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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. I agree-I can't stand a parent with the" not my child-they wouldn't do anything wrong" attitude!! I love my grandson, and he is a very good child, but I always listen to all the facts before making a decision. Learned my lesson with his mother-she was quite a manipulator and had me believing her a lot of the time. That is, until we figured out what a liar she was!
  2. I am much more offended if someone called mine or theirs a "VA-J-J, or a twat-I prefer to use the correct word- one I would use with my doctor. No offense intended-"IT IS WHAT IT IS" AHEMMM!!
  3. Although it does happen, you can't automatically blame the parents. I tried my best with my oldest, and she still turned out rotten-just saying. I feel bad for these parents as they have some "fixing' to do-at the very least, they better "fix their little red wagon" if you know what I mean.
  4. If they get used to people, you HAVE to worry about them. Use to canoe many rivers in Florida, and had to portage often depending on the conditions. Mostly didn't have trouble, because it was so back woods. Still, in the same rivers, there was a family walking along pushing their canoe, and a gator grabbed their youngest son (he was at the back!) He died-they eventually got his body back. Have you looked around Lake Sinclaire-other side of Atl? I have a friend with a lake house here and it is very nice.
  5. We often shop at Home Depot. Ed made a huge purchase-several thousand dollars, and when he came home he found they did not charge for some Hardi board ( over $300 ) he went back with the merchandise and the money-took forever to get them to understand. To this day, everyone in the store knows the story. Most think he was crazy, but the management was thankful. They always treat him with such respect. It means the world to him! He is a very honest man, and his reputation means a lot.
  6. The others are right-he will have to file in court-$100, then wait about 2 to 3 weeks to be put on the schedule. Make sure she/he answers the summons and writes in all the details- the argument, any past problems with the landlord, paying on time or early, no previous trouble, etc. At this time the judge will have to grant the landlord his eviction as he has final say no matter what the circumstances, but if the renter did nothing to really cause the eviction, it will be up to the judge to determine how long they will have to move. He may give them as much as a month or more. Still, if you ha
  7. I've been in flooring most of my life. The last 15 years it has been remodeling in general. LL will give you a good price, but keep in mind that often it will be on seconds. You can get just as good a price at Home Depot or Lowes. Better yet, take a ride up I-75 to Adairsville or the exit above it, and buy from the wharehouses. The ones I use the most is off the beaten path, but just my a mile or two - I think the name is Dodds, and Tracy Sheltons is the other-Great price and quality!! I would NEVER use an other company that advertises a lot on TV-they shall remain nameless, but you know w
  8. I got my garden going late this year, and it is coming along slowly. Does anyone have a surplus? I sure would like some fresh tomatoes and peppers, and maybe some greens! Lets' make a deal!!
  9. My carpet cleaner is GREAT, and having a special this month-$99 for the whole house-call 770-899-3606. Her name is Karla
  10. We're planning on a "yote possee". We're gonna have someone with a tractor tear up their den ( we know exactly where it is-there are about 30 or so of them in there), and the rest of us are going to wait outside the area and shoot to kill as they come out. It is a very urban area-across the street from the Publix in New Georgia. The den is in an old basement of a house in that triangle of woods across the street. I hope we don't get in trouble for it, but it has to be done.
