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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. The jury declared a deadlock after 5 hours of deliberation. Really? Five hours? Most juries go five DAYS before they reach a judgement or declare a hung jury. I like how the judge told them to get back in there and keep going.
  2. I understand why people want stricter background checks for gun purchases, but what about the people that already have guns? Are they going to force you to submit to a background check and mental health screening and take it if you fail? That possibility opens a whole different can of worms.
  3. We were in a funeral procession once and someone kept driving alongside the procession, never attempted to stop, and a cop pulled them over and was talking to them as we drove past. Another time some idiot cut in front of us to get to the Pizza Hut. Guess his hunger was more important than our grief.
  4. Ellen has Sophia Grace and Rosie on all the time--they're too cute! Check out their other performances and interviews too!
  5. Fired 8 times from 3 different departments, so he was rehired multiple times also!
  6. Love it! Laughter through tears is the best, and her children were doing their fair share while writing that.
  7. Yeah, what everybody else said. As you walk out the door on your last day, hum the Johnny Paycheck song quietly as you skip to your car. When I left my last job I maintained the story that I'd found something closer to home and better hours for the same pay, even when the manager specifically asked me about bullying from another coworker (others had reported it). I never said a harsh word about anyone, just kept repeating the same spiel, even when the manager suggested going to HR and getting me more money and one of the docs begging me to stay. There was no way in the world I'd stay there
  8. Amen! I'm so tired of seeing booty shorts on everyone! Although it's near-impossible to find shorts that extend below the cheeks!
  9. I'm an allergy nurse so that's my motto when it comes to shots: 'tis better to give than to receive! LOL
  10. If you have to go overnight, try Chattanooga. Not too far to be bad on gas but far enough to feel "away" from home and nice setting around the town. Or, buy one of the collage picture frames and print some wedding pictures and frame them. Try black and white exposures or accenting just one color, just more than a regular reprint.
  11. Prayers for this family. I have a friend who's very quick to defend pit bulls (she has one herself, but she's a single woman living alone so it's also a form of protection) but I keep wanting to remind her that while it may be the owners and not the dog, you don't hear about very many toy poodles or Jack Russell terriers or chihuahuas attacking and mauling a child to death, so there's got to be some correlation between breed and increased likelihood of "snapping" and attacking.
  12. Who prescribed the valium for the vertigo? If you haven't, you need to see an ENT for the vertigo. The audiologist at the ENT will be able to do tests and determine what type of vertigo you have and there may be some moderate head tilt exercises that can help. I've never heard of valium for the vertigo, either; it's usually meclazine or even a diuretic and low-sodium diet to get the fluid out. There are crystals in the inner ear and if they come loose and settle in the wrong part of the ear it will cause the vertigo. Check it out, but make sure the ENT has an audiologist to do the tests.
  13. Definitely do Magic Kingdom--that's where all the magic is, the classic rides. If able, get the Parkhopper option on your tickets so you can visit multiple parks. You NEED to do the Fast Pass at most rides. Fast Pass is free and you use your park entrance ticket, scan it at the ride's kiosk and get a printed receipt of what time frame to return to that ride and almost walk right on the ride. Plan a full day at Magic Kingdom then half day at Animal Kingdom (go straight to the African Safari first thing when the park opens--it's amazing) then half day at Epcot, and maybe most of a day at MGM
  14. I've worn contacts for 17 years and have always (until this past year) gotten them from America's Best Contacts and Eyeglasses. They have an office in Douglasville by Target. They have a Silver Care Club at $99 and that covers all eye exams for 3 years and you get a discount on contacts and glasses. The ONLY reason I went to a private optometrist last year was hubby has vision insurance and I went there so the insurance wouldn't have been wasted. I did not like the private optometrist and will return to America's Best this year.
  15. Yes, it's "could have" but it's usually pronounced "could of" and there's no reason for it to be written "of" instead of "have." Heck, I'm still trying to get people to use the correct their/there/they're and you're/your and its/it's and to/too/two. I have a FB friend who thinks it's cute to use "too" with every post, regardless of proper usage, and she also goes to the "liberry" to check out books (although I'm sure they're not read!).
  16. Nope, gotta defend the Duck Dynasty crew. The rest of your comment is spot-on, but leave the Ducks out of it. They're a very close-knit, down-to-Earth family. They act the same on their show as off their show and refused to compromise their beliefs for the sake of Hollywood and TV. They run a successful business and are well-off financially, but live in very modest homes and haven't let their money or fame go to their heads. It's a family business, with Willie as CEO and his brothers and uncle work there, along with close friends. His dad stops in every now and then. Each episode ends w
  17. There's a US military base in South Korea just yards from the border; my cousin was stationed there a year and he said you could see the North Korean military just inside their boundary, waiting for someone to take one step across the neutral zone. If L'il Kim did get an itchy trigger finger we'd be on him like white on rice (that was NOT meant to be racist in any way, I promise). If he tries to invade South Korea he's got to get past our military first, if he hits the "launch" button to fire at the US (haven't his previous attempts failed miserably, the rocket didn't lift off or broke apart
  18. J'smom

    Fess up

    I have the Baby On Board sign in my car. I realized the reason for it once I bought it: when you're driving with your baby in the backseat, you tend to be a tad more cautious than you would be without the kids in the car. You're going to wait for a bigger opening before pulling out in traffic, not going to gun the engine as much, not taking that corner at quite a high rate of speed, not run that yellow light that you could have otherwise made. It's not necessarily for the car behind me to back off (some won't back off your rear bumper no matter what), it's letting them know I'm not going t
  19. We went to the Hiram CFA and they had Team Boom volunteers directing traffic in the parking lot. I had to park by the Sears appliance store and hubby parked by Aaron's. The Team Boom team was also inside, refilling drinks and wiping off tables. The staff was so efficient and it was very smooth--you could tell they'd planned it well! Praying for little Tripp and his family!
  20. I'm surprised a 6-year-old would enjoy watching any two people kiss. Mine would yell "ewwww" if he saw it. If you listen closely on our wedding video, you can hear the "eww" when hubby and I kiss--and my son was 8. I love the point of the story, that mom and dad will love their child regardless.
  21. I'd hardly call Gwinnett "rural" schools, but they are the largest school district in the state. Paulding needs it badly, as does Clayton.
  22. Registration is usually in January/February with practices starting in mid-February and games in March. Call the local organization and ask if you can still sign up. We'd have one or two late starts on my sons' teams. There's usually a team that could use an extra player! Check Paulding's parks and rec website.
  23. First of all, good luck and I pray everything goes well for you both. Secondly, induction does not necessarily equal c-section. Induction just uses the cervadil to dilate and soften your cervix overnight and if nothing's happening then they'll start pitocin the next morning. Pitocin is similar to what your body naturally releases to start contractions. With my 1st, I had a regular doctor's appointment and he stripped my membranes and I went into labor 2 hours later and delivered 8 hours after that (I'd had my water broken and dilated from 5-10cm in one hour). Stripping membranes just pull
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