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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. My grandson is 10. We have had guns in the house forever. They are loaded and ready to use-I have a good reason why, and it's a personal issue that I am not willing to share-lets just say I have to for our protection. Anyway, he knows what a gun is and what it can do. He also knows how to use it. We don't hide it like we did when he was little, but it is also not accesible to him or his friends who might come over and not be as well educated about guns. The room (my bedroom) where they are kept is off limits to anyone coming to our house, and that rule (but not an explaination of why) is alwa
  2. Just a little side opinion about answering the door with a gun. I am older, a grandma, and I think I'm basically a nice person. However, I occaisionally answer the door with a gun-I don't point it at anyone-just have it in my hand-loaded of coarse. Usually, this would be in the middle of the night-who comes to your door in the middle of the night? Once it was the police. I informed whoever it was that I had a gun. They asked me nicely to put it down-I did. After completeing their business (something that had nothing to do with me), I apoligized for having the gun. I was told that I had every
  3. HHHMMMM!!!!! Momma always said be careful of what you say ( even in jest ) or you may just stick that big foot of yours in your mouth. Funny how she always was right. Sorry "Pinkcricket"- that must have stung!!
  4. UGGGG!!!! Starting some long overdue dental work on Thursday. Not looking forward to it at all, and now storms too. I have to be in rome by 10:00. hard enough to drive in traffic, let alone in traffic in the rain. and thanks for that heads up-my wipers are shot!! Got to get new ones tomorrow!
  5. I'm glad he won. I've gone up before him on many occasions, with tenant/landlord issues. I found him to be fair and easy to talk to and understand. I also admire his work in the Boy Scouts-being a scouter myself! It was very close though!!
  6. I guess you're right. It's also in how you approach him too. That 'starry eyed" thing probably just inflates his ego. My ol' man met him when he was riding around on his motorcycle (both of them actually) He was at that little mom and pop convenience store down the road from where Travis lives. They talked motorcycle for a while, and Travis finally said "you don't know who I am, do you?" Ed said "no", so Travis told him he was a big country star-lots of #1 records and singer of the year many times over(or something to that effect) So Ed says "well, that's why I don't know you, cause I can't s
  7. HA!! The gentleman knew a good woman when he saw one!! Good for her.
  8. I saw them bring these horses in-tried to claim them, but was told they were in such bad condition they could not adopt them yet. Had to be held for care and possibly a case against the owners. Hate to see just how bad they really were. but so glad they found them befor it was to late!!
  9. I moved out of NY as soon as I turned 21-just went a little to far!! (Palm Beach Florida!!) I hated the heat, the sand ( I like sand on a beach, not in my house and shoes all the time!!), the poisionous biting bugs and snakes, the rich people who thought everyone else was trash, the poor people who were out to take whatever they could get their hands on, the drug addicts and dealers. I loved the beach, but couldn't go into the water because of sea lice and red tide on the gulf side-couldn't swim easily in the lakes either, water moccasins and alligators! The cost of living was extremely high
  10. use one of the cleaners suggested, but if your floor has seen better days, and has water stains, mars and scratches, and just generally worn out, try an armstrong product called "Brite"" The BEST stuf around! You may have to order on line-it's hard to find around here. I have used it in houses where the agent said they had to replace the floors before they coud sell, and the agents were amazed when they saw the results. Says on the bottle that it is not meant for hardwood floors-used for vinyl, tile, laminate ,etc, but I never had a problem. It will probably cause a build up with to much use,
  11. I've posted a few times about you problems-mostly because I have a daughter who was just like him. YES, just like him. I feel for you in a big way. My sanity has only returned in the last few years, and she has been out of the house for quite a while. MY 1st bit of advice, is that this person sounds like she has the best, and most current information on some, if not all, of the issues you are facing. What a great resource-use it as best you can. And 2nd, do ANYTHING you can come up with to help him grow into a productive person, because if he doesn't, you will be the one dealing with his ina
  12. Aarco is good, but I found an online provider-"do your own pest control" ,or something like that- We own rentals, and often have to deal with a flea infestation. Go online- buy "Precor" and "Catalyst"-you need both-one makes the other work better. Kills fleas, makes any remaining infertile, and kills eggs- 1,2,3 shot and they are all dead. The chemicals are all mixed together and sprayed. Ocassionally I have to do 2 applications, but only in really bad situations. You can buy one application or several at a time. Come to think of it, I may have bought the large bottles so that I would have the
  13. I have been thinking and praying for these boys as well, and then the unthinkable happened. My daughte was hospitilized, and the diagnosis was e-coli!!! I'm stunned. Can't imagine how she got it. It did my heart good to see that the boys were doing better!!! Such a dangerous disease. You would think in this day and age in in a country that prides itself on modern advances, that we wouldn't hear of those "3rd world diseases"- am I just naive?
