself how you want but DO NOT decorate your car. It's hard to drive home with slashed tires and a busted windshield. I've been to many races and only saw that type of vandalism once. That was all it took for me to know never to make my preferences visible on my vehicle whether at the race or elsewhere.
  2. Most of the crowd comes from north of the track so when the race is over everyone heads back that way. Traffic is crazy. I have found that when I leave if I go south and get on the express way one exit lower and then head north it cuts almost two hours off my drive home. We always take a scanner so we can listen to in car conversations. You can go to the NASCAR radio truck outside the track and get a list of all the racers and their channels. Use headphones that cover your whole ear as ear buds are a waste of time. You'll want to be able to listen to the radio broadcast especially during
  3. Tonight I'm cooking taco pie. In a cake Pan layer a flour tortilla, taco seasoned ground beef, flour tortilla, corn and cheese, flour tortilla, taco seasoned beef, flour tortilla, salsa and cheese then bake until all the cheese is melted on top. I serve this with Mexican rice. Any taco meat left over is great the next day on a baked potato with a little cheese on top.
  4. For daily and weekly cleaning I simply mop with vinegar and water. Then every 6-8 weeks I seal the hardwoods with Holloway House. It gives them a mirror like and long lasting shine.
  5. The theater on Cartersville was blocked off by police Cars and fire trucks this morning.
  6. There's comfort in numbers. I feel like poo too. Sorry you are having a rough day. I hope it gets better.
  7. I would hope my first call would be to 911 instead of my husband. Who knows what we would do in a panic.
  8. Parents who sign their kids up for sports teams then ask friends, family, and strangers to pay for it.
  9. No, he said he thinks that, not that he knows it as fact. At least, that's the way I read it.
  10. Today is my mother's birthday so I'm spending the day at her house. I'm scrubbing floors and cooking enough meals so that she won't have to cook all week. Shrimp and corn BBQ pork roast Rotisserie chicken Spaghetti Crock pot ham and potatoes And of course... Birthday Cake!!
  11. Damn. You can't catch a break can you? If its not one thing, it's three others. I'm glad you stood your ground. Good luck tomorrow.
  12. I voted at Russom around 12:30. There wasn't anyone voting when I got there and no one else came in before I left.
  13. You can donate them to the library simply by taking them in or dropping them in the overnight bin. However, don't be surprised if you go in a week or so later and find they are on the "For Sale" shelf. I you want a receipt for tax purposes you'll need to go in. Lord knows our libraries need help. There are sooo many empty shelves.
  14. When you order a burger and the meat is falling out the side of the bun. Then, you can't re-stack it because the cheese has melted to the bun and it tears all to hell. When a server hands you a drink that she had been holding from the top instead of the side. Come on, I don't want to put my lips where your fingers have been.
  15. Horrifying. I'm Impressed with the mass response of emergency personnel.
  16. My cousin's son is living in a home with plenty of resources. He was offered a "wish". Not wanting to be selfish, he opted for a relatively inexpensive wish. He is having a master designer create his home with Legos. Each Lego store already has a master builder on staff who normally wait for projects. The builder is going all out! He is creating each level of the house and is including furniture. I can't wait to see the finished project. I'm so proud of him for taking advantage of the offer without choosing a project that would lessen the money spent on other patients of lesser wealthy
  17. Georgia received millions in Fed money to build the ARC. Since residents didn't want it we had to send the money back. Now we are being asked to give more money in taxes to build some roads and a few pet projects. It sure would have been nice if the ARC had been built and the cost would have been shared.
  18. According to WSB it's on the Cobb side.
  19. It may depend on the particular bank's policies. When I first married, my husband and I went to Wachovia to have his mother's name removed from one of his accounts and my name added. We were told that they could not remove a name. We had to close the account and open a new one in our names.
  20. Concern, we see you down there. Are you in or out?
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