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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Keep the vending machines but put a lengthy obstacle course in front of it and a lock than can only be opened upon completion of a complex math problem.
  2. As long as purple things are on the banned list--namely, Barney!
  3. I had a pair of rented skates from the family skating center in Marietta and the screw that held the front wheel brace in place came out mid-skate, so the front wheels spun around 90 degrees and when I put my foot down I obviously couldn't roll and did a nice face plant. The really bad thing is the fact I was there with a group from high school, so the endless laughing and teasing began (not a single person asked if I was okay) and I had to limp across the rink to return the skates. Didn't even get an apology from the skating center and didn't bother with new skates. I haven't been on skates
  4. I know He hears me and talks to me because I have faith in Him and a relationship with Jesus. And, to quote Garth Brooks, some of life's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers, just because He doesn't answer doesn't mean He don't care.
  5. I wasn't pulling for either one--my Birds should have been there--but I wasn't impressed. At least the game got interesting in the fourth quarter. Halftime was okay, none of the commercials were worth $3 million, and I don't like the Ravens or 49ers. Alicia Keys made the National Anthem 3 minutes too long, but the Sandy Hook choir was very touching. And that stupid Go Daddy commercial was disgusting!
  6. I'm thinking you missed my point. First of all, I said that e-cigarette smokers should obey the same rules as regular cigarette smokers. I can just see people sneaking a regular cigarette into a public area and trying to pass it off as an e-cigarette, or start suing because they can't smoke but people can "vape" in public. Secondly, I thought the point of e-cigarettes was to help smokers quit smoking. If that is the case, then why would you use the e-cigarette more frequently than a regular when you're trying to cut down to none at all? Someone said they'd rather turn on their e-cig at th
  7. It seems like the same rules should apply for e-cigs as for regular ones. You're still smoking, although a better option, but smoking nonetheless. Isn't the point of e-cigs to help you quit smoking completely? If so, why would you increase your habit with the e-cig instead of decrease your habit? For instance, if you normally have to go outside to smoke at work, then why would you switch to e-cigarettes just to "light up" at your desk? Wouldn't you then be using the e-cig more, which defeats the purpose of quitting smoking, right? I hope that made sense; it's late and I'm beyond tired bu
  8. Your attempt at humor failed miserably. The driver is a hero because when the guy stormed the bus with a gun, the driver opened the back door to get the kids out before more kids could be taken and he was shot and killed during that act. The driver wasn't the one taking kids, he was SAVING THEM! Regarding the gas and cutting off power angles, they don't want to turn off the power because it could set the guy off and he's already on edge. He's allowing them to pass the boy's medications down that pipe so the child is still getting his meds--thankful for the tiniest of good news in this
  9. Superbowl but not sure who I'm favoring. I don't like Ray Lewis with the Ravens or Colin Kaepernick with San Francisco so it's a toss-up. I'm partly leaning toward the 49ers just to keep the win with the NFC. Ray Lewis has his history down here after the Superbowl, but Kaepernick is cocky (can't STAND guys who kiss their own biceps like that) and I don't trust running quarterbacks.
  10. Um, the pastor DID tip the waitress!!!! The 18% was automatically added and he paid that, he just put 0 for any ADDITIONAL tip. I've done that more than once, especially if it's not good service. If it's good then I'll add to the auto-tip but it's not required. Most people tip 15% so the auto tip already gave above the norm. I do understand that wait staff work for $2.13/hour and they depend on their tips but she did get one. Besides, we don't know if a cash tip was left in addition to the auto tip.
  11. Lovely. I get to drive into Atlanta starting tomorrow, so Friday will be my 2nd day of work and I'd rather not be late.
  12. This is too funny. I've seen it a LOT and crack up every time.
  13. How long has Abney been there? Anyway, it is a bad intersection and a light is desperately needed. I'd LOVE a stop sign on Austin Bridge at Mein Mitchell. If you're sitting on Mein Mitchell to turn left/stay straight/however you want to say it, you can't see cars coming up Austin Bridge until they're right on top of you. Somebody's going to get hurt badly.
  14. It could be a combination of both. I get horrible headaches 2-3 days before I start my period; it's due to the hormone fluctuations leading up to it. As for pillows, I only use a contour neck pillow, the foam ones that are shaped to fit the head/neck contours, and I take that every time I travel. I even had it in the hospital when I was pregnant and had the baby. I also sleep with a pillow between my knees and you just get used to having it there and roll over with it or reposition it during the night. I started doing that with my first pregnancy and I can tell a difference when I don't s
  15. Yeah, something like $20,000 per episode, but Mama June is putting it in a trust fund ($5000 per kid per episode) and they can't touch it until they're 21 or using it for college. That's the only smart thing I've heard her do. I've never watched the show, nor have I watched Toddlers and Tiaras which launched Honey Boo Boo, so I can't give a fair assessment, but as a native Georgian it's embarrassing to have the rest of the country think we're all like that. I love Duck Dynasty. It's a family-centered show and they are very close. It's great seeing the guys staying fairly humble despi
  16. I'll admit I didn't read most of that (sorry, ADD is kicking in) but my biggest gripe with the first bank bailouts is what the banks did. Banks were given money to stay afloat and help homeowners but what did the banks do? Buy smaller banks. They completely disregarded what the bailout money was meant to do.
  17. He is just a great player and seems to be a good person in general. If you watch him play you can see him thinking. He'll catch the ball, run, and stop to see what the defender is going to do rather than try to overpower them. He's aware of his body positioning when jumping up to make a catch, making sure he's still in bounds. He plays the game very well. I DO NOT WANT TOMORROW TO BE HIS LAST GAME! TOMORROW CAN BE HIS SECOND TO LAST, BUT NOT HIS LAST! It'll stink not having him and I'd be over the moon if he did return next year, but I want him and the rest of the team in New Orlea
  18. Good for the server, but where was the manager telling them to leave? Restaurants can refuse service to anyone and those patrons were creating a hostile environment to those around. I'm wondering if the child's parents said anything to the idiots or the server or if any other patrons said something to the idiots. Some people just need to be horsewhipped.
  19. Or allergic to the brewer's yeast in the beer.
  20. Y'all can have them, I prefer Nestle Treasures with peanut butter or Dove with peanut butter.
  21. Nope, mom is making her pay at least half. The daughter started dating a guy who lived a few hours away from her school. They were getting serious and the daughter was going to transfer to West Georgia where she could be closer to him and back home and finish out her senior year with the same degree. Mom said no and bribed her to stay in her original school by saying the parents would pay for her entire senior year of college if she broke up with the boyfriend and stayed in Statesboro. And mom's making her look at grad schools out of state. And if any of the kids flat-out refuse college t
  22. Good for them. One standardized test shouldn't be the measure of a child's learning or a teacher's ability. If I remember correctly, the CRCT used to be a placement indicator compared to national averages and just showed how we ranked. It wasn't used to determine if we passed the grade or not, it was just to see where we were compared to others in the country. We also had the ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills). I HATE that the CRCT is so heavily emphasized. It causes undue stress on teachers, students, and parents. Some students just don't test well and the entire record should be reviewe
  23. Marietta Fish Market is wonderful. Ruth's Chris Steakhouse is nice for a special occasion (we got engaged there). The Melting Pot is also very nice!!
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