  14. 1st of all, I really like the tires you sold me. I was apprehensive at 1st, because I am such a big fan of Michelins-just not to crazy about their price!! Having been through the hard times we all have faced, that was a big issue. Seems that they drive really well-good traction even on wet roads. I am hoping for a similar outcome on their ability to outlast other brands. I have looked into it, and they are highly thought of in the automotive world- actually used by many racers!! So, your info was right on target-thanks for that. So nice to find a local business to deal with that we can trust
  15. Most people here know that i am loaded with cake and bread compliments of Publix-SOO, I'll bring the cake, you make the coffee, and we'll have a neighborhood block party of a sort- More like a "BLOCK-HEAD" party, with hiim being the block-head!! Just tell me what you want-I am very committed to helping my neighbors, and so are most Pcommers.
  16. Just a sugestion-I say we all (as many as possible, and certainly those of us who live close by!) show up and sit on your porch at 5:30 or so and walk over and have a chat with the man. I'm not talking about violence-just a nice neighborly chat. It should include such topics as littering, alcoholism, and driving while drunk. We should end with a lesson in breaking the law and what the consequences of those actions are. Finally, we should let this guy know how we feel about those things happening in our neighborhood-around our children and homes. As a followup, we should let him know that we
  17. We had 2 young men show up-heavy foreign accent- and wanted to ask questions about the kids in my home and the neighborhood. They led me to believe that it was a survey. I sent them off, and they returned. Turns out they WERE selling a "Study Guide" to help parents cope with "changing education" standards. Sent them on their way again. Just another foreign exchange/ foreign sales pitch. They supposedly were here for the summer to earn money. Must come from some northern climate as they complained bitterly about the climate here. Told them we liked it just fine, and they shoud go back home an
  18. thanks Pubby-this is exactly why I love this site-pertinent, current info in a timely manner-hope we get these guys, and i'll keep my eyes open!! [FLASH=500,804]HTTP://WWW.paulding.com/pix/impersonatorswanted.swf
  19. My opinion is this- Parenting is a verb, it involves ACTION, and that action is to raise a MAN OR WOMAN-not a baby! So many parents are so busy raising a baby, they forget what the outcome is supposed to be. Then, they are shocked when "junior" is still living at home at 30-or older!! This applies to girls and boys! Why is there a difference? What about young people in the past? Were they different? Kids helped to work for their families and raise money, raise the kids, work the farms, care for the home. They were raised to do these things. Children these days aren't raised to do more than g
  20. I never had any interest in Cruise- he is just so much less than "manly", and a whole lot of weird!! Not to great an actor either, seems to do well in pic where his ego plays the lead. NEVER could understand what Kidman saw in him. She is so beautiful in that glamoruos Hollywood style, and SO much more talanted. Still, I see what she thought she was getting-she seems to like that type- I mean the rocker, bad little boy thing she saw in that moview of him where he rocks out in his underwear ( not anything to look at though-underwear or not). Now she has "what's his name"-you know the rocker, ba
  21. Who said you had to hold your tounge? LOL!! If they're brave enough to come out on a Georgia summer afternoon, they shoud be able to handle the heat.
  22. ABSOLUTELY- an old fashioned community picnic. How about wheel barrow races,& three legged races. I have bocce ball (don't know if that's the right spelling.) I'm sure everybody has some stuff around that would make good "prizes" for the little ones. I loved those kind of picnics when I was a kid!! Maybe some of our candidates would be willing to donate to OUR cause!! They can have a little "face" time in exchange. ( no speaches, just a meet and greet)
  23. I think that $5 a person should cover hot dogs and hamburgers and buns. Then everyone could bring a large side dish. I agree that a pre-charge would ensure that those interested would show up, and that the distribution of costs would be fair. I will be there with Ed and Brandon.
  24. I have a wedding dress-size 8, selling for $50. I also have some centerpiece decorations-free. If you are interested, I have an excess of sheet cakes and will give you some-redecorate, stack, and POOF! You have a wedding cake. Find some silk flowers at a yard sale, and have a talanted cousin put them together. Post on the Bentwater-7 Hills yard sale site for bridesmaid dresses-you'l come up with more than you need.Get the women together, and cook like mad-better than anything you'd have someone else do-besides, who would conplain about the food when the cooks are right there. It doesn't have
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