  11. I am such a DUMB A$$ when it comes to computers!! I didn't know it was a button_LOL. So, at least you didn't waste your time telling everyone about it. Now, just don't tell everyone how stupid I am-WHOOPS, to late!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  12. In our subdivision, we have a person with a pig, some with goats , and some with chickens. I have chickens too! Someone called on the pig, because it was getting loose and running aroung the area. animal control said that with all the cuts they've been through, they have more important things to do than to harass people with a few extra "pets". They can't even answer calls for loose and possibly dangerous dogs, etc. They only go out for actual dog bite cases. Have you been to the shelter lately? The animals are dirty, no one is available to answer questions, they don't do "house checks" for
  13. I know this happens -my mother walked away from me when I was 2, and never came back (alcohol). Found out later that she lived in the same town-could have stopped by at any time, but never did ( I waited almost every birthday thinking that she would come). Don't know which one of us was better off ! Seems we both got a kick in the butt for no good reason, and now have to deal with the emotional toll. We were both lucky to have had someone who loved us enough to be there for us-for me it was my aunt. Still, it hurts to hear those songs about "mother's love", and to see others enjoying that p
  14. Been there and done that for so long, there are no more tears to shed. 1st thing- It isn't your fault. 2nd thing-you are a good and worthwhile person. 3rd thing-get up off the closet floor, put on your makeup and some nice clothes and take yourself out to somewhere nice-dinner, a movie, something to treat yourself special. You deserve a break. You tried (I'm sure!) It's your mother's day - enjoy it. We birth them, raise them, and then it's up to them, what they will make of their lives. Stand tall, head up, you'll be Ok, even if they are not.
  15. So sad, but so true. The rise of narcotic use is astonomical! It is not only the poor, but everyone's kids that are at risk. With drugs that addict you even on the first use (meth) we have very little chance of stopping the problem. All parents must understand that teaching your kids about drugs MUST start at a very early age. Kids are getting this stuff in middle school, and in some areas, even in elementary school. Education, and I mean really talking about the issue, should start at about 8 years old. The pharase "NOT EVEN ONCE" should be repeated and understood. Many of you know that my o
  16. I saw one down by the water on Regan, at the end of Friendship church Rd!!
  17. My point was that I was prepared to kill IF NECESSARY-it was not necessary in that case, and thank God I did not shoot the person! The other poster seemed to think that once you have "drawn" your gun, you must kill someone. God help us all if everyone with a gun thinks that way!
  18. Possibly, another assumption-I did pull it to kill!! I also was trained in self defense. Actually, I fired the gun because I was surprised, but knowing that we had homeless persons on site, and teenagers who hung out, and even some tenants who would answer alarms themselves, my other training kicked in,( you know, the one where they teach you to use good judgement and good sense when shooting someone) and I did not fire directly at the person. Did almost shot his foot off! We were at very close range. Luckily, in that split second, I was able to determine that possibly I might be making a mis
  19. WOW-INTERESTING COMMENTS!! Hope your own kid fares better when they make a mistake, and ALL kids will make mistakes. Maybe you just don't have any kids and can't understand how this would feel if it were yours? Then again, it is better if some people don't breed, so thanks.
  20. Well. let me see, AAHH, and assumption! ( Like the one where you assumed that he had been assualted-he claims to have been assualted, but we don't know that for sure) " You have never been in this situation" WRONG!! I was a property manager for several years, IN FLORIDA!!! I had a gun, I was called in in the middle of the night to check on burgular alarms that went off (sometimes several times in a night if there were storms setting things off). Cops weren't there yet!! Man walks up behind me and grabs my arm!! I swing around, pull away, and fire at the ground - a warning) Pointing my gun righ
  21. I'm not sure you could call this self defense if you have a gun and the other person did not? If i were in that situation-afraid or not ( can't imagine being that afraid with a gun in my hand) I would fire a warning shot, then aim directly at the person and threaten to shot him next, and follow through if I felt the need. Just seems that a kid would run if that happened. Just saying!
  22. i was wondering about my potatoes!never planted them before, and they are just starting to grow. Hope they'll be ok. i've taken in all of the annuals i haven't planted, and the ones i did plant are very close to the house. i think they will be ok.
  23. One of my Leghornes has a spot back by her tail that looks black and bumpy. Missing some feathers there to. Is this something I should keep an eye on? Should I put anything on it? The others don't seem to be bothering her or picking at it, but I'm worried. What do Y'all think it could be? Do they get mites or fleas this time of year, and is there anything I can do to minimize them? sory to ask so many questions, but I'm new at this and want to learn as much as posssible.
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