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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I have been preaching that for years. They put cameras in the classrooms in the school sysytem that I worked for in Mississippi. It made national news but it worked! It would benefit everyone to do it here. It holds EVERYONE accountable for their actions.
  2. The hyacinths are like water kudzu!!!
  3. Sometimes, but after hearing "My child would never do that" or "What did you do to make her/him say that?" a few times it feels like it's not worth telling the parents. The parents who would care enough to do something to their kids are not the ones who have kids that talk like that to adults.
  4. I hear this crap everyday in the high school. The kids cuss at the teachers without even thinking twice. If all the severely disrespectful kids are going end up jail then we better start building more jails. The jails will be more crowded than our schools!!! Oh, and I probably would have said something. My guess is grandma was scared to stand up to him and make the scene worse in public. Sounds like he needs a good arse whoopin'.
  5. What age is the child? Is she on the higher or lower functioning end academically? What kind of things does she need help with at this time? I have learned from experience that each child is very different on the spectrum. My son is 20 now and he has asperger's. He is starting his junior year at KSU. although he does great academically, he has so much trouble reading people and understanding the social cues that the rest of us take for granted. He has spent many hours studying people trying to learn the facial expressions and he is very open about his issues. He has not always been tha
  6. We are getting it in South Paulding/New Georgia area!!!!
  7. The difference in your situation and the Duggar's is that they have so many children that it is not always one child watching another. They can take turns, so to speak. My sister is 7 years older than me and she had to watch me all the time too. She probably hated it but I never knew it if she did. Aren't all the Duggars also homeschooled? I thought I heard that somewhere. If that is the case,then they are not around many kids other than the family to exchange stories. I mean it is all they know because it is all they have ever done. I am amazed that they have as many as they do and
  8. Mine are most definitely iris. They are pretty and VERY tall but they do multiply! When I had a smaller pond I bought water hyacinths and they completely covered the surface of my pond. I would throw 80% of them out the pond would be covered again in 2-3 weeks. They are some crazy plants. I can't have them now because I have a skimmer on my pond and they get sucked in so all my plnts have to be stationary.
  9. I have a medium size Koi pond and the water iris are taking over. I m going to be splitting them soon and downsizing. If anyone wants some please let me know and I can hook you up!
  10. I have only seen them on TV a couple of times and from the snippets that I saw they seem like a happy and well adjust bunch. My aunt had 17 kids and they were no where near as well mannered and behaved as the Duggars, however they were happy and took care of each other because that is all they knew. My aunt stopped having children when she had a daughter with downs syndrome. My aunt and uncle are both dead now and the remaining chidren are all still close and care for the youngest who is now in her 30's. The Duggars seem like very nice and loving family, and they seem to have a strong fait
  11. Yes I did when they needed it. Because they knew I would I didn't have to very much. They are 17 and 20 now so I don't anymore but sometimes I want to.
  12. YES, YES...a thousand times YES...each and every day I would love to just go off and say what I am thinking. I work at a high school and if the words in my mind came out of my mouth I would so be out of a job.
  13. It looks like someone has been choking their chicken a little to often..
  14. Thanks, Connor's Mom, for passing the message along...and thank you Monkey Doodle for giving me an update.
  15. I am trying to find a way to reach Monkey Doodle Bowtique. Does anyone know her personally that can ask her to send me a PM. I tried PMing her and haven't got a response. When I tried to go to her website it says the "Account has been suspended". I placed an order the 4th of july weekend and paid through PayPal. I am just trying to find out the status of that order but I don't know how to do it. If someone knows her could you please ask her to contact me? Thanks!!!
  16. WOW...I would think that at 26 and 28 you would be through with the donuts on the golfcourse phase of your life. Seems like a 16 or 17 year old stunt to me. I am glad to hear that they are both expected to survive, but would like to know what the hell they were thinking.
  17. I thought it was pretty good. I like it better than the one in the Kroger center on Ridge. thse are the 2 closest mexican restaurants to me so I pick LaBamba. I do however think LaCacina's has the best margaritas!!
  18. Pubby, I don't remember a time since I have been in Paulding county that PCom wasn't here. It is the first place I look when I hear sirens or it thunders or I see anything unusual. When I am bored I love to get on here and watch all the bickering. (When it is done in good fun of course) I have met good people on here, some of whom even helped me get my son's college tuition paid for. That is priceless!!! I was given my Koi fish, that I love, from a PCommer. Thanks Pubby for giving Paulding County a place to learn, vent and make friends. I wish you many more prosperous years!!!!
  19. Got mine today. $290.00 last month and $309.00 this month. Not as bad as I thought it would be.
  20. I don't have girls so maybe I am out of the loop here. I think that kids are growing up WAY to quickly. I love to see children being children. I wonder what these girls will be like when they actually come of age. When my son went to the 8th grade formal it was so over the top that I thought to myself that Senior prom will not be a big experience for these kids. What are the parents going to have to do to "satisfy" their children when they are teenagers if they are already expecting middle school makeovers, 8th grade formals, Coach purses, etc. now? I think it would be more appropriate
  21. fishnthec


    We have had comcast cable, phone and internet for years. Until last week we only had the basic cable (Close to 100 channels but no movie channels). Our bill ran about 150.00 per month. Last week I called them and told them I wanted HBO but I didn't want to pay more because my friend was paying less than me. They gave me the triple bundle deal with free HBO for 6 months. It is now 119.00 per month for 6 months then after the 6 months I will pay for HBO which will raise it to 128.00. Don't be afraid to ask for a deal!
  22. Okay, this is not really a "ghost story" but it ties in with the posts about kids seeing things that adults can't. When my youngest son was about 2 1/2 years old he was already talking very well. He told me once that he was talking to his mama. I told him that I was his mama and he said, "No, my other mama. She died when I was a baby." I thought that was REALLY weird. I asked him about it several times and he would always say the same thing but by the time he was 5 years old he had no memory of ever saying it. A Korean woman that I worked with told me , out of the blue, when she met him
  23. It's so hot I'm sweating like Fat Elvis! It's so hot the Baptists aren't burning books this weekend! (just a joke It's so hot my chickens are laying hard boiled eggs! It's so hot the retirement home is having a wet t-shirt contest!
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