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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. My "judgement call" was not because of Ny tradition or law, it was based on growing up there and my experiences with the people I encountered, my friends and family included. Now, don't get me wrong, there are all kinds of people everywhere, but the number and close proximity of living conditions, simply predisposes one to running into more of the negitive type than in ordinary circumstances. That being said, and humans being who they are, you find more people being followers than leaders-hence, the extraordinary number of less than stellar individuals and circumstances you run into when you
  2. WOW-sorry, but you are way off base!!! Have you ever heard of being Bi-polar, or having Oppisional Defiance Disorder, or a host of other real mental health issues. They are born with them, and they get worse with time. How many kids do you deal with on a regular basis? It's a wonderful thing and a real blessing if you never had a child with these problems, but to make the statement above only shows a deep lack of understanding of the issues parents and teachers face today. How many children do you have? How much time do you spend in a school, camp, or group childrens activity? Probably not m
  3. I feel ya! I am also the parent of an angry child-actually and angry adult now!! I hated when someone implied that she was that way because of me. I tried everything to get her right, but it never worked. Stop blaming parents if you have no idea what the situation is. It's hard enough dealing with kids like that, but to be blamed is more than we can bear.
  4. I'm originally from NY (around the city, not upstate which is very different!), and people there don't show respect for anything or anyone (even themselves) Sorry, but it's the truth. Since coming south, I really appreciate the way people act towards each other (for the most part, except in Walmart for some reason!!). I pull over for funerals, stop and stand for a passing flag, give my seat to someone older or in need, and hold a door for the next person. It just makes the day so much nicer when people show respect for each other.I Don't see why more people don't feel the same way. It takes
  5. Call PCS-they will honestly tell you what is broken and what needs to be replaced-estimate is free, and the repair will be resonable. They are members here with good references-770-577-2409
  6. I agree-you can't have enough of these snakes in the enviriment. Besides, if it's a King snake, he's hanging around because there is food for him-i.e. poisionous snakes. so, which would you rather deal with??
  7. Call PCS-770-577-2409. They're liscensed and insured,and ar members here on Pcom
  8. White Oak Park -off 61 on Mustang drive-great to picnic, go fishing, or kite flying. At that age they get tired quickly, so stay close to home. The park over by the sherriff's dept (off Dallas /Acworth hghy, and just east of Dallas) has the BEST playground!! I think they call it 'Park of Dreams". There are also some great programs for the little ones at the library. The food may be crummy, but McDonalds has some great playgrounds too-an ice cream cone and an hour or so at one of them, and any 2 year old is happy! Sorry, I tend to keep it simple at that age-otherwise what will they expect fro
  9. great idea Pubby-we should also keep our eyes open for someone fitting that discription. He will probably do it again-maybe in the same area. When I was young I ran into these creeps a lot-in NY city!!! You'd be surprised how they stalk the same area over and over. He's here and he's still doing it. Keep your eyes open in the shopping center parking lots-lets get him!!!
  10. Believe it or not, those breeds in particular have a very high bite ratio. The difference is they are to small and don't have the jaw power of a pit bull or a bigger dog. Still, there are many thousands of kids around who bear the scars of an attack of a small breed dog. Ok, you're going to tell me that at least they are not dead-point taken! But please take into consideration my point-the number of pit bulls as pets who do not EVER bite.
