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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. I'd go back to the old west, and run a saloon during the gold rush-money, money, money ( the sherriff and I would be buds! Miss "Kiitty" wouldn't be able to keep up with me-Matt Dillion would be mine)
  2. people on social web sites who disect every word or phrase then rant like an idiot about it
  3. I go to AArco pest control-they are down 120 (Waffle House on the right side) I buy my chemicals there-they will give you instructions. Get Demon WP (white powder), and use with a sprayer over the yard whereever you need it. I use it inside too. I take my pets out for a couple of hours, it's never hurt them, but kills everything else. I've even had problems with black widow spiders and scorpions! The only thing it does not help, is problems with fleas, but they have something for that to.
  4. I love High Shoals! North of Dallas on SR 61-go to High Shoals Rd ( there is a little store on the right )-make a left look for the cemetary on the left-park there and walk down to the creek and falls-take a picnic. My grandson loves the place-it's shallow except just below the falls. The water is alwys cool-72 degrees or so-they can build a little pool using the rocks or wade around in the shalows-bring pails and shovels.
  5. lots of wind and rain-just stopped a little bit ago, but it's still dark-looks like more coming
  6. Id just like the personal satisfaction of slapping them myself-I'd feel better (just don't want the jail time that may go with it-people are so sensitive these days_lol)
  7. I second that!!! I don't do stupid, but I want to kill buffoons! Sorry, maybe I'm being a bit to harsh-but especially grown men who haven't gotten over their " class clown" behavior and think it's appropriate even in the most serious situations-WTH!!!!
  8. satisfaction of a fetish maybe? My daughter has the same one-LOL
  9. Are they old enough to work-better than camp-you don't have to pay, just drive them and drop them off.then charge them rent and board!
  10. generally speaking, you can buy once you have a rental agreement. Then they look at the other house as a business. Be careful of who you rent to-do a background check! There are way to many people out there looking to scam a landlord. They move in, pay a few months rent, and then stop. Be prepared to be hard nosed about your business. If they fall behind, it's much easier to pay the $101. to take them to court, then to fall way behind and be out a few months rent .Always get a deposit. Don't remodel your house to your standards, just fix it enough to get it rented once the previous renters a
  11. I've gone to Michele Huggins for many years. She used to be in Powder Springs, and that was very convenient. Now she has an office on 278 out towards I-20 (Thorton RD. ). It may be further, but I still go. She's the only doctor I've found who really listens to what you say, charges half the office visit for people who do not have insurance (I'm self employed), tried to help with samples (medicines), will see you for anything-major or minor, and has even seen my husband in an emergency ( he waits until he's practially dying before he'll see a doctor) She is a doctor of internal medicine who sp
  12. "But for the grace of God", I was brought up right, and so are my kids and grandkids.As for the others, God's grace had nothing to do with their poor upbringing-God would have had it otherwise, but gave us all a free will. That's why some sin and otheres act the fool.
  13. Hmmm-seen it plenty of times, and I feel like you do-what the heck are they thinking! Also, why do they think it's ok to disturbe the other diners? My phiosophy is simple-you're raising young men and women-not babies and slobs. How will they ever learn manners if they are not taught from the beginning. I'll never understand parents who do nothing to teach their children right from wrong, and then turn around when they are teenagers and complain about what rotten people they are turning out to be! Wake up and realize that parenting is a verb (remember your elementary English lessons-denotes act
  14. WOW-might be in trouble here, but is all this really necessary from adults?
  15. I'm not an insurance agent, but this is how it's been explained to me-if the water comes in from to top to the bottom, it's covered by your regular insurance. If it comes in from the bottom to the top, it's a flood, and you have to have an additional rider on your policy-like when you want to cover additional furs, jewelry, or guns.They figure it's to much of an expense and you have to pay more.
  16. WOW-I am raising my grandson-he is the biggest blessing I have ever had in my life-couldn't imagine giving him up nevermind selling him.His mom is on drugs, or in jail, or on the streets. I am so glad she had that one moment of clarity, and knew the best thing was to give him up to me. I've raised him almost from birth. What would I give for him-my life, everything I own, and anything else I had to. We were baptized together last year at High Shoals- had to be the best moment of my life.
  17. WOW-always wanted to learn how to make cheese-can you tell me how? would love to watch you- if that's possible.
  18. My explaination is simple-" underwear is called underwear because it's under there". End of discussion. Yes, if parents were parenting ( a verb, denotes action IE-doing something) instead of trying to be their buddy or trying to be cool, kids would not be doing some of the stupid things they do today. Sure they did them years ago, but not in their parents faces ( or anyone elses for that matter)
  19. went to key West for New Years eve-1999. had a heck of a time with m y then 16 year old daughter-wasn't going to take her (she stayed with her dad) this was an adult vacation. We were 10 minutes late for our hotel, and they gave the room away-decided to stay at a campground-I love to camp! could only find nudist camps (glad I didn't take the daughter) and thought "how bad can that be? -go to camp, go to the beach, and take off your shirt! No way, they informed us that you had 30 minutes to settle in and take off all your clothes, and leave them off!! UUUhhh-not at my age-however, most of the
  20. Check the "petifile" registry-there's probably one in your neighborhood! Don't they know they are encougaging the perverts to drool? Just because older women wear them doesn't mean that children should. And while we're on the subject, just because you're of age, does that mean you should dress like that going grocery shopping? One womans clothes were so tight and skimpy that every time she bent over EVERYTHING hung out. Couldn't help but see it-she was right in front of me and ther was a traffic blockage of men waiting on it. Why don't they just save it for going out in?
  21. We've tried to refinance. but it's a no-go with the banks-they're making it so hard to do even with a 800+ credit score. I'v changed my phone plans and saved a bit there. Coupons for the food, and BOGO shopping (buy one get one) I also buy close to date items and freeze them or use them right away. I've expanded my garden to include onions, squash, and asparagus plus many more tomatoes and peppers-looks like the dish soap I used didn't completely kill them. I'm gonna try my hand at putting up the excess-hope I don't poison the family!!!! Have started a community garden on my larger property a
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