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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. You are right. The turning lane there is way too short. Regardless, drivers are breaking the law. Bad drivers + badly designed intersection = disaster in the making.
  2. North Paulding district. From 41 turn on to 92 (Dallas Acworth Highway). At your third traffic light 92 turns left. This intersection is called Crossroads. Many Paulding natives know it as the old Grogan Store crossroads.
  3. This name sounds familiar. Has she done this before? Any way to get a picture for us?
  4. Man, I really need a glass of wine. I read your title as "the next sewing class". I thought WTH, is the Postman putting together a We Are the World quilt? I guess I should start reading PCom from my computer instead of a little phone. My imagination is just having a blast.
  5. I tried it. The nicest thing I can say is STAY AWAY! Stay VERY FAR away!
  6. Nope. He had to get the license first so he could verify whether or not she has a warrant before he allows her to drive off and enter a crowded store in search for a restroom. Her reluctance to show her license will prove to be a much larger and more expensive problem than her kidney infection.
  7. I don't see a change that would warrant the average user to run out and get one. If you used it as your solo business device and needed the extra speed to support your family, OK. That's just not the average person. BTW, have any of you seen people camping out for the 5 like you've seen for the past upgrades?
  8. Since you are being hired for a contract position you just submit the training time with your pay request. I would expect an executive assistant's job requirements to be WIT (whatever it takes to make the boss' job easier). Relieving the receptionist for lunch or the occasional absence could very easily fall into that category.
  9. When I need humor any book by Janet Evanovich is my hero. I live mystery novels so anything by James Patterson is an easy read. Last night I started his new book "ZOO". I haveto say it has a MUCh different storyline than anything else of his I've read. And I've read them all. It's kind of refreshing to see him stepping out of his typical mystery outline. I have noticed in "ZOO" as well as his "Maximum Ride" series he is taking on the idea of man-made evolution and climate change more and more. John Grisham is always good for a judicial mystery. Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult a
  10. As far as the video, I support the free speech of any American. I also support our right to change a channel or not watch. I have to ask, what does YouTube get out of publishing this? As a privately owned company they get to choose what they will publish and what they won't. Why would YouTube (again, a private company) choose to give center stage to such idiots?
  11. But is Muslim really that much like any other religion? Do Christians believe they will enter the gates of Heaven by blowing themselves up and killing others at the same time? Do Christians believe they will ascend to Heaven after they have murdered non-Christians? I'm not looking for a debate. I'm looking for answers. The Muslims I know are peaceful as well so I choose to believe these activists are groups of extremists. Although, I've never asked my Muslim friends about their beliefs because I identify my friends by how we treat each other individually, not by their religion. Maybe I sho
  12. It's the future of transportation -- the bionic horse and buggy with no emissions.
  13. No, they are always preparing for the jihad. Please correct me if I am wrong. I really would like to believe they have a peaceful religion with factions of extremists just like any other religion. The whole jihad idea kind of blows that out of the water.
  14. Make sure to tell her to add limits. Ex... Agrees to pay half of closing cost not exceeding $xxx Agrees to pay no more than $xxx for termite letter, home inspector, and any repairs necessary due to findings of inspector.
  15. I know about the driving regulations but I wasn't up to date on te curfew. Fortunately, it's not something I need to worry about yet. Thanks for the info.
  16. I am a fan of the kiosks but not necessarily of all the locations. They do not need to be in residential areas or placed on the side of the road leading out of Paulding. They need to be welcoming people in to Paulding as well as directing newcomers to commercial areas. I do wish they were better quality. The one diagonal from Starbucks at crossroads already looks like its falling apart.
  17. Normally, the employer knows who is working, who isn't, who is late, who is on time, who goes the extra mile, and who is a clock watcher. As long as the company is doing well the boss may choose to look the other way. Calling someone out will only label you a trouble maker. Remember, the problem doesn't always rest with the employee, it's often the employer who chooses to allow them to get away with their non-productive actions. There will come a time when this will catch up with them. Eventually, you will see management changes instead of employee changes.
  18. Bentwater subdivision. Starts Friday 8:00am. I have a few toddler toys, but not many. PM me if you want the address.
  19. I usually don't reply either. I was taught NOT to throw fuel on the fire. I actually like to hear opinions that are different from mine. Everyone (well, most people) have the ability to form their own opinion, just as I have the ability to shake my head as I walk away. I am a person who will admit that no political party is anywhere near perfect. I hate it that we have deteriorated to a country that does not vote "for" a candidate, but "against" one. At least we are given an opportunity to make up out own mind and voice it. I guess I'm just in a generous mood today. Everyone sh
  20. Awww, come on. Give the guy a break. I don't read everything he posts and most of what I do read I disagree with. If nothing else, he gives us something to think about. A little brain exercise won't hurt you, will it? It takes all types to make the world spin.
  21. I believe you can have yard sale signs out Friday thru Sunday. It's just the people picking them up are getting over zealous and grabbing everything. A few weeks age Seven Hills subdivision hosted a fund raiser tennis tournament for Greg Nall. They put a banner on the Seven Hills sign (not in the right of way). The banner was only up the Friday and Saturday of the tournament. That too was removed. Maybe those who are picking up the signs need a little refreshing?
  22. I don't mind the signs. They aren't quite as nice as the ones in Cherokee county around Town Lake and Bridgemill. I appreciate that the county is doing something (even if it is small) to help promote small businesses to out residents and visitors.
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