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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Love the Swiffer couple also, especially when they dance. I'm so tired of the Geico humpday commercial, mainly because a friend on Facebook posts that commercial every. single. Wednesday. Also, all the Papa John's commercials have me wondering what is wrong with "Papa" John? He's always leaning forward and angled to the left. Anybody remember the commercial from the mid-80's for an auto parts place and the commercial ended with an annoying voice singing "It's 4801, 4801, 4801 Buford Hiiiiigh-way"? That was annoying. My favorites? Lee and Morty, and the Publix one with the babies
  2. She is a hero, she stayed calm and talked the guy down and had him surrender peacefully. Wouldn't you have asked if you could run when a gun-toting maniac burst into the room? He demanded she call the news because he wanted them to watch cops die; I'd want to get out of there too.
  3. No store or even individual is legally allowed to sell drop-side cribs, so even second-hand stores can't carry them. Babies were becoming trapped between the mattress and drop side and suffocating and there were a few deaths. You can't sell one in a garage sale. Best bet would be to ask people you know personally if they have one or know of one; most people probably wouldn't feel safe selling one on eBay or Craig's List.
  4. Saw this on Channel 2 news this morning. It was the mom complaining that her little snowflake wasn't allowed to wear her Skechers with a hidden 2" wedge heel for PE because the PE teacher was concerned about possible ankle injuries. Mom was saying how they "meet the requirements" because they have a rubber sole and high tops. Only mom was interviewed, showing the shoes, with no comment from the school. I agree with the school. They give a schedule of "specials" and you know what day your child has PE and to wear appropriate footwear on PE days. What the heck does mom think is appropriate
  5. Two blondes were walking through a field when they came upon some tracks. The first one says "I think it's deer" while the second one disagreed, "I say it's a bobcat." They were still arguing when the train hit them. A blonde, brunette, and redhead were all pregnant and sitting in the OB's office. They were talking about "positioning" and sex of the baby. Brunette clapped, said "I was on top so I"m having a boy" and redhead said "I was on bottom so I"m having a girl!" The blonde started crying hysterically. The brunette and redhead asked what was wrong, blonde replied, "I'm having
  6. Um, why did you get her something for her birthday without knowing what it is and its use?
  7. Aspartame and good don't belong in the sentence, unless the word "not" is somewhere in the middle.
  8. If you're in a HOA subdivision let the HOA know--they'll cut it and fine whomever.
  9. Hubby had a 3200-square-foot house before he moved to this house, which is only 1700 square feet. He already had a lot of stuff in storage bins in his spare bedroom here, and then we met and got married. His bachelor pad with two dogs grew to include two more people and another dog, then we had a baby of our own too. We've had two huge garage sales and still have stuff stored in half the garage and attic (no basement). We're needing a storage shed to hold our seasonal stuff and yard supplies to empty out the garage.
  10. Yeah, it's intense and 1-2 weeks recovery with the most intense sore throat in the world (and liquid Lortab) and soft diet. Sleep apnea is also weight-sensitive, so if you have the surgery and gain 20 lbs then the sleep apnea can return. If someone is unable to tolerate the machine then it's an option to aleviate the symptoms. I know it wasn't directed at me. I worked for an ENT surgeon for 2 1/2 years so I've got some insight on it.
  11. My ex made the classic mistake: we were out to dinner (before our son was thought of) and a couple had a screaming toddler, my ex hubby made the comment "my kid won't act like that!" Yep, our sweet little boy came "that kid" just a few years later. I really won't let my new baby sleep with us. I let my oldest sleep with us (my now-ex and me) and he slept with me until he was 6. My baby, with my new hubby, will not sleep with us because I don't want to have him be that old and still sleeping with me! I'll lie with him on the couch if necessary, but not in our bed.
  12. Have you asked about different masks? There's the nose pillows and cannula which are less constricting, or a surgical option. Make sure you're following up regularly with your doc; they can "read" your machine and tell how often you use it and how well you're sleeping with it. ENTs can do the surgery, it's called UPPP (uvulapalatoplasty) where they remove tonsils and trim the excess soft palate (at the back of your mouth) and uvula so the tissue isn't covering the back of the throat.
  13. I'm probably the only person in the US who never read "To Kill A Mockingbird" in school. It was read by everyone else and when I was in an English class, everyone else had read it for other teachers and we didn't read it that class. I'd like to read it now. I'm surprised that 6th graders have to read "Diary of Anne Frank" because that's some pretty heavy material for 11 and 12 year olds!
  14. Barbed Wire--so sorry about your loss. My nieces go to PC and very few students like the new principal. Not only has he extended the school day for just PCHS (I don't see how a principal can have one school with extended hours just because he wants to), he's also got a very wacky class schedule. Mondays are normal days, Tuesday and Thursday they only have their even class periods, Wednesday and Friday is just odd class periods. There's also talk of him requiring just PCHS to wear a uniform and he cancelled or threatened to cancel their yearbook signing day. He has not been well-recei
  15. The punchline is just too easy. . .I can't. Anyway, nope, haven't tried the new place, I prefer boneless wings with a sweet barbecue sauce. Also, welcome New!
  16. Who's going to pay for the translator, or will one of the jurors have a hard time comprehending what's being said? Okay, a guy is convicted of a crime, and he's trying to overturn his conviction by saying that a potential juror was wrongly dismissed? How does he know a juror was dismissed, and how does he know the reason a juror was dismissed? Seems to me that he's just grasping at straws.
  17. Runny egg yolks, mushrooms, sushi. The eggs just look like someone blew their nose on my plate, if I wanted to eat fungus I'd lick someone's feet, and I don't eat bait. The biggest one, though, is goat. I was pregnant and a coworker ordered curried goat from a Jamaican restaurant. She opened her container (luckily I had just finished my meal) and the smell. . .let's just say I finished my lunch break sitting in an empty exam room at the other end of the hall. Ugh.
  18. Sensuous--told my old man, sensuous up, get me a drink.
  19. If at first you don't succeed, try playing second.
  20. A lot of drug companies give docs samples, so ask the doc for samples if they have any. Also, if the doc or nurse doesn't mention a discount card, go on the drug manufacturer's web site and see if they offer any sort of discount programs--most do. Glad you went to the doctor.
  21. Water and tea are free, but you will pay for Cokes and alcohol. Not sure about Carnival, but Royal Caribbean has a drink card you can buy at the start of the cruise and it's good for unlimited Cokes. Also, check your balance DAILY because it will creep up on your very quickly. You can check at the purer's office or on your TV, and you can pay daily if you want. You can pay for your incidentals in cash if you don't want them charging the credit card you have on file, but only when you're paying your room balance with the purser's office.
  22. Ugh. It was horrible when state health was under BCBS. I was working in medical billing at the time and ER claims would be denied as "out of network" (the billing for the physician, not the facility) even though the hospital was in network. I'd call and ask them to refile under the RAPS provision and they refused. Their idea was to call the ER on the way there with your broken bone, ask which radiologist is on call for the ER that day, and if that particular doc wasn't in their network, go to another ER. All I have to say is, I'm glad it's not me.
  23. If you've had hip replacement surgery, how much of that European vacation are you going to enjoy while in the hospital and rehab? And yes, insurance companies run our healthcare system and dictate what doctors can and can't order, from routine medications to diagnostic imaging tests. We had a pregnant patient come in, there's one prescription of the type of med she needs that is safe for pregnancy, and that still needs a prior authorization before the insurance would cover it and they know about her pregnancy. Medicare denied albuterol, the medication in rescue inhalers, because the pa
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