  11. Call PCS-members here on Pcom. Ed can handle it all. 770-577-2409
  12. THE ABSOLUTE WORST!!!! I've been in the flooring business for almost 40 years, and their installers don't have a clue what they are doing. They also don't come back for problems, gaurantee issues, etc. Save your money and a lot of aggrevation and go local. Try Dalton Carpet Connection-Jeanette Moon. 770-941-1090-you'll get a great price and a great installation.I use them for all my clients, and going directly to them instead of a middle man (like me) will save you money-tell them Charli ann sent you-they will treat you right
  13. For now, I'm just going to give up on the office employee thing. I have lost about $10,000. in business, and after the last 5 years of hard times, I can't afford to have that happen, not to mention that now those people will not call agin or refer our company. Word of mouth is our biggest advertiser. I am going to get a lap top to take along-even an I-Pad or something similar would help. I need to be able to put together and print out a proposal on the spot. I am not up to date on technology, and struggle to learn the new stuff. That was the biggest thing I was hoping a new employee could bri
  14. Thanks-I'm afraid I lost a client or two trying, but you're absolutely right. When it's your reputation and income on the line, you just make sure to do it right. I've even hired family, but they are even worse!!! I'm going to stick to running the office myself, and try to "get connected" with more up to date technology. Maybe that's the answer to being out of the office a lot-maybe I have to take the office with me.
  15. So, I tried again to hire someone to work in the office part time, but it was a disaster!!! It seems that every time I do, there is a back-lash of problems, and unhappy customers. With a small business like this, it's just better to do everythin yourself-even if it's impossible at times. To any of my customers who have been inconvienced, I apologize. Phone numbers and e-mails were inputed incorrectly, and proposals were late (if received at all !!!) I have tried to contact all invloved and get out the proper communications-again, sorry for the inconvenience. I'm back, and everything is runnin
  16. Call Pcs-members here on Pcom. they have lots of Pcom references too-liscensed and insured-770-577-2409
  17. REALLY_army men are a problem??? Was it the little plastic weapon?? Get a life! Next thing you know they'll be saying that my little pony encourgaes beastiality and the ballerinas are turning the boys gay! Some people have some really silly issues. Maybe we should stop celebrating Veterans Day too!
  18. the panhandle has less jobs than south Florida, and they pay even less !-a little less expensive though, and at least it has seasons
  19. I agree-in 1997 I left south Florida and moved here. Lower taxes (home) lower cost of living, higher wages and more opportunity for women, nicer people, more afforadable housing and everything else, more jobs, more EVERYTHING!!! Sorry-hated Florida after 20 years there and would never live there again-To hot, to buggy, to flat, two seasons-hot and hotter, to expensive, two kinds of people -the "haves" and "have nots" (you are either rich or poor-there is no in between) everything bites, everything is poisionous, red tides on the gulf, sea lice in the Atlantic, snakes and alligators in the la
  20. While we have your attention-are any of you homeschoolers interested in starting a cub scout or boy scout group?? i am involved with the local boy Scout membership committee, and we would love to get together with any group interested in getting started. We would give you all the assistance you'd need to put together your own group. This is a great opportunity for socialization, and developing other life skills. Call charlene (Charli) at 770-577-2409
  21. I have always given my daughters a box of candy-tiny little things that they were, I did not feel bad about the extra calories!! My husband, on the other hand, was diabetic candy was out of the question( he would have loved to get it though!) . I would make him his favorite meal instead. I don't believe that Valentines Day is just for women, or just for lovers. Love comes in many shades and types. I also give my dogs something-I love them too-and don't forget about the cats and chickens. Everybody gets an extra pat on the head or handful of corn "scratch". I'm pretty free with the biscuits
  22. Let her know that we are praying for her, and Ed misses her company on the job!! he enjoyed talking to her every day while he worked there.
  23. Aren't you sweet!! You were a pleasure to work for-and by the way, (if my guess is right!!), how is your dear momma??? Hope she is well and back home again.
  24. keep in mind that even expensive shutters are only about $100 a pair, and I doubt that you have a small enough deductible to cover that. Now, if the claim was more substantial, and they are just blowing wind up your skirt (or BVD's), remind them that your policy calls for returning the property to it's ORIGINAL condidtion, and originally, you did not have mismatched shutters!! Insurance companies often try to get away with paying as little as possible, and if you need to, keep going to a higher authority-ie, their supervisor. In the end you should come out ok, but you have to stick to your gu
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