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Everything posted by pcs-charli

  1. ED lost his wallet in Orlando. there was almost a thousand dollars in cash in it (lots of credit cards too ), and we figured we'd never see it again, and were sick over it. When we got home there was a message from the police dept. A tourist form England had found it and turned it in ( turned out later that it was a police officer on vacation) Everything was still in it! WE called him to thank him and offered to send him a reward. He wouldn't take it. I always think of that guy and how much it meant to us to get that back-could have been a ugly end to what otherwise was a nice vacation. No, I
  2. Oh, great-then the police and firemen got their donuts a day ahead of time-Yeah!!!!!!
  3. I was doing so well until I fried everything with the dish soap thing! Yesterday, my cub master came by with a half dozen plants or so that his dad grew and didn't need-that was so sweet of him!! Have to get them in the ground today, and give it another shot-no more dish soap though- hope I don't mess up another way. My little easter chicks are getting big, and Ed went to get the dog pen. Now, if he'll just put it up, they will have room to run around. That rabbit cage is getting to small for them!! Can't wait for the fresh eggs. My new neighbor down the street wants to network with locals and
  4. Found this on the 2nd-oh well, today is my donut day. I pick up day old bread and cake from Publix on Thursdays (today) and it was loaded with donuts!! Guess everyone went for their freebies yesterday. Donuts don't keep well after the date, so Ed brings them around to the local fire depts and police stations. Usually we only have enough to bring to 1 to 3 places. Today there was so many he brought them to about 7 diferent fire stations and 2 police stations-Hey guys, enjoy them. You are our local heroes, and we appreciate everything you do to keep us all safe To the rest of you, if y
  5. How about some venison steaks and homemade french fries and a spinach salad with feta cheese? We had that last night -the guys loved it-lots of MMMMMing going on. Or a Publix rotissere chicken (mojo) with a Ceaser salad and some fresh melon on the side-very little work and good for you.Or, some boneless pork chops on the barbie, with grilled squash marinated in Italian dressing and a Waldorf salad ( apples and walnuts) In this weather I'd go for as little work as possible with a lot of WOW factor-fresh fruit always looks and tastes great in the summer.
  6. WOW-to cool! I was happy to just get my face book friends to wish me a happy b'day ( and they get multiple reminders!-almost have to say something) Well, happy belated birthday-I know I can't top that one. Must have been a thrill and a half-maybe two thrills! Can someone tell Jimmy Buffet next year when it's my birthday again?
  7. i don't want to get anyone upset, but I'd like to give the other side of the story. I bring food regularly to families who need it. Some are on food stamps ( EBT ) A family of three that I know gets $304.oo a month to feed them all. "Dad" is elderly, and having trouble finding work. "Mom" stays at home with the child ( actually a grandson ) She is also older. They have both applied for any jobs available, and have been basically told that they are to old ( and in some cases, over-qualified ) The money does not go far enough. The family uses coupons, and shops the BOGOS (buy one get one) They a
  8. I had no idea!! Always was told that it was just the nature of the people there-sorry. Soo, there's more to that story than I know-wouod love to hear more. No wonder they always seemed so "different"
  9. Thank-you all for the help and kind words!! Thought I'd lose my mind when I woke up and found everything shriveling! I did dilute it (about a tablespoon in a quart of water), and sprayed late in the day. Still, they burned anyway! I got to them before 10:00, and sprayed the heck out of them with just water, until there was no more suds. Then I continued to leach the soil. I kept it up all day. The marigolds are burned too, and all the leaves haven fallen off the peppers. I can see some new leaves that look ok on the peppers-maybe they will come back. The squash has some damage, but not as bad
  10. I'd appreciate it-keep me in mind. If my grandson has to depend on me to grow food to feed him, he's in trouble!
  11. LOL-I don't think so- but that would be interesting!! They just call it the "Gypsy Trailer Park" because they are here today, and gone tomorrow-lots of drama with the police too! The police have sometimes talked about having a "satilite" office there. They spend so much time there it would save them all that money on gas.
  12. My uncle was a gardening wiz, and he always used dish soap to ward off bugs, Turns out that today, dish saop is mainly detergent! It burned the leaves-BAD. Does anyone know if the plant will come back? I rinsed everything really good, and leached the remaining soap out of the dirt. They look terrible, and I feel worse. Two months of hard work down the drain (not to mention no "mater sandwiches!!!) Times are tough, and I was counting on the food I could grow to help feed us. I AM A DUMB A-----!!!!! Any nfo would be appreciated-I'm sick with worry-to late now I guess. that will teach me to think
  13. Hey-I need some help, and saw somewhere that you're good with gardening. I used dish soap last night on my plants. My Uncle always used it for the insects. Woke up to dying plants-dry, brown, leaves falling off the pepper plants. Got on line to find out that dish soap is more detergent than anything else now. Rinsed them really good. and tried to get as much soap out of the soil as possible. Do you think I killed them? Do you have any suggestions for anything else I can can do? Would appreciate any info-thanks in advance!!
  14. Take SR 61 north, past Dallas. You'll pass the town, and the school on the left. In about a mile or two, you'll come to High Shoals Rd. There will be a little store on the right-turn left. Go until you see a big church on the far right ( off the rd a ways on the right) There will be a cemetary on the left with a chain link fence-park there! Walk past the old cemetary ( stop and look at the grave stones, they're interesting) and head on down the hill-down, down, down-its very cool down there- and you will start to hear the waterfall. It's not very big (maybe 40 ft, or so) but absolutely beautif
  15. Seems to me that free is free but you have certainly peaked everyones interest!! I do scouts, and many other projects, so I'm always looking for resources.
  16. Welcome! so much to like about the place. lots of good info, stuff to buy or pick up free, and just some interesting topics. Of coarse, there is also lots of misc. jibber- jabber, and that can be fun too!
  17. Great minds think alike- I'm usually not so smug, but right is right! The odd part is when the parents come over to argue and don't understand the simple basics of life. "Why won't you let little Bully inthe pool"? "What does it matter if you don't know him or me?" - "Why won't you feed everyone the only steak dinner you've had in a couple of months"? and the best one yet " who do you think you are telling my kid what to do when he's at your house?"
  18. You've got it!! Can't tell you how many times, when the pool was open, kids would show up in their bathing suits, towel in hand, claiming to be "ready to swim" and I would have no idea who they were-never seen them before!! My reply was simple- THIS IS NOT A COMMUNITY POOL- don't know who you are, or who your parents are, or where you came from. Or, better yet, kids who had been mean to my grandson suddenly wanted to call themselves " his friend"-NOT!!! Simple rules, 4 in the pool at a time- if you weren't his friend all year, you'rw not his friend now-break the rules, you're out of here
  19. This is my 2nd time around with kids (and they are hanging around my house again)So, I set the rules right away-what you can do, and what I don't allow. 1st, I have to have meet their parents ( old fashioned? Oh well, I'm old-it works!) My grandson's not allowed to go to other people's houses without me meeting the adults, why shouldn't it work the other way too? If the parent turns out to be a jerk, chances are the kid will have issues too, or at the very least, you won't have anyone to turn to to resolve problems ( which you will have from time to time) -best to keep their time at your hous
  20. I understand what you're going through! My daughter has had problems all her life. No amount of compassion, counseling, or in house programs have helped. In a lucid moment, she signed her rights away to her son (to me), and he lives here safe and happy. The crack houses, burned out buildings, on the streets, and even in the back rooms of bars where she used to leave him (at 1 and 2 years old ), are a thing of the past. Most of the memory of them are too(although a few still are there) She would bring him, for the weekend, to the motels where she and here friends would prostitute themselve for
  21. Anybody need a good contractor? We're looking for work! The grandson and I were doing our weekly goodies run to the Fire dept on Ridge Rd during the storm, and he got back into the car with ice in his hair-spooky!! Went home with the rest of the stuff to wait for it to calm down!!!!
  22. In past years, the movie theater in Hiram at 278 ran free movies on a weekday morning. Are they doing that this year? Just looking for a "fill in" for rainy days
  23. Well, at least at that age, you can leave them without to much worry. As long as they don't invite the whole neighborhood into the pool things shoud be OK. My grandson is 9, and I have to be around for him or arrange for someone else to be with him. When work is popping, he gets a hard hat and a tool belt! The boy can drive a farm tractor already,- has been driving it since he was 5. I need to get a bobcat, and put him to work. Oh God, nobody better call DEFAC-they'll be charging me with child labor! Still at almost 5" tall and 125 lbs, nobody would know the difference-he's already bigger tha
  24. Thanks for that vote of confidence! So hard when his friends are going on cruises, Disney World, and the like. makes me seem cheap and boring. It's hard to be a grandparent raising a kid-didn't plan on the expense at my age, and have to budget carefully to make ends meet (especially with things the way they are) Still, even if some big remod jobs comes my way, I don't think I'd change much-except to see my daughter in Florida. She has Lupus, and I've almost lost her a few times in the last few years. She lives a block or so from Miami Beach, and that would seem like a 1st class resort vacation
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