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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. Call the Tallapoosa Drug Task Force-OFTEN. Got rid of a drug dealing tenant that way. As a matter of fact, have the whole neighborhood call them as often as possible. Funny how a car cruising by the house with blacked out windows gets their attention. Last thing you need with all those impressionable kids around is a crack house (or whatever). Next thing you know they will be looking for new customers or a way to entertain their existing clientel while they wait.
  2. Oh God! Didn't know how much that sounded like a "lonely hearts club" ad-Oh well. Any way, that's me-strong and sassy (and getting a little old), but still fiesty and full fo spunk ( now that almost sounds nasty!) Upping my standards is on my agenda-tired of doing for others (men) and not getting in return. I'm not a male basher though-love the home life routine, just tired of the kind who keep on taking and complain all the way. The next one better have more testosterone then me.
  3. My daughter is an addict-damn near killed me so many times not to be able to help her, but they are right -they have to want to change. The best thing you can do is stop blaming yourself and trying to do something. Help the others around them to come to terms with it, and don't look for the faults ( and help them to do the same) Cut the ties, and let life take them down the drain. If there are children involved, help them to get out of the living hell they are in before it's to late.The best thing that can happen is jail, but it's no guarantee that they will get better- just helps to keep it a
  4. Actually, no, I am not married, but I am female!!! Dad was "Charlie", and I'm his only child. After moving south, I found that Charli was a perfectly acceptable name ( I use Charli-ann sometimes so that there is no gender confusion) Would love to find a good man who loves fishing, camping, canoeing, hiking, scouts, shooting guns, riding horses, and farm life, but there are none left it seems.You'd think being loads of fun, not to hard to look at, and the worlds most incredible cook would help, but no luck.
  5. I'm raising a grandson, and construction hasn't been that good for the past few years ( my profession). So, we're doing the "natural thing-mostly. As a Cub scout leader, we are going to Cub Scout day camp, the week after school lets out. I'm working there so it won't cost to much., and it will be loads of fun-bee-bee's, archery, outdoor cooking, crafts, building, knots, macrame, and scouting skills, including flag ettiquite.If anyone is interested, call John Volk at 770-714-8432-he's the director this year. Then, a week off and the following week off to encampment-6 days of nothing but camping
  6. How about Muscadine wine-I love it and had never even heard of it until I moved here.
  7. I don't want to do anything commercially. I'm just looking to be more self sufficient, and get a better quality of food. i certainly appreciate all the information, and will probably be asking more questions as I get things started. I have found three other families who want to do it with me. What would you suggest for nesting boxes. I have seen 5 gal buckets used in a frame, and stuffed with hay. Do you have any thoughts on that, or would a more traditional set up be better. I am also interested in how to prepare them for winter. I don't think I'll be able to get electric down to the barn-it'
  8. I really appreciate that!! I have had chickens before, but more as a pet ( that surprised me with food!) I did mention i was originally from NY-kind of stupid about anything to do with livestock. Right now, I want fresh eggs-and I know they will cost me more than store eggs. However, having had fresh eggs, I crave that wonderful taste again. I'm thinking that three to four chickens for a family of 3 or 4, would be enough. What are your thoughts on it? Also, where would you sugest I find the best price on feed? Also, I'm thinking along the lines of ( and excuse the spelling on this) I am lookin
  9. I've decided to start a chicken cooperative. I have a large coop on one of my properties, and if I go in with 4 or 5 other families, it won't be to hard to keep up with ( work wise) Now, at the moment, I'm only looking for fresh eggs,but as time goes on it may include meat as well. My husband has no problem killing and cleaning them ( which I could never do), and as long as it looks something like what I get at the grocery store-I'm good. I know your question was not related to this, but I thought I'd give you a completely different perspective on it. I'm really tired of the hormone filled, ga
  10. We've had a kid in our subdivision who has been driving like a maniac for a few years now. With all the children playing in the road here, we tried talking to the young man to no avail. Then we tried talking to his dad. the 1st response was "kids will be kids"-dumb answer. Sooo-we tried again ( after repeatedly screaming for him to slow down) then his dad got mad, made some threats, and told us to get off his property. Then, he started to ride a motorcycle through our neighborhood at an even more dangerous speed. A few weekends ago, he spent the day tearing through our streets, doing wheelies
  11. I'm plugging along, but mine does not look as good as yours! Wish it did. I am doing better than last year though. Need to figure out the seceret to good peppers-they're scrawny! What should I put on them?
  12. There are two "sports collectable" shops at the Douglasville mall-maybe they'll have it! I know it's not Hiram, but it's not to far.
  13. Isn't paulding Co. a great place to live (minus the perverts) I'm a "transplant" from the north (turned 21, and turned tail and ran south!) I love the people, the schools, the whole dang place. What a wonderful statement about the kind of people who live here that so many did not turn their backs on what was happening. You wouldn't find that in NY!!! So many times you hear of horible things happening, and later people said "I heard the screaming", or "I saw the guy beating her up" but did nothing. A guy used to always walk by my house with his dog-looked a little weird- but we figured he was j
  14. Best advice I have is to try the yard sales-you can find one almost any weekend for $5 or just a little more. I love mine-use it all the time-I think it's a Sunbeam, but I'll have to check-biggest problem with them is the space they take up, but they are well worth it-can't beat fresh baked bread, and the machine takes all the work out of it-does everything--the mixing, kneading,resting, and baking
  15. Kabobs w/mushrooms, onions, gr peppers, and grape tomatoes-white corn, and baked potatoes(loaded) What about you?
  16. WOW-so much said about nothing! My 14 year grand daughter said it so well "you do you, and I'm gonna do me" !
  17. Hey-call us PCS-and we'll turn that house into something you will love and never want to leave-look for Procontractor
  18. I got mine 40 years ago, and have hated it for at least 35 years. Never mind getting tired of it (which you do!), how about the sun poisioning I got for the 1st 5 to 10 years ( only on the tat) and the fact that my butterfly has turned into a moth. The best advise is don't get one, and if you must, put it somewhere you will never have to look at it and you can hide it from the rest of the world when it gets to ugly.
  19. The point people are trying to make is simple-alcoholism is a disease, a lack of control that the rest of us have. Even the worst of them will tell you (in a sober moment) that it's killing them and their family. However, the rest of us don't have the problem, and don't need the gov't to tell us what day to buy it on or not. I cook with alcohol much more often then I drink it (Salmon marinated in Jack Daniels-YUM!!) When I do drink, it's in moderation-no one needs to tell me to stop. My religion does not prohibit me from doing it. My sense of right and wrong does. A drunk will get drunk every
  20. I am real-I'm not talking about a sip or two, I['m talking about people with a drinking problem. They will find any way to get alcohol, so limiting access on one day won't change a thing. They will plan for it, stock up, and drink anyway. Prohibition does not work- it didn't before, and it won't now. It only gives the criminal element the chance to make an illegal dollar. Haven't you ever seen someone slinking out of the local convenience store on sunday with a paper bag under their jacket?
  21. In my opinion (after all everybody has one no matter how much it may stink!), there are 2 main issues here. 1-the separation of church and state ( not everybody believes that alcohol is a sin, after all Jesus drank wine and found it to be important enough to make more at the wedding of his friend, and many Christians continue to use wine for Communion on Sunday ), and 2-drunks will get their drunk on one way or another. Why is it that some people feel it necessary to impose their will on others? Let's get rid of household cleaning products-after all some children find them , drink them, and di
  22. Interesting how some get the idea that limiting access might make it somehow "special". This is about communication, and limiting it would make it less useful.
  23. I bought a pc. of property just off 61 about 10 years ago. I was told then that it would be widened through Ridge Rd., by on of the council members ( he died in a plane crash several years ago) Recently, I watched a meeting where they discussed a "toll rd." that would go through Cartersville and Dallas, and into Carroll county -sounds like 61 to me, although they never mentioned what that road would be. There has also been talk of an "outer corridor", wonder if that's the toll rd. they started to talk about. The time frame that was mentioned in the meeting was that it would start in about 3 t
  24. Wow-the mystery of the Humming birds! I thought my cats had scared them off, but they never were a problem before.So, where in the world have the Humming birds gone?
  25. Join the crowd-thought I had Strep-sore throat, swollen glands,fever-even somewhat delrious! No fun! Worse then my fall allergies